Chapter 484

"This is a volume of ninth-grade medicine that I bought at a great price. It is called Jiuyin Huangquan Dan. After refining it, when you subdue the Jinglian Demon Fire, you can inject it into the demon fire. The power of extreme yin will weaken the ability of the demon fire, thereby increasing your success rate of surrender."

Yao Chen took out an ancient scroll and placed it in front of Lu Feng.

"Although you have broken through to the Dou Sheng now, the Jinglian Demon Fire is the third-ranked strange fire. There is only this one in the world. Even if you have reached the Dou Sheng, the Jinglian Demon Fire cannot be subdued casually. .”

"How do I get this thing?" Lu Feng asked.

"To refine the Jiuyin Huangquan Pill, one must need a main material, that is the Huangquan blood crystal, and this Huangquan blood crystal can only be formed at the bottom of the Jiuyou Huangquan, so, after these nine months Now, you must go to Jiuyou Huangquan, get it and refine Jiuyin Huangquan Dan, only in this way can you increase the success rate of subduing the Jinglian demon fire as much as possible."

Yao Chen continued.

Lu Feng nodded and said, "Then I understand."

"By the way, Medusa seems to be preparing to break through and needs to find a place." Yao Chen said: "You should know the details."

"I know about this." Lu Feng nodded, after all, he knew Medusa quite well, and after all, it was a seven-colored sky-swallowing python. If one wanted to evolve into a nine-colored sky-swallowing python, it would be somewhat difficult, not so easy.

But it just so happened that this time, he needed to go to the Nine Netherworld, and Medusa also needed to go to this place, so they happened to go together.

And this Jiuyou Yellow Spring is under the control of the Jiuyou Underworld Python Clan. The Jiuyou Yellow Spring is located deep in the earth. It is usually the territory of the Jiuyou Underworld Python. They also regard it as a holy place. Everyone has Jiuyou who wants to advance The earth pythons will always go to Jiuyou Huangquan and soak in it, which can make the breakthrough much smoother, but the spring water in Jiuyou Huangquan is very cloudy and cold, which is biased towards the cold. As far as the snake-shaped monsters are concerned, it is one of the best places in the world for body training.

This kind of place is indeed rare, after all, it is also a place that ordinary people dare not go to.

Even if it is Yaochen, it may not be possible to step in casually, after all, that place is indeed very cold.

On the contrary, Lu Feng is not too afraid. After all, he has several different fires in his body, which is of great help to Lu Feng. With the help of different fires, it is natural and very easy to enter.

And thus to reach the depths, to get the blood crystal of the yellow spring, moreover, there is a holy place for Qiancailin, the seven-colored sky-swallowing snail is a snake-like god, and the nine-colored sky-swallowing python is enough. If the existence that rivals the ancient Heavenly Snake King can successfully evolve in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, its strength will undoubtedly increase by leaps and bounds.

If it really evolves into a nine-color sky-swallowing python, it will transform into a snake body and be able to swallow a mountain range in one bite, and even the sky can be swallowed by it.

Everything was almost ready. Lu Feng decided to take Medusa to the so-called Nine Netherworld.

That place is still relatively far from here. In the beast realm, the beast realm, the average human race would not dare to go there.

But this time, he didn't choose to take Medusa alone, but chose to bring Little Doctor and Qinglin with him.

Qinglin has also grown up, relying on so many things to cultivate, can't stay in the Xingyun Pavilion forever, can't it, wouldn't it become a greenhouse flower, and the little doctor is the same.

So Lu Feng took the three of them to the Beast Realm. For Lu Feng this time, the danger was not too much, but it was still not very safe, but even if it was not safe, they had to experience it, right?

It's not that simple either.

Beast Field, this place is very vast, and it is the area where a large number of Warcraft families are located.

And Lu Feng didn't stop much, and went straight to the place where the Nine Nether Earth Python was.

The real base camp of the Nine Nether Earth Python Clan is deep underground. Of course, they also have many branches on the ground. The number of this race is the first among the three major races, but the number is huge , naturally also led to the impurity of their bloodlines. According to the estimation of the elders of the Jiuyou land python clan, according to this situation, I am afraid that after a hundred years, the ancient blood possessed by the Jiuyou land python clan will be exhausted. At that time, the Nine Nether Underworld Python clan will also be reduced to a situation similar to that of ordinary monsters.

