Hercules Walk

Chapter 106 Gossip

Chapter 106 Gossip
The S.H.I.E.L.D. technical department has been very busy recently, very busy, very busy.

Since Coulson received a large number of samples from another world, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, gave them a death order—test these samples in the fastest time and hand them over to him for review!
This order directly caused the technical department to get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs every day, from the head of the technical department to the bottom.Even when eating, I have to look at the computer equipment, keep an eye on every parameter in it, and even the time to go to the bathroom needs to be carefully calculated.

If Nick Fury hadn't promised them three times their overtime pay, these disgruntled technicians would have gone on strike collectively.

Time went back to the day before yesterday, when Coulson had just been brought back to the Marvel World by Wang Dali from another world.

"Hurry up! Prepare the sterile room, prepare the medicine, prepare for the disinfection!"

Wang Dali did not directly bring Coulson back to S.H.I.E.L.D., but brought him to a medical clinical laboratory specially prepared by Nick Fury.

Here, Wang Dali watched as several medical staff in protective suits stepped forward quickly, and took off Coulson, who was a little surprised but very cooperative, without leaving any fabric for him.

Then, Coulson was put on the patient clothes that had been prepared, and after preliminary treatment in the sterile room, he was pushed into the examination room for further examination.

Blood test, saliva test, subcutaneous tissue sampling.After a series of procedures, Coulson was able to rest on the bed after being suspended.

"Thank you, Coulson."

Standing outside the sterile room, Nick Fury's voice reached Coulson through the microphone in the ward.

"We are not sure whether there are unknown viruses in the other world that may be harmful to our world, so you may feel a little bit wronged and stay in this ward during this time. I will count you as paid leave."

"Really? Sounds all right."

Smiling at Nick Fury outside the window, Coulson picked up the earphones on the side and the outside world with his left hand, and stretched slightly.

"Ah~ Speaking of which, I haven't rested for a long time. Take this time, let me relax."

His optimistic attitude still reassures Nick Fury.In other words, Coulson also knows that Nick Fury will certainly not let such an excellent deputy like him be reduced to a guinea pig from now on.


It was another Monday, after seeing off Catherine and Minty, Wang Dali bid farewell to the little rascal who went through the portal to Xavier Youth Academy.

As a mutant, especially when Little Naughty couldn't control herself, Wang Dali didn't worry about letting her go to an ordinary school.So, after contacting Professor X, he simply opened a portal in his home and Xavier Youth Academy, allowing Little Rascal to return to the Mutant Academy to attend classes.

Professor X welcomes Little Rascal's return.Although she has changed from a resident student to a day student, as long as she can continue to study here, it is good.

After closing the portal, Wang Dali took some cooked food and beer with him. In a flash, he shattered the space around him and traveled through the universe, looking for his new friend he only met yesterday.

"You're a little late compared to the scheduled time."

Putting his hands behind his back, he spoke to Wang Dali, who suddenly appeared on this planet, and Thanos, who had changed his figure into that of an ordinary person.

"Sorry, my wife came back yesterday and there are more things to do."

With that said, Wang Dali smiled at Thanos while holding the snacks and beer in his hand.

"Last time you invited me to drink wine from the Star Alliance, this time let me invite you to drink wine from Earth."


Hearing this word, Thanos had a slightly envious look on his face.He took the can of beer thrown by Wang Dali and opened it with a snap, and he didn't care that the wine he invited Wang Dali to drink was infinitely more precious than the wine Wang Dali invited him to drink.

For a person of his status, the value of the two is the same, because both are wine gifts from friends.

"Why, the Goddess of Death hasn't accepted you yet?"

Hearing the envy in the other party's voice, Wang Dali teased his new blue-skinned friend.

"Knowingly asking."

Glancing at Wang Dali, Thanos drank the beer in his hand in one gulp, squeezed the aluminum can in his hand, and turned it into molecules and dissipated into the universe.

"Even though death hasn't accepted me yet, I believe that sincerity is as good as gold and stone. Although my appearance does not conform to her aesthetics, I will stick to it until the day she accepts me."

"As long as she's still single, it means I still have a chance."

He took out a fried chicken leg from the plastic bag that Wang Dali brought, opened a can of beer again, and sat down facing the empty ground.The moment he sat down, a stone bench rose from under his buttocks, dragging his strong body in golden blue armor.

"It's you. As far as I know, your wife is just an ordinary human. Maybe with your help, she can live for 100, 500, 1000, 1 years. But as a human, even if the body is immortal, But her soul is always mortal."

Taking a bite of the chicken and admiring the special taste of earth food, Thanos also said to Wang Dali.

"What are you going to do then? Make her inhuman?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Throwing the chicken bone he ate into a small pit nearby, Wang Dali shook his head.

"It has only been a few dozen years since I was born. The hundred years, thousand years or even ten thousand years you mentioned are too long for me now. I am still in the state of short-lived species, and I can't understand the long-lived species. some of your thoughts."

"What happened at that time, let's wait until the time to talk about it."

He ate another spicy chicken wing and watched the wonders of the universe change and the meteor flash back. Wang Dali seemed to have remembered something.

"By the way, how is Loki doing recently? Are you still staring at the Rubik's Cube?"

"You mean the youngest son of Odin with a twisted personality?"

Mentioning Loki's name, Thanos smiled, like a child who saw two bugs fighting.

Because there was a conflict about the Rubik's Cube in the early years, he and Odin didn't deal with it very much, and he was happy to watch his two sons fall in love and kill each other.

"I asked the Kiritas to give him a mechanical legion, along with the mind gem scepter. Let me see what the prince who is the same as the frost giant and Asgard can do. "

"Then you should take it back quickly."

Wang Dali interrupted Thanos' sneer.

"Anyway, I'm living on the earth now, so I can't watch him, an alien, make troubles on the earth, as if he is so powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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