Hercules Walk

Chapter 159 Sewers

Chapter 159 Sewers

At this time, Wang Dali, the instigator of this big incident, came to the door of a crowded pizzeria.

"A new product in our store, the latest Supreme Pizza with 99 flavors. The original price is 188, and now the special price is only 99?"

Touching the thick stack of Franklin in his pocket, Wang Dali smiled.

"It's not bad to use this as a gift. No, it should be said that there is no better gift than this."

After some tinkering, it was early morning, and it was not good to disturb the sleeping tortoises at this time.Therefore, Wang Dali chose to return to the Marvel world.

In an instant, the surrounding environment changes.Wang Dali looked at the clock on the wall, then at the bright sky outside the window, and asked Catherine strangely.

"Katie, what time is it?"

Catherine, who just got up from the bed, yawned.

"It's one twenty in the afternoon, Darling."

"Twenty past one?"

Wang Dali was a little surprised.

"I spent four hours in that world, and here are also four hours? So, the time flow of that world just now is the same as the other worlds I encountered, and they are all the same."

After recording this information with a computer, Wang Dali went to Thanos again.

"see this."

He gave Thanos the pendant that Strange had made in the world of men in black to adapt to the different world.

"Can you improve it further?"

After studying Strange's works, it didn't take long for Thanos to figure out the spells attached to it.It's just that with his strength, he can't use this thing at all.

"Okay, this is very simple."

He tossed the pendant made by Strange lightly, used magic to make it hover in mid-air, and then stretched out his right hand to wave.After completely dispelling the magic imprint left by Strange, one after another spell runes of various colors were injected, and several of the runes obviously borrowed from the runes that Odin had comprehended.

After the New York incident, Wang Dali gave Thanos the bark of the world tree that recorded the runes as a thank you for his help; Gungnir was given to Mindy who likes to use long weapons for self-defense. .

In other worlds, Gungnir, a rule weapon in the Marvel universe, is obviously a target of severe exclusion, and the little rascals with the X gene cannot use it.

After finishing one, the proficient Thanos directly made ten more such pendants at one time and handed them over to Wang Dali, and then continued to hold the bark of the World Tree in his hand, immersed in the study of runes.

After staying in Marvel World for a day, Wang Dali originally wanted to take Catherine to meet the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their master mouse Splinter.But Catherine said that she couldn't accept this kind of mouse that was as big as a human being, and she couldn't imagine what a tortoise full of muscles would look like, so she strongly rejected Wang Dali's proposal.


April O'Neill is a reporter for Channel [-] News.

In other words, she was a reporter before she was fired today.

She is very self-motivated and always wants to make big news, so she doesn't let go of any possible information.Just yesterday, she saw with her own eyes how the Bigfoot Gang, who was the most powerful in New York, was defeated by four strong, upright tortoises.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the news, she also took out her mobile phone to take pictures.However, the built-in flash on the phone exposed her.As a result, not only was it discovered, but even the entire phone was emptied.

There are not only the photos she just took, but also many other useful photos, okay?

Therefore, April, who walked into the editor-in-chief's office to report the news to the other party this morning without any photos to prove it, was decisively fired.

However, the news on her mobile phone today gave her a glimmer of hope again.

"Come where we met yesterday, you know who we are."

It was just such a message that appeared on her mobile phone, but the sender could not be found.The first time she saw it, April's sixth sense told her that the sender on the opposite side must be the four little turtles that she searched for yesterday, and it should be the little turtles that were her father's experimental subjects more than ten years ago. .

Revisiting the old place, April, who saw the four mutated turtles, was brought into their stronghold as she wished, in the sewers of New York City. At the same time, she also saw the mouse Splinter who was also his father's experimental subject. .

It's just that she didn't expect that the research institute where her father worked at that time was the Bigfoot Gang; she thought that Eric Sachs was like an elder like an uncle, and he was basically the same figure as the young master of the Bigfoot Gang.

When she explained the situation to the other party, her mobile phone had already been installed with a positioning system by the other party.When she reached the territory of the turtles, she also exposed it.

"Boss, this is it."

Pointing to the location on the computer, a female leader of the Bigfoot Gang respectfully said to Slade, who was fully armed in front of her, wearing the latest alloy armor.

"All out!"

Slade's words were murderous.It took a day and a lot of work and money, but there was no clue as to the scumbag who stole his financial report.The angry Slade decided to use these his former experimental products to vent his monstrous anger.

It was at this time that Wang Dali, who bought four new Supreme Pizzas, found a corner and opened the portal to the sewers of New York City.

"Oh! Why did I forget to bring a gas mask! They can live here for a long time, it must be because the olfactory system of tortoises is different from that of humans?"

As soon as he arrived at the destination, a pungent smell hit Wang Dali's nose.He frowned severely, intending to take a deep breath of the aroma of the pizza in his hand to dilute the disgusting smell in the sewer.

Then he almost spat out because of the strange smell formed by the mixture of these two smells.

Holding his breath, since he doesn't need oxygen to survive now, Wang Dali went all the way down the sewer.In the end, they found a corner of a sewer on the way, and a big hole was artificially blown out.

Wang Dali, who thought these were the masterpieces of the tortoises, turned the corner while asking politely.

"Hi, may I ask if there is...well, pretend I didn't say it."

Not only the big mouse and the four turtles appeared in front of him, but also many members of the Bigfoot Gang.The most conspicuous among them was the leader of the Bigfoot Gang, Shrede, who was more than two meters tall after wearing silver alloy armor.

At this moment, he was holding Splinter, who was weak in breath, covered in cuts and bruises, with his tail drooping weakly; the other hand was raised high, and the six sharp alloy blades on it were unfolded, ready to give the opponent a fatal blow.At this moment, Wang Dali appeared in everyone's sight with four boxes of pizza in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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