For this kind of thing, there are quite big quarrels and differences among the Ming python clan in Jiuyou land, but without the supplement of ancient blood, and according to their speed of abuse, that day will come sooner or later.

Jiuyou Diyuan, which is a main passage to enter the underground world, is also occupied by the Jiuyou Dipython Clan, so the defense can be regarded as strict, but this kind of strictness is only for ordinary strong people.

For the real strong, this is nothing at all, and it is very easy to enter it.

But after entering it, I discovered a situation.

That is the person who discovered the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

Afterwards, it was confirmed that it was not Zi Yan's person, but the other three dragon kings' people.

As for the other Dragon King's people coming here, this is the area of ​​the Ming Python Clan in Jiuyou Land. Isn't the meaning of coming here obvious?

Lu Feng didn't move in a hurry, but waited, looking at the people from the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan in the distance.

And after a moment, he did know why these people were here.

Because Zi Yan is the Dragon King and has absolute bloodline suppression. Maybe the human race doesn't understand it, but as a beast, the Taixu Ancient Dragon, this race's bloodline suppression is the most direct.

Because of their blood, they couldn't do anything against Zi Yan at all.

This makes it very difficult for them to act. After all, the blood is there, they can't move at all, even if Zi Yan's strength is not strong enough compared to them, but with the blood, they can't shake Zi Yan at all.

Therefore, the purpose of coming here is to prepare to get a reply from the Underworld Python Clan in Jiuyou Land, and then form an alliance to attack Zi Yan's side together.

Lu Feng looked thoughtful, and the three girls on the side also looked at Lu Feng and didn't speak. After all, the backbone was with Lu Feng, and they just waited for Lu Feng to speak.

Afterwards, Lu Feng opened his mouth directly and caught all those people. With his strength, it would not be too easy to deal with these Taixu ancient dragons who only had Dou Zun.

As soon as he made a move, he suppressed them, and then asked more things.

I don't know if it's really such a coincidence, after all, Lu Feng didn't come here in a hurry.

But even so, in the end, Lu Feng decided to settle his own affairs first, not to say that he doesn't care about Zi Yan, but to say that now is the best opportunity, the people of the Nine Nether Land Python Clan have already left, and they have attracted attention , then this is the best chance.

As for Zi Yan, according to those Taixu ancient dragons, the situation is not bad, so don't worry.

Then enter the Underworld Snake Landline, which is the headquarters of the Underworld Python Clan in Jiuyou Land, and it is also a holy place in the hearts of many snake tribes. As a holy place, the defense of the Hades Snake Lineage is naturally extremely strict. Even ordinary snake people cannot enter it.

And relying on Lu Feng's powerful divine sense, he also found the location of Jiuyou Huangquan.

An extremely huge lake not far away was also in his eyes, and the cold aura that was enough to freeze the bullishness in the human body diffused from it.

The lake is extremely huge, and the lake water inside the lake is dark yellow in color. However, within this deep yellow, there seems to be a trace of blood-like color flowing, and a trace of light yellow is mixed with a faint air of blood. It permeated out of it, and finally rose up, roaring towards the sky.

This is a yellow lake, the closer you get, the colder the place in front of you, a chilly air sweeps in, even the Nine Nether Underworld Python cannot stay here for a long time.

Lu Feng probed for a while, and then said to Medusa and the little doctor beside him: "You guys wait here first, I'll go in and have a look, and after I get back the Netherworld blood crystal, I'll come out to protect you."


After exhorting, Lu Feng plunged headlong into the Nine Nether Yellow Springs.

After releasing the strange fire, Lu Feng could still feel the cold air around him that was constantly trying to infiltrate.

But fortunately, Lu Feng's technique has no effect on this and can be dispelled, so he is not afraid.

If this thing is inhaled into the body excessively, then the whole person may undergo earth-shaking changes, of course not for the better, but for the worse.

Because of Lu Feng's strength, he can quickly penetrate into it, and probe very deeply.

However, during the investigation, it has come to a certain depth, but found a slight change.

