Douluo's opening god-level choice

第59章 1行5人4魂王1魂帝-目标直指叶玄幽

Chapter 59 A group of five people, four soul kings and one soul emperor - the target is directed at Ye Xuanyou

In just a few short hours, everyone was spending their time recharging their troops, except for a certain person who didn't want to criticize face.

"Are you there?" Ye Xuanyou felt a delicate little hand pinching his nose, he didn't need to think about it, he suddenly held those naughty hands, Ye Xuanyou opened his eyes, as expected, Ye Xuanyou Caught the trickster Bibi Dong.

"How do you think I'm going to punish you?" Ye Xuanyou said, staring at Bibi Dong who was dodging her eyes with evil eyes.

Suddenly Bibi Dong gently pushed Ye Xuanyou away: "Here we are, hurry down! Don't make trouble~" After speaking, Bibi Dong would not speak to Ye Xuanyou, and broke free at the moment when he was stupefied. Ye Xuanyou jumped off the carriage with his hand, making Ye Xuanyou unable to react for a while.

After Ye Xuanyou got off the carriage, he found that none of the teams around him knew him. At the entrance where he was, there was only one team of them in Class [-] of the second grade, and the others were unknown teams. And look at them all viciously.

"None of us knew each other!" Husky said nervously.

At this time, Ye Xuanyou also got out of the carriage following Bibi Dong, and he couldn't help but smile lightly when he heard Husky's words: "Isn't this normal?"

"It seems to be the same~" Husky thought for a while, his eyes rolled around, and he seemed to think that what Ye Xuanyou said made sense, but he didn't know where the truth was. Anyway, what the elder brother said was right.

The other two assistant sisters just looked at Ye Xuanyou quietly.

"All the teams gather here, and then enter the Soul Beast Forest according to the order of the lottery!" A man in armor shouted at the front, who seemed to be the person in charge of the entrance.

Ye Xuanyou found that there were exactly 25 teams at this entrance, with five people in each group, and the number of people at one entrance was 120 five people. If the number of other five entrances was the same, the total number of people would be 620 five people.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but Ye Xuanyou's lottery is exactly 001, which means that Ye Xuanyou's team is the first team to enter the Soul Beast Forest at this entrance.

"Let's go~ team members! We are NO.1." The team members watched Ye Xuanyou draw a 001, and didn't know whether it was good or bad for a while, but they had no choice but to follow Ye Xuanyou. go in.

"The Soul Beast Forest is the place where the two empires raise spirit beasts in captivity. It is located in a forest with a radius of a hundred miles to the north between the two empires. Seventy to eighty percent of them are century-old soul beasts, and 15.00% are thousand-year soul beasts. , and ten-thousand-year soul beasts accounted for 5.00%, but the specific number of ten-thousand-year soul beasts is uncertain."

"And those ten-thousand-year soul beasts must have their own territory, and most of them live in the depths, so as long as we don't go into the depths of the forest, we basically won't encounter ten-thousand-year soul beasts. alright."

"This assessment lasted for three days, so you need to solve the food and drink by yourself, but fortunately, your captain is me, so you don't need to worry about this, so you just need to sharpen yourself, I won't make a move in the first two days Help you, unless you encounter a thousand-year-old soul beast, if you don't encounter a thousand-year-old soul beast, the four of you will cooperate to kill all the hundred-year-old soul beasts you encounter."

"If you meet a thousand-year-old soul beast, try to see if you can beat it. If you can't beat me, I'm going to attack. But if you are really unlucky and encounter a ten-thousand-year soul beast, take Dong'er and run away with me as soon as possible. There is a slight hesitation, you will only drag me down if you stay, and I have a way to escape, do you understand?"

Ye Xuanyou said as he walked, because after he entered the Soul Beast Forest, the ominous feeling became more intense. This feeling, which he had never felt in the Star Dou Forest, made him have to be cautious.

"Captain, what about the third day?" Husky looked at Ye Xuanyou curiously and asked, together with the other two assistant sisters looked at Ye Xuanyou with some doubts, only Bibi Dong was calm because she knew Ye Xuanyou What does secluded mean.

"On the third day, I will do it myself. Whether it is class team points, team points, or individual points, I want all the rewards! I will make up for your poor points." Although Ye Xuanyou was a little uneasy, his strength Putting it there, soul beasts under ten thousand years old can only bid farewell to the world with tears when they meet him.

"Husky leads the way, Dong'er is in the middle, Xuerou and Xuewu are by Dong'er's side, after I'm done, stay vigilant at all times, don't be careless." Ye Xuanyou said lightly.

Ye Xuanyou and his group walked slowly into the forest.

Not long after Ye Xuanyou's team entered, a special "team" mixed in. If Ye Xuanyou was present, he would find that this team was almost at the soul king level, and the one in front was A level 62 soul emperor.

"Be careful! The action at this time is an order from the Pope himself. If Ye Xuanyou is willing to submit to the Pope, that is the best. If you don't submit, break the limbs and bring them back to the Pope. I warn you , don’t underestimate the enemy just because Ye Xuanyou is young, if someone is careless and the mission fails, then he doesn’t have to go back, let him sleep in the spirit beast forest forever.”

Hearing the words of the leading soul emperor, the other four soul kings felt their backs shudder, and each of them immediately put away their disdain. In their thoughts, how strong can a six-year-old child be?No matter how strong they are, can they beat the four soul kings and one soul emperor?But they never thought about why Qian Daoliu would let their soul power level configuration of this level go to catch Ye Xuanyou.

The group finally disappeared in Nuo Da's soul beast forest.

Of course, Ye Xuanyou didn't know all this, he was walking vigilantly in the spirit beast forest.

But in a secret realm in the Star Dou Forest, opposite to the Soul Beast Forest, the situation of Shi Guang and others is not good. A flame lord who has just survived a hundred thousand catastrophes, but now this flame lord has at least 10 cultivation bases. This change caught Shi Shi's people by surprise.

Under the treacherous scheme of Lord Flame, the ten or so Contras who went together were all severely injured one by one. If it weren't for Yue Si'an's quick response and the protection of the eighth soul skill at the last moment, these ten or so Contras would have died. Say goodbye to the world on the spot, and the three titled Douluo, including Shi Guang, were all slightly injured, so the start was very unfavorable.

Just as his three titled Douluo were about to buy time for everyone to recover, a flame lord with a cultivation base of nearly [-] appeared!
Their situation has become very bad.




(End of this chapter)

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