Hercules Walk

Chapter 18 Tony's Misunderstanding

Chapter 18 Tony's Misunderstanding

While driving, Coulson suddenly received a call and his expression became heavy.

"Mr. Dali, the situation is not good. Just a few minutes ago, Tony Stark lost contact. Now, Miss Pepper is leading our agents to take a shortcut to Stark's house."

Hearing this, Wang Dali frowned.In his impression, Tony Stark defeated Obadiah in the end, otherwise there would be no Iron Man.However, he doesn't know how it goes.

His presence must have caused some kind of butterfly effect, at least in his last life he didn't know Pepper had an aunt.

This time, in the face of Obadiah's pursuit, will Pepper be safe and sound?

"Colson, please pull over and stop, I'll go there first."

"Okay, Mr. Strong."

At this time, Wang Dali should be thankful that the headquarters of the Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is in New York.Therefore, it only took him 1 minute to arrive at the Stark House.

The Stark House is a manor rather than a villa, and Wang Dali, who has no passport, can't even enter the gate of the manor.This time, he didn't wait at the door peacefully like before, but directly crossed the gate of the manor, broke through the window made of bulletproof glass in the villa and entered.

"I remember that Tony Stark seemed to have a large underground laboratory."

Wang Dali stomped his feet vigorously, directly crushing the ground under his feet, passing through several underground floors, and came to a basement surrounded by steel.Many precision instruments and mechanical arms around, as well as Tony Stark himself, who was crawling hard on the ground, proved that he did not find the wrong place.

This well-known playboy was in poor condition at this time, and his pale to blue blood vessels were clearly visible.But the most troubling thing was that the small reactor on his chest, which was used to prevent the shrapnel from flowing along the blood to the rest of the body, was missing.

Seeing Wang Dali's appearance, Tony Stark was visibly relieved, to the point where he almost couldn't breathe.Fortunately, Wang Dali saw a small reactor covered by glass on the table at a glance, and immediately handed it to him.

"Help me get dressed quickly! Pepper is in danger, Obadiah is looking for her!"

Tony Stark, who had recovered from the fear of dying, grabbed Wang Dali's right hand and pointed eagerly at the lifting platform next to him.

While supporting Tony Stark, who was gasping for breath, Wang Dali took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Pepper's number.

The call was quickly connected.

"Pepper, I'm here with Tony, he's fine now, where are you?"

Hearing the news, Pepper on the other side of the phone let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm on my way to Stark's house, and I'll be there in about a few minutes."

It didn't take long for Tony Stark, who was eating chocolate, to turn red on his face, and Pepper's figure appeared in the underground laboratory.

She looked at the hole Wang Dali stepped on in the ceiling in surprise, and walked quickly to Tony, who was still looking a little ugly, and held his limp hand.

"How are you, are you okay?"

The most dangerous time has passed, and Tony didn't want to show his weak side in front of the person he liked, so he pretended to be relaxed and forcefully smiled at Pepper.

"How could something happen? I'm Tony Stark."

"What a worry-free boss..."

Seeing that the other party was still able to talk and laugh with him energetically, Pepper's heart that had been hanging from the beginning was finally relieved.She took out the USB flash drive that Tony gave her last night from her bag, and gently put it in his hand.

"This is Obadiah's criminal evidence of reselling arms and buying murderers. Although you may not be able to accept it, Tony, Obadiah..."

"I already know these things."

Hearing the name, Tony's eyes darkened.He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a loud laugh from outside the laboratory.

"Tony, I'm back looking for you! Is Pepper here?"

Accompanied by Obadiah's voice, two rockets flew towards the crowd from the hole in the ceiling, with flames spouting from the tail.

"Damn it!"

At this time, Tony Stark hadn't put on the armor yet, and he was completely an ordinary person in a weak state.Facing the incoming rockets, he pressed Pepper under his body with his last strength, and tightly closed his eyes.

BOOM! ! ! !
Then there was an explosion.

One second, two seconds...


Not feeling the expected flames and shock waves, Tony Stark opened his eyes and found that in his underground laboratory, there was no trace of explosion at all.

However, Wang Dali was nowhere to be seen among the few people present.

"Don't worry, Tony."

For Stark's move to protect himself at the last moment, Pepper felt that his whole body was going to melt.She hugged the other's arm tightly with a smile on her face, explaining for Tony who didn't see what happened just now.

"When the rockets came, I grabbed them vigorously and jumped out of the hole."

"The bodyguard? This is unscientific!"

The speed of the two rockets just reached at least 30 meters per second, and it was difficult for normal people to even capture its trajectory.

Although after his investigation, the bodyguard seemed to have some skills, but he probably couldn't do it yet.

And it stands to reason that the bomb would explode the moment Wang Dali's hand touched the rocket, not to mention jumping out of the underground laboratory with two rockets in hand.

Seeing Tony Stark's dislike for Wang Dali, Pepper couldn't help but sigh that the first impression between people is really important, and said softly to him.

"Tony, be more polite to Dali from now on. Is he my uncle now?"


Tony Stark's eyes widened, and the eyeballs were about to fall out of them.

"It turns out that this is the most exciting news I've heard today."

Surprised for a few seconds, he seemed to remember something, and said with a strange face: "In order to get close to you, that bodyguard really spent a lot of money..."

"What are you talking about?"

Pepper, who understood what the other party meant, rolled his eyes and corrected Tony Stark's misunderstanding.

"My aunt is only 30 years old this year, and she is much more mature and beautiful than me. She and Dali are completely in love with each other for a long time, it is not what you think at all!"


In fact, when the rockets struck, Wang Dali stepped in front of them in a flash.He stretched out his hands and kept rubbing his fingers to create a strong wind that could change the trajectory of the two rockets, abruptly making the two rockets turn around and fly back.

Then he jumped out of the hole after the rocket.

This series of actions was completed by Wang Dali within [-] seconds. From the eyes of ordinary people, it was as if he directly grabbed two rockets and jumped out.

 PS: This is a supplement to yesterday's update, and there are two more updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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