Hercules Walk

Chapter 131 Superman

Chapter 131 Superman
"Clark Kent? What are you doing here?"

Although they are both superheroes, the relationship between Batman and Superman is not good.

Batman upholds the principle of not killing.He believes that he has no right to deprive others of their lives, so even if the criminals in Gotham City were shot for 10 minutes one by one, it is not too much, but it should not be decided by him, but should be handed over to the court.

It's okay if you say he admits death.

And for Superman, it was the same in the beginning.He also will not kill criminals, but hand it over to the police.

Until that battle that left a deep impression on him.

Superman is very strong. Ordinary thermal weapons can't cause him any harm at all. He can fly at more than ten times the speed of sound, has infinite strength, and can emit heat rays from his eyes.

However, such a superman is not without weaknesses, the most effective of which is kryptonite.

That time, restrained by kryptonite, he destroyed several skyscrapers in the metropolis in a battle with the enemy, causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries.

Seeing the innocent people howling all over the ground, and the hurt eyes of the relatives of the victims in the hospital, Superman fell into deep self-blame.

Since then, Superman has abandoned his principles of 'benevolence'.

"Killing is to save more people!"

He said so to himself.

Then, bad luck hits the criminals of Metropolis.

If it's just a petty theft, it's okay, and it can be thrown into the police station by Superman. It should be locked up for a few years.For example, some people who had a gun battle with the police, engaged in terrorist attacks, or intentionally killed people, after being discovered by Superman, those who dared to resist were directly hit by a heat ray, causing serious injuries and deaths to many criminals.

Such a superman makes the people of the metropolis feel extremely terrifying, but thanks to this, the crime rate of the metropolis has also dropped significantly.

However, the support rate of ordinary people for Superman dropped directly from 70.00%20.00 to [-]%[-]. Even under pressure, the Metropolitan Police Department issued a warrant for Superman.

Such a superhero, in Batman's view, is no different from a super criminal, and they all belong to the kind that need to be thrown into prison.It's just that he estimates that there is no prison on earth that can hold Superman, so he gives up.

Therefore, it is impossible to ask him to give Superman a good look.

"Origin sent me here."

Superman said that he didn't want to see the dead face of Batman either, but the boss behind him said that he had to come.

Therefore, this uninvited guest who flew in through the window turned his head to look at the rightful owner who came this time, Wang Dali.

"People from another world, 'Origin' asked me to ask you, why did you come to our universe?"

"People from another world?"

Batman's eyes were fixed, and he also turned to Wang Dali.

"You never told me about this before."

"Does it make any difference to you if you are from another world? As long as you don't make trouble in Gotham City, I think it doesn't matter if Superman wants to live here, right?"

Wang Dali said to Batman jokingly, but he didn't expect the other party to respond to him.

"No, Superman is an unsettling factor, so I don't think it's a good thing that he's in Gotham."

Batman shook his head, looking at the two with disgust.

"If you can, you'd better leave too."

Superman: ...

Wang Dali: ...

"Leave as soon as you leave, don't you think Gotham City is a good place that everyone loves?"

Wang Dali snorted coldly, there is no place for him to stay here, but there is a place for him to stay here.

"Clark, how about taking me to Metropolis?"

"I'd be happy to take you to the metropolis, but the metropolis itself doesn't welcome me very much now."

Since that battle, Clark has rarely seen a smile on his face.Especially later, when he improved his strength in order to better protect the earth, and returned from the universe after completing his training, he found that his girlfriend Louise was married and even had a child.

The adoptive parents died of old age, and the departure of his lover made Clark even have the idea of ​​going to the universe and leaving the earth forever.However, where could he go after his original planet was destroyed and he left his second home, the earth?

Standing on the mahogany floor in the living room, he asked them about his visit.

"'Origin' told me that you came to our world with a lot of hostility, which was very dangerous, but now the hostility has disappeared a lot. He asked me to pass on, if you have anything You can discuss it with them, but I hope you don’t destroy our cosmic crystal wall, which is already weak compared to other universes.”

The God of Origin is one of the spokespersons of the will of the universe in the DC world. His status is equivalent to the goddess of death in the Marvel world, and Thanos before taking down the heart of the universe.At the same time, he is also the big guy standing behind Superman.

"It's nothing, I was in a bad mood at the time, and it's over."

Look at how good the spokesperson of the will of the universe can talk, it is much better than Nei Fuli who always likes to have a straight face, Bat Xman and so on.

Wang Dali looked at Superman with some pity. Originally, the two should have a common language.

He is also an extraordinary person who lives among the "weak" people, but every day he has to face the faces of those who can be killed by himself with one finger.Presumably Superman, like himself, has been giving in.

It's just that the change that the battle in the Metropolis brought to Superman was too great.Asking himself, Wang Dali couldn't accept Catherine leaving him.

At that time, even if he tied her, he would tie her by his side.

Glancing at Batman who was silent and his eyes fluttered, Wang Dali picked up a bunch of bananas from the tea table in his living room, walked out of the window and left Wayne Manor.

Seeing this, Superman nodded to Batman and followed closely behind.

"Clark, have you seen Louise's baby?"

After striding for several kilometers, Wang Dali stopped on a tall building, turned his head and said to Superman behind him, and threw him a banana by the way.

"Of course I did."

Hearing Louise's name, Clark's eyes darkened as he took the banana.

Seeing him like this, Wang Dali, who still remembered the plot a little bit, reminded him.

"Then, do you think he looks like a person?"

"Like a person?"

Superman didn't quite understand what Wang Dali meant.Seeing this, he could only remind again not so vaguely.

"I suggest you look in the mirror the next time you visit him."

"Look in the mirror? Why should I..."

Superman was a little puzzled at first, then his eyes widened suddenly, and he squeezed the banana in his hand into a lump of yellow mud with a puff.

"You, what do you mean?"


Wang Dali, who was eating a banana in his mouth, nodded. Although he didn't know why Clark, who was a Kryptonian, could give birth to a child with Louise, who was supposed to be reproductively isolated, it was not surprising that anything happened in the DC Universe.

 PS: The settings in comics and movies are flying around, and the universe is restarted in various ways. The setting of this book is based on the author.

(End of this chapter)

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