Hercules Walk

Chapter 111 The Kind Uncle Thanos

Chapter 111 The Kind Uncle Thanos

"For Cybertron, let Optimus Prime decide for himself. Although I won't take the initiative to take action, helping him as a friend is another matter."

In Wang Dali's view, since he has this ability, why should he care about helping his friends?With his strength, he is really not afraid of any conspiracy.

In other words, Wang Dali never made friends based on how strong the other party was, or how they could help him, since he was not as strong as himself anyway.

His words once again refreshed Thanos' perception of him.With Thanos' own way of thinking, although he can understand Wang Dali's decision, it is absolutely unacceptable for him to do it himself.

However, Thanos also thought, if he could get to know Wang Dali when he was young, would the situation be different?

But soon, Thanos shook his head, with a slight sneer and sneer at himself, extinguishing this thought.

From an ordinary titan all the way to today, he has gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, survived several times, and crossed countless races, creatures, and even the corpses of planets.

When there is no one, Thanos may feel nostalgic and sad for some past decisions, but he will never regret it!

Is it an illusion?It feels like Thanos is different from before?

Wang Dali raised his eyebrows when he noticed the change in the opponent's aura, as well as the will to regroup and become even better after being slack due to the loss of the heart of the universe.

It seems that as the famous BOSS of Marvel, Thanos is quite powerful.

"Let's go back, Dali. I suddenly remembered something to do."

Thanos said to Wang Dali with a smile that could scare a child to cry on his big purple face.

"Okay. Now that we have recorded the coordinates of Cybertron, let's go back."

Pulling out a portal, Wang Dali led Thanos through countless light-years, and came to the Earth on the Transformers plane, which he just named Earth 2.

When he and Thanos left the Transformers Dimensional Universe together, the whole universe sent them off and sincerely wished them, especially Wang Dali, never to come again.


After returning to the Marvel universe, the time is already very late.Wang Dali, who had a very regular schedule, was about to say hello to Thanos and leave, but he stopped him.

This is the first time that Thanos and Wang Dali have had direct physical contact, which means that Thanos has initially approved him from the heart.

"Come with me, Dali. Come with me to witness the end of an era."

"Witness the end of an era?"

Wang Dali asked Thanos in surprise, is the other party planning to make a big move?
He nodded slightly, said.

"Okay, of course. But, can I invite my wife?"

"……it is good!"

Once again defeated by the brain circuit of the Gu family man, what else can Thanos say?Of course, I can only forgive (answer) forgive (should) him!
After getting the consent of Thanos, Wang Dali opened a portal leading to his small villa, and found Catherine in the living room who was watching TV with Minty and Little Rascal.

"Katy, Minty, little rascals! Change your clothes and come with me!"

After inviting the three of them, Wang Dali turned around and apologized to Thanos.

"Sorry, I called two more, is it okay?"

"Whatever you want, although her position is the master of the underworld, she is a god who cherishes life very much..."

Thanos, who crossed his arms and scratched his chin with his right hand, replied weakly to Wang Dali.He felt that it was hard for him to make up his mind to do something that might change the distribution of power in the entire Marvel universe, but it became completely irrelevant when it came to Wang Dali.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Minty, Catherine, and Little Rascal finished changing their costumes.After discovering that their strength was not enough to survive in the universe, Thanos took the initiative to open a magic shield with a radius of several meters, and adjusted the environment inside to a near-earth form.

In other words, it was impossible for him to do this.

"Thank you."

After thanking Thanos, Wang Dali took the three of them over from Earth.They were a little surprised when they saw Thanos, a big purple man with a height of nearly three meters, who might be stopped and questioned by patrol police just walking on the street, and then greeted him politely.

As the person in charge among the three, Catherine smiled at Thanos while holding Wang Dali's arm.

"Hi, I'm Catherine Potts, Dali's wife."

Compared with Catherine's naturalness and generosity, Little Rascal is a bit shy and introverted.

"I'm a little rascal, and I'm staying with Mr. Dali temporarily."

Finally, for some reason, it was Minty who had changed into her Super Killer uniform and black eyepatch after a long absence.

"I'm Mindy, hello uncle, your muscles are so strong! And why is your skin purple? Are you a mutant?"


Thanos, who had never been called that before, was very surprised by this, and immediately developed a good impression of the curious little Mindy.

"Hello, I am Thanos of the Titan family. In the words of your earth, I am a Saturnian."


"Titan, so cool!"

His self-introduction made the three of them exclaim at the same time.It's just that compared to the surprise of Little Rascal and Catherine, Minty was taken aback for a moment, but then, the expression on her face became more excited.

She took a few steps closer to Thanos, staring straight at his arm that was thicker than Wang Dali's thigh, obviously wanting to touch it to see the difference between Saturn's muscles and Earth people's.

But the strange thing is that after seeing her intentions from her actions, Thanos found that he had no thoughts of resistance.Even, his movements were faster than his own thoughts.

Thanos stretched out his big thick hands, lifted Minty's collar and pulled her up, and gently placed her on his thick right shoulder that could run a horse.


Unexpectedly, this uncle who met for the first time would be so enthusiastic, Minty patted Thanos on the shoulder under her butt in surprise.

"How about it?"

After moving his shoulder muscles a little so that Minty could sit more comfortably, Thanos asked her with a smile.

"So hard, it's almost like a rock!"

"What is this, there are even more powerful ones!"

Thanos opened his empty right hand to Minty and flicked it suddenly.When Minty was able to see clearly again, there was already one more thing inside.

"This is my knife! Uncle Thanos, how did you do it?!"

Touching the empty lower back where a butterfly knife should have been inserted, Minty asked Thanos in amazement.

But Thanos just smiled, shook his right hand again, and inserted the knife back before Minty could react.

(End of this chapter)

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