Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 480 The Dragon Emperor Spares His Life

Chapter 480 The Dragon Emperor Spares His Life
"Niece Ziyan, the Gulong family fought among themselves, and the losses were too heavy. Why can't you back down and avoid such disputes?"

A man in a dragon robe always has a little smile on his face, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and looks extremely kind. However, only those who are quite familiar with him can know that this Northern Dragon King, In fact, Fang Fang was the most terrifying character among the three Dragon Kings. Not only was he scheming, but he also did things with all means. He was the first to put forward the proposal to unite with the Sky Demon and Phoenix Clan.

There is a good saying, that is a beast in clothes.

Zi Yan glanced at the Northern Dragon King, the disgust in her expression was fully revealed, none of the three major dragon kings was a good thing, and this Northern Dragon King was even worse.

This person has always belonged to the kind of character who stabs people with soft knives. When the ancient dragon clan split, the other two dragon kings were all lured by him, and finally they did the split that greatly hurt the vitality of the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

"You are also worthy of being called the blood of the ancient dragon royal family?" Zi Yan raised her eyebrows slightly, with a dark aura, and said coldly: "The ancient dragon family has really fallen into your hands, so it is really over."

Hearing this, the Northern Dragon King didn't care, but chuckled lightly: "Then since Zi Yan's niece is so stubborn, then this king can only capture you forcibly first, and when you see the prosperity of my ancient dragon clan in the future , naturally understand that what this king is doing now cannot be more correct."

"Two, let's do it. If you delay it any longer, there may be changes."

The two dragon kings on the side hesitated for a while when they heard this, but finally nodded. After all, they have already reached this point, so there is no way out, and they really are immortal.

"I really thought that there are so many people, so the emperor is afraid that you will fail!"

Seeing the three of them making a move, Zi Yan snorted coldly, her beautiful cheeks were completely gloomy, her figure moved, followed by a pair of huge phoenix wings stretching out from her back quickly , the phoenix wings fluttered slightly, and a terrifying force surged up.


The three dragon kings acted at the same time in an attempt to suppress Zi Yan.

But it was also at this time that a sword light swept out from the void.

A scarlet long sword appeared horizontally, suppressing the aura of the three of them, lying between the three of them and Zi Yan, isolating their methods.


The three dragon kings were startled, and their eyes turned to the other side.

And when Zi Yan saw this sword, a different kind of splendor flashed in her beautiful eyes, with anticipation and joy.

"If you don't change your name if you're going or if you don't change your surname when you sit down, that's true for Lu Feng."

Lu Feng's figure emerged, stepped from nothingness, and came to Zi Yan's side.

"I'm late." Lu Feng looked at Zi Yan's resolute appearance, but he was somewhat regretful and loving, and said softly.

Zi Yan shook her head: "You came on time."

"They are all deviant and rebellious ministers, I will kill them for you, you should have no objection." Lu Feng said with a light smile.

Zi Yan blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Lu Feng. She couldn't see through Lu Feng, even though she was already a Dou Sheng now, but in front of Lu Feng, she still seemed to exist as before, a younger sister.

And Lu Feng gave her a great sense of security.

On the other side, the three dragon kings were really shocked when they saw Lu Feng suddenly appearing.

But they have all reached this point, so naturally there is no way out.

"Go together!"

The three dragon kings rushed directly towards Lu Feng and the others.

"Ha ha."

Lu Feng sneered, and with a movement of his divine sense, in an instant, the blood light of the Zhuxian sword bloomed. In just an instant, the area they were in seemed to be transformed into a void hell.


The strength of the three dragon kings is not ordinary, and among them, the North Dragon King is much stronger.

However, Lu Feng is aware of the weaknesses of these monsters, and he came this time to help Zi Yan remove all obstacles and unify the entire Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan.

It didn't work before because he wasn't strong enough, but now it's different.

"Huangquan is angry!"

At this moment, it seems that this high-level heaven-level fighting skill will be used.

At that moment, a huge phantom appeared, and then a strange syllable came out of its mouth.

The utterance of this syllable swept across the world, and it fell silent in that instant.

In the short time before and after, the expressions of the three dragon kings changed dramatically. At this moment, they also sensed the terrifying impact that swept across the world.

"Damn! It's a soul shock! Be careful!"

The most powerful monster is the body, but it can be said that the soul is relatively weak, and this Huangquan Tianfu seems to be born to suppress the monster, so that the monster has no possibility of resisting.

"Join us!"

The three dragon kings wanted to fight together, but with Lu Feng's soul power, it was impossible for them to stop them.

This time, it directly impacted their souls. The faces of the three of them fused and turned pale, and they flew upside down at the same time. A mouthful of blood welled up in their hearts and gushed out.

This feeling is as if someone is splitting their brains, and the pain is unbearable.

"I am going to kill you!"

All three suffered different injuries, but none of them were serious. The North Dragon King was stronger, so he was much better than the other two Dragon Kings.

"Just because of you?"

Lu Feng knew very well what kind of means this guy had, and couldn't be more clear, so he should make a quick decision.

Stepping into nothingness, he took control of the Zhuxian sword.

But in an instant, Lu Feng came to the North Dragon King with the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.


The Northern Dragon King was shocked, and then roared wildly, releasing the real body of the monster, trying to resist Lu Feng.

But what he didn't know was that Lu Feng's Zhuxian Sword didn't know how many ancient beasts he had killed. Taixu Gulong's physical body was indeed powerful, but facing the Zhuxian Sword, he was just a piece of harder tofu.


Blood spattered vertically and vertically, and one arm of the Northern Dragon King was cut off directly.


The North Dragon King roared angrily, the severe pain made him unbearable.


With a thought in Lu Feng's mind, clusters of flames of different colors ignited in this void hell.

These flames constantly surround the three dragon kings.


The three dragon kings kept howling.

And soon, what greeted them was the absorption of Zhuxian Sword.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the North Dragon King, this guy is the chief culprit, and he has tricks.

Naturally, Lu Feng would not let the Northern Dragon King go, he didn't want to trouble him any more.

Watching the Northern Dragon King's body turn into a shriveled skeleton step by step, all the essence and blood in his body were sucked dry, which made the other two dragon kings very frightened.

"Dragon Emperor, please spare me!"

"Dragon Emperor, spare me!"

(End of this chapter)

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