Chapter 1

When Wang Dali knew that what he traveled to was the Marvel world that he knew little about the plot, his heart didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

"It doesn't matter what the plot is."

He looked at the Spider-Man whose real name seemed to be Peter Parker, who was beaten into the wall in front of him, and asked politely with the attitude of a good citizen.

"Hello, can I call an ambulance for you?"

"Ah, um... no, thank you."

A good neighbor of New Yorkers, Spider-Man in a red and blue tights stood up awkwardly from the ruins.In order to show that there was nothing wrong with him, he jumped a few times in a reductive manner, and hit a few uppercuts and straight punches with a non-standard boxing posture.

"Look, I'm actually... oh!"

It's just that before he finished speaking, a huge fist made of sand, masonry, and concrete fell from the sky and hit him back again.

However, the owner of this fist seems to have a sense of proportion.Except for some sand scattered on Wang Dali's body due to the fist wind, it did not cause any other damage to him.

However, this was enough to make Wang Dali feel angry.


He pointed to the high-end suit that he rented specially for the job application today, which was covered in sand, and called out to the huge sand man with a height of more than 20 meters not far away.

"This is the clothes I rented, you will lose money!"

Isn't this guy crazy? !

Once again, Spider-Man got up from the ground and looked at Wang Dali, who was angrily demanding compensation from the Sandman, and drew several black lines on his forehead.This is a typical case of wanting money but not life!

The huge sand man on the side, as well as the surrounding reporters and ordinary residents were also obviously shocked by Wang Dali's courage to ask him for compensation.But before he could say anything, another black Spiderman, or Venom, jumped to Wang Dali's side.

"I said, boy. I think your life is more important than this suit of yours, isn't it?"

As he said that, a part of the black tights around his waist was automatically separated in a linear shape, and he took out a quarter coin from it and handed it to Wang Dali.

"Now, take your money and go."

"Twenty-five cents?"

Weighing the coin in his hand, Wang Dali shook his head expressionlessly.

"Not enough. My suit is worth at least twenty-five hundred dollars, and..."


Venom was too lazy to talk to this kind of confused person, so he punched Wang Dali in the chest, ready to teach him a lesson.

But beyond his expectation, he punched enough to break the ribs of an ordinary person, not to mention that he sent Wang Dali flying as expected, and the opponent's body didn't even move.

Looking down at the black fist that hit him under his left chest, Wang Dali frowned.

"I am angry."

When Wang Dali was speaking, Venom suddenly felt a chill, as if he was being stared at by some terrible predator, and the sixth sense was frantically warning him.

Without thinking about it, he raised his right hand and shot a black silk thread to take him away from the spot. With lingering fear, he looked down at Wang Dali who raised his head and looked straight at him, as if he had expected that he would jump here.

"Hey, buddy, it turns out that you are not simple."

Seeing this, Spiderman also ran to Wang Dali's side, and said to him in amazement.At times like this, it's nice to have a helping hand.

"Losing money."

Wang Dali's eyes were slightly cold.He raised his right hand, turned his head and said to the Sandman.Originally, it could only be regarded as an ordinary Asian appearance, but at this time it became majestic and stern.

"Otherwise, if I punch you, you will most likely die."

As expected, Wang Dali's words angered the sand people.He roared and raised his huge fist, and swung it down at Spiderman and Wang Dali who were standing together, preparing to beat them into a pulp.

Seeing Wang Dali with his usual expression, Spider-Man, who felt that the opponent should have a way to deal with it, jumped away decisively and rushed upwards quickly.There, his girlfriend Mary-Jane was still tied up.

After discovering Spider-Man's actions, Venom, who was quick to kill him, also hurriedly chased him.On the other side, facing a sand fist that was bigger than his entire body, Wang Dali, who was completely shrouded in the opponent's shadow, stretched out his fist, which could only be regarded as an average size.

"The first form of Hercules Fist!"

The onlookers turned their heads away one after another, and couldn't bear to watch Wang Dali's ending.Although the camera brother did the same thing, the lens in his hand was always aimed at this place steadily.

Fortunately, his camera was aimed at this place.Otherwise, the boss who gave him a bonus after going back would definitely fire him.

Boom!Sa Sa Sa Sa.

In the ears of everyone who turned their heads or even closed their eyes, what sounded was not the impact of huge fists and the ground, but the sound of scattered sand.Under the collision of two fists with huge disparities in size, the Sandman, who seemed to have an absolute advantage, felt in horror that a force that he could never resist came from his fist.

With the invasion of this force, many parts of his body began to crumble.Starting from his right fist, several black cracks spread across his body.The huge sandman monster whined and disintegrated along these cracks, dropping countless gravel and gravel.

On the other hand, the battle between Spider-Man and Venom can be described as evenly matched.One side is the superpower who fused the mutated spider gene with humans on earth, and the other side is the alien creature from the universe.The two of them punched and kicked each other, and they had a great time.

At the same time, Spider-Man's good friend, Little Green Goblin Harry also rushed to the scene.The two worked together and quickly suppressed the venom.

When the three were fighting, a batch of stacked hollow steel pipes fell to the ground.The collision sound seemed to have caused a lot of damage to the venom, causing it to fall to the ground with a scream, and even tended to break away from its host.

"I see."

Seeing this scene, a look of amazement flashed in Spider-Man's eyes as he recalled how he escaped from the venom parasite.Using this batch of hollow steel pipes, he successfully forced the venom out of the host body, that is, his original colleague Andy.

Taking this opportunity, Harry also dropped his own high-explosive bomb.

But what Spider-Man didn't expect was that Andy was addicted to the power brought by the venom and couldn't extricate himself. Suddenly, a surprising force broke out from his hand and rushed to the venom surrounded by steel pipes.

With the explosion of a high-temperature bomb capable of melting gold and biting iron, Andy and Venom were reduced to ashes together.

Then, the Sandman, who was defeated by Wang Dali and reshaped his body, appeared in front of Peter and told himself the cause and effect of killing Ben by mistake.After getting Peter's forgiveness, he turned into a puff of yellow sand and disappeared into the long night sky.

 PS: New book release, please click, please bookmark, please recommend, please ask for a reward, please ask for everything! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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