Chapter 83 Magic
"Ghosts, goblins, go away! Goblins, goblins, go away! Goblins, goblins, go away!"

Ye Hai chanted a spell that made him feel a little ashamed, and held an instrument that looked like a small vacuum cleaner in his hand, pointing it at himself.

As the spell I chanted began to take effect, a force of attraction erupted from the nozzle of the instrument.

There was a deep blue light on Ye Hai's body, and a red flower shining with dark blue light rushed out of his body and was sucked in by the magic instrument.

The devilish energy of the Earth Demon, Dikui, was separated from Ye Hai's body and put into a transparent glass bottle.

At the same time, Ye Hai's abnormal body shape quickly returned to a human state.

Ye Hai looked at the ups and downs of the demonic energy in the glass bottle, and pondered: "The next step is to separate the devil's breath and the power of law in the demonic energy!"

He took out the materials and began to make the corresponding spells, and finally a dried pufferfish glowing green appeared in his hands.

"Ghosts, goblins, go away! Goblins, goblins, go away! Goblins, goblins, go away!"

Ye Hai chanted the incantation, and a green light hit the evil energy of the earth demon Di Kui.

Dikui's devilish energy was hit by this green light, and it was directly split into two, turning into a cloud of dark blue light and an illusory red flower.

"The illusory red flowers are the power of law mastered by the earth demon Dikui, and the dark blue light is the devil's aura on Dikui."

Ye Hai manipulated the instrument, and the illusory transparent red flower was sucked out by him, and instantly entered his body.

"I'm back, that's what it feels like!"

Ye Hai was a little intoxicated, this feeling of mastering power is really wonderful.

And after stripping Dikui's demonic aura, there is no need to pay any price for using this power.

Ye Hai looked at the time, and it has been a week since he attacked the [-]th District.

During this week, neither the devil dragon nor Jackie Chan came to trouble him.

He has the evil energy of the earth demon Dikui on his body, no matter whether it is the devil dragon or the old man, there is a way to lock his position.

But they didn't come to find him, which means that they are now rivals in chess, and they are fighting fiercely with each other, so they don't have time to come to him.

It was a correct decision for Ye Hai to keep his father and let him and the devil dragon check and balance each other.

When the time is up, go back to Dad's antique shop after being attacked by Ye Hai.

After Ye Hai left, Dad immediately called Jackie Chan and asked him to come back.

His disciple Tru was pinned down with a finger, which made him feel a little terrified.

He is a native of China, so he knows something about acupuncture and acupuncture.

Could it be that the person wearing the mask is a martial arts master from the East?

Jackie Chan returned to Papa's Antique Shop and was furious when he learned what had happened. He decided to go to the Thirteenth District to seek help from Sergeant Blake.

When he reached the thirteenth district, he happened to see the devil dragon running out chasing a few balls of black air.

Jackie Chan exclaimed in surprise: "Devil Xiaolong, why are you here?"

Seeing Jackie Chan, the devil Xiaolong showed a smug smile on his face: "Jackie Chan, you are late!"

With a leap, he grabbed a white lotus flower bud that was flying out, and the magic energy of the Moon Demon Curse Lan entered his body.

"The power of curse blue, I got you again!"

The demon dragon looked intoxicated, and his body slowly floated into the air.

The demon of the moon, Julan, has mastered gravity, and the demon dragon who has obtained the magic energy of Julan, has the ability to control gravity.

War broke out.

Because the old man is not here, no one can get rid of the devilish energy on the devil dragon, and no one can stop him, so the thirteenth district was severely damaged by the devil dragon.

Fortunately, the devil dragon was busy chasing other demonic energy, so it did not cause further damage to the thirteenth district.

Afterwards, Jackie Chan, Sergeant Black, Dad and others held a meeting to discuss. The main topics of discussion were the sudden appearance of the mysterious man Ye Hai, the escaped demonic energy and the devil dragon.

The old man said: "Tru was fixed for three hours before he slowly recovered. I suspect that mysterious person knows acupuncture points in oriental martial arts."

Sergeant Black frowned and said, "I seem to be controlled by him, otherwise I wouldn't have opened the secret room for him and let him take away the spell and magic energy."

Jackie Chan had a headache and said, "That means he not only knows oriental martial arts, but also manipulates other people's magic? Unlucky, unlucky!"

At this time, Sergeant Black answered the phone, and after listening to it for a while, his face became ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "I see!"

Black said: "The treasury was attacked by someone, and the attacker used Dikui's devilish energy, so it should be the mysterious oriental man in his attire.

But since he attacked the vault, his question could be postponed.This shows that he is not a lunatic like the devil dragon, and he is not as harmful as the dragon. "

The old man said: "That's right! The devil dragon is the first person to deal with, because this guy has a terrible idea of ​​destroying the world, so he can't get too much energy.

We have to find a way to get rid of the magic energy on him, but he has several kinds of magic energy now, I need a better magic power tracker.

But to make such a large magic tracker, I need time. "

Dad made a magic power tracker, and wanted to settle accounts with the devil dragon and take away the magic energy from him.

However, after suffering several losses from his father, the devil dragon has become smarter now, and will not fight head-to-head with his father.

Jackie Chan and the others wanted to deal with Ye Hai first, but they were dragged by the devil dragon again.

The reason is simple, because the devil dragon is a very restless person.

After obtaining the ability of the water demon Bazaar, he will immediately flood an island; after obtaining the ability of the lightning demon Zhongsu, he immediately wants to destroy the city of Seattle...

The devil dragon always wants to make big news, and if he doesn't stare at him, he will cause trouble.

Therefore, Ye Hai got precious time.

After dealing with Dikui's devilish energy, expelling the devil's aura in it, and absorbing Dikui's power of law, Ye Hai fixed his eyes on the twelve spells of the Holy Lord.

Within the twelve spells, there is also very terrifying magic power.Although the power can be used by holding the spell in his hand, Ye Hai always feels that this is not appropriate, because there is a possibility of being snatched away.

Even if it is integrated into his body, Ye Hai still feels unsafe, because there is a corresponding magic that allows people to put their hands into his body and grab the talisman out.

And what if he is blown up by someone and the spell falls out and doesn't work?Ye Hai didn't want to take any risks.

So he decided to extract the magic power from the spell and transfer it directly into his body.Without the intermediary of the spell, he directly possesses magic power.

In this way, even if he is smashed into pieces, the spell bound to him can restore him, safe!
(End of this chapter)

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