Across the heavens as a villain

Chapter 34 Shocking the Songshan School

Chapter 34 Shocking the Songshan School

"Yue Buqun, your strength..."

The three of Ding Mian looked horrified, and their eyes were full of horror when they looked at Ye Hai.

Ye Hai just released his aura, making them oppressed so hard to breathe and unable to move.

They had never felt such terrifying strength from Zuo Lengchan.

At this moment, Ye Hai just stood there, not intending to attack them.

But in the hearts of the three of Ding Mian, their lives no longer belong to themselves, but to Ye Hai!
As long as Ye Hai makes a move, he can take their lives away at any time.

This feeling is like being in a cage with a tiger without the strength to restrain a chicken, and then being stared at silently by the tiger.

Move, dare not move!
Call, dare not call!
The three of them were dripping with cold sweat, never expecting that Ye Hai would have such strength.

"get out!"

Ye Hai withdrew his momentum and spoke in a cold voice.


Ding Mian, Tota's hand, changed his face, as if he wanted to say something harsh.

Ye Hai looked at him with cold eyes, and slowly said: "If you dare to provoke me again, I will kill you now!"

Ding Mian, Tota's hand, felt a chill in his heart, and he swallowed the cruel words that came to his lips.

Ye Hai continued: "I let you off this time because the Five Sacred Sword Sect is in the same spirit. But my forgiveness is only this one time."

He turned his head to look at the disciples of the Huashan School, and said in a deep voice, "Lao De Nuo!"


Laudenuo was shocked, and walked out of the crowd with a flattering smile on his face.

He was terrified in his heart, but tried his best to keep calm on his face.As a spy, he suffered physically and mentally.

Ye Hai looked at him, and slowly said: "You were sent by Zuo Lengchan, I knew it a long time ago."


Everyone looked shocked, obviously shocked by the news Ye Hai said.

Ning Zhong looked at Lao Denuo and shouted sharply: "Lao Denuo, is what your master said true?"

Lao Denuo's face was pale, he knelt down with a plop, kowtowed to Ning Zhongze continuously, and begged for mercy: "Master, please forgive me! Master, please help me!"

Instead of begging Ye Hai for mercy, he begged Ning Zhongze for help.Because he knew that Ye Hai was not a kind person, and the possibility of letting him go was very slim.

Ning Zhong sighed softly, looked at Ye Hai, shook his head and said, "Brother, you decide!"

Ye Haidao: "Lao Denuo! Since you come to my Huashan School to learn martial arts, then I will take back your martial arts!"

As he spoke, Ye Hai flicked his fingers, and a sword-shaped zhenqi flew out instantly, piercing Laudenuo's dantian.

Lao Denuo let out a scream, and his true energy and internal energy leaked out crazily, and soon he lost all his martial arts and became a cripple.

Ye Hai waved his sleeves, and said disdainfully: "This trash, take him away! Tell Zuo Lengchan a word for me, and say that his little tricks are very boring!"

The people of the Songshan faction dared not speak out, stepped forward to lift Lao Denuo, and left in despair.

The disciples of the Huashan sect roared with laughter, watching these arrogant guys fleeing in desperation, it is indeed very satisfying.

After all the disciples had retreated, Ning Zhong said to Ye Hai with a worried face: "Brother, we have turned against the Songshan faction this time."

In the past, although the Songshan faction also secretly attacked the Huashan faction, such as sending Lao Denuo over.

But at that time, the other party had some scruples after all.With the great righteousness of Wuyue Sword School, Songshan School didn't dare to go too far.

And Ye Hai's behavior before, can be regarded as completely torn face with the Songshan faction.The Songshan faction under the rage is likely to do something.

Ye Hai said nonchalantly: "It's no big deal if you turn against evil. With Zuo Lengchan's two moves, can he still turn the world upside down?"

Ning Zhong nodded slightly: "Brother, as long as you are prepared!"

Ye Hai smiled and said: "I have planned it for a long time! Junior sister, come with me!"

Ye Hai brought Ning Zhongze to Siguo Cliff, and took her into the burial place of the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect.

Ning Zhong was shocked and said: "Senior brother, how could Siguoya have such a thing?"

Ye Hai hugged Ning Zhongze, comforted her, illuminated the cave with a torch, and showed her the writing on the stone wall.

"This is the place where the seniors of the Five Sacred Sword Sect fought against the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect. The seniors murdered the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect. Although the victory was not martial, it also saved a martial arts battle. catastrophe."

Ye Hai excused the seniors of the Wuyue Sword Sect without changing his expression, while showing the images and texts to Ning Zhongze.

"These are the essence of Wuyue Sword Sect's martial arts, and there are even ways to crack them."

Ning Zhong said: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Ye Hai said in a deep voice: "Conceal this place first, don't tell others. Today's martial arts is in troubled times, and this place can be used as a hiding place.

As for the martial arts here, you and I will practice it first.It won't be too late to decide whether to return martial arts after finding out whether the other Five Sacred Sword Sects are enemies or friends. "

Ning Zhong was not pedantic, and immediately understood what Ye Hai meant by distinguishing between friends and enemies, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Ning Zhongze agreed, Ye Hai did not continue to stay here, but took Ning Zhongze's hand and walked out.

"I have written down all the martial arts here, and I will write them for you when I go back. I will cover up this hole, and I hope I will never use it."

It is impossible for Ye Hai to stay in Huashan forever, this cave should be regarded as an extra layer of insurance for his old nest!

Ye Hai and Ning Zhong went back and wrote down the Five Sacred Sword Technique and the way to crack it.

With the improvement of his strength, his memory has become stronger and stronger, and it is easy to write a set of martial arts cheats silently.

Ye Hai began to practice hard. The Five Sacred Swordsmanship and the internal strength of the Huashan School, the Zixia Divine Art, are both very good martial arts.

Songshan faction.

Seeing Ding Mian and others come back, Zuo Lengchan had a smile on his face: "How is things going?"

Tota hand Ding Mian and others looked gloomy, but did not speak.

Zuo Lengchan sensed something was wrong, frowned and said, "You guys failed?"

Ding Mian said with an ugly face: "Senior Brother Zuo, we all underestimated that Yue Buqun. His strength has increased so much, I'm afraid he is no longer inferior to you, Senior Brother Zuo."

Zuo Lengchan's expression changed, and he shouted sharply, "What did you say?"

Zuo Lengchan has always been proud of his martial arts being the best of the Five Sacred Sword School.Now that Ding Mian said that Yue Buqun's martial arts were not inferior to his, Zuo Lengchan couldn't help being excited.

Ding Mian and the others told Zuo Lengchan what happened to them, and when Zuo Lengchan heard that Yue Buqun made them dare not move around just because of his aura, his expression finally changed.

He knew that Ding Mian and the others were saving face for him, Yue Buqun's strength was not inferior to him, it was clearly superior to him!

Zuo Lengchan said with a gloomy expression: "Yue Buqun, what has he experienced? His strength has improved so much, he is really lucky!
But you don't have to worry, he may have practiced some evil skills to enhance his momentum, and he is bluffing.

Even if his strength really becomes very strong, there is no need to worry.What about strength?I still have a way to kill him! "

A gloomy look flashed in Zuo Lengchan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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