Lu Feng immediately waved his hand to wipe out the incoming attack, and killed the attacking creature incidentally.

And he also saw clearly what that thing was. It was a strange snake covered with strange scales. It was really surprising that this kind of strange snake lived in the Nine Nether Yellow Springs.

After all, it is possible to stay in this kind of place, but soon, Lu Feng discovered the situation of this creature, that is, the strong yin and cold power all over its body, it can be said to be integrated with it, which is why they can stay alive. ,
Continuing to go deeper, there are more and more such things, but for Lu Feng, it is not a difficult task, and he easily solved a large number of these strange snakes.

Immediately after approaching the bottom, the place is extremely cold, and an ordinary person would probably turn into ice crystals as soon as they came.

But after searching for a while, Lu Feng didn't find any so-called underworld blood crystal.

However, an extremely subtle moaning sound suddenly came from next to his ears.

Lu Feng waved his hand and directly disliked the gravel at the bottom. Soon, he saw a huge chain. This chain appeared in Lu Feng's eyes, which seemed very abrupt. Then he searched again and found several chains that were exactly the same.

In the end, Lu Feng set his eyes on the place where the chains were connected together. There was a mass of mud there. Lu Feng dispersed the mud, and soon, a figure appeared in front of Lu Feng.

It was a man with a shriveled body, like a dead wood, like a skeleton.

Moreover, the aura on his body is very powerful. Although the aura of life is very weak, it is very obvious to Lu Feng. At least the realm is higher than Lu Feng's own.

"Save me, save me, save me, I will make the entire Nine Nether Earth python clan serve you as master."

The man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were very crazy, his hoarse throat tried his best to roar out, but the result was very strange, like howling ghosts and wolves, it was frightening.

If Lu Feng didn't know that ghosts are just a kind of energy body, he might be called an ordinary person, and he would probably be scared to death.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to come to such a place.

Lu Feng frowned, but he remembered something, but still asked: "Who are you? Why are you trapped here?"

The man's breath of life was very weak. The actions just now seemed to have consumed a lot of his energy and made him look weaker, but he was still alive.

It's really just killing people without nodding their heads. It's really cruel to do so.

But it was nothing to Lu Feng.

"I am the patriarch of the Underworld Python Clan in Jiuyou Land, Yao Ming."

The man looked at Lu Feng, his eyes were full of pleading "" "Help me, as long as you save me from this place, I will promise you anything you want."

"The leader of the Nine Netherworld Python Clan?" Lu Feng said: "As far as I know, the current leader of the Nine Netherworld Underworld Python Clan should be a guy named Yao Xiaotian, right?"

"That bastard! That bastard is the one who used a poisonous plan to take my position and seal me at the bottom of the Nine Netherworld, ah! This bastard has caused me to suffer from the power of cold and cold for hundreds of years. If I am lucky enough to see the light of day again, I, Yao Qing, will make my life worse than death!" Yao Xiaotian heard the words, and the eyes of Yao Qing instantly turned blood red, and endless resentment emerged from his eyes, and the crazy roar resounded endlessly at the bottom of the underworld .

The guy in front of me seemed to have ignited a powder keg that had been dull for a long time. If he hadn't been very weak, he might have turned this place upside down with the strength of the Fighting Saint.

"Can you tell me about the relationship between you and Yao Xiaotian?" Lu Feng said.

Immediately afterwards, Yao Ming explained the cause and effect of the matter.

It turns out that this plot is also very bloody. The Yao Ming in front of him is a candidate for the orthodox patriarch, but in the end, he was plotted against by Yao Xiaotian, and finally locked him in this place, which can be described as very cruel .

And why he was locked in this place was because his younger brother didn't want him to die too easily, and wanted to torture him so that his life would be worse than death.

Lu Feng stood where he was, looked at Yaoming indifferently, and didn't say anything.

Afterwards, Yaoming spoke again, and made Lu Feng believe his words.

Lu Feng has been looking at Yaoming without changing his face, and finally said: "If you want me to help you, it's okay, but, to be blunt, I don't believe you." Huang Sisi's voice was screaming Call scholarship wash i thank you uncle camera detergent

(End of this chapter)

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