Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 279 Different Fire?

Chapter 279 Different Fire?

Looking at this guy in front of him, a great fighter, he has good qualifications, but he is a bit older, but not too old. If there are resources, it should not be a problem to reach the king of fighting.

But the premise is that there are resources to help. If there is no furthest, he will be very lucky to be able to break through to Dou Ling in this life.

"I don't know what your lord has ordered."

Even though he didn't know what Lu Feng's state was, but he couldn't do it anyway to annihilate a Dou Master by raising his hand, and he might even be Dou Ling or even Dou Wang.

It was extremely terrifying to look at such a young Dou Ling Dou King.

Sha Luo felt that his own life was important, so he didn't dare to pretend to be tough anymore.

"Let your people be honest and know what I mean." Lu Feng said calmly.

At the beginning, he wanted to integrate this person into the Desert Iron Mercenary Group, after all, he felt that the Desert Iron Mercenary Group would be a starting point.

But after thinking about it, that is a problem. If the Motie mercenary group relies on such people to join, then there will be no unity at all.

It also failed to meet the requirements that Lu Feng wanted.

So Lu Feng looked down on him.

"My lord, I know all the little ones. From now on, the members of my Sand Mercenary Group will be very honest." Sha Luo has learned his lesson, knowing that the person in front of him will not kill him, just a reminder. Naturally, she is extremely well-behaved.

After digging for a long time, some news finally came out, that is, a suspected passage to the underground was found.

Lu Feng went immediately after hearing the news.

When I came outside, there were a lot of people surrounding me, but most of them were from the Motie Mercenary Regiment. What everyone was surrounding was a small, slightly sunken sandy area.

There is a hole inside, looking in from the outside, the inside is black and cold, so you can't see it clearly at all, but, although you can't see it clearly, there is a lot of heat coming out of it.

And Lu Feng sensed it, and realized that the fire attribute energy at the entrance of this cave was very strong, and it must be the entrance.

Lu Feng was not too happy, after all, he also knew that the most important thing inside had been taken away.

"However, there are quite a few passages inside, estimated to be more than a dozen." The mercenary at the side introduced to Lu Feng: "And each opening is very narrow, and can only accommodate one person to pass through. It's kind of hard to get in, and there are so many passages."

Lu Feng rubbed his chin and pondered, but at this moment, Qing Lin said timidly: "Master Lu Feng, I can sense the aura of that person half a year ago, I should be able to lead you to find the right passage and go to The place where you want to go, young master."

"Then thank you Qinglin." Lu Feng smiled, with Qinglin here, there is no need to worry too much about such things.

At this moment, Xiao Ding opened his mouth and said: "Third brother, bring a dozen or so people down with you, if there is any danger, we can deal with it."

Lu Feng waved his hand and said: "It's too dangerous for you to go down. You guys help me guard outside. It's enough for me and Qing Lin to go down."

"Is it possible?"

The mercenaries around didn't say too much. After all, Lu Feng is a great fighter, and they all know it. Naturally, such a young great fighter is very powerful, much stronger than them. Even if he encounters danger, I'm afraid If Lu Feng couldn't handle it, neither could they.


Afterwards, just to be on the safe side, Xiao Ding found a long rope and tied it around Lu Feng's waist.

"If you are in danger, just pull it, and we will pull you up." Xiao Ding said.

"Well, I see."

The little fairy doctor was also standing there, and there was inevitably a hint of worry in his eyes: "Be careful, don't take too much risk."

She is the person who understands Lu Feng's character best. From the beginning to the end, Lu Feng is not afraid of him, almost always able to venture to the deepest point.

But even so, she still wanted to remind her.

Lu Feng smiled and said, "I know, just wait for me up there, I'll be back soon."

Lu Feng knew very well whether there was any danger down there, so there was nothing to worry about.

Then Lu Feng waved to Qing Lin and motioned for her to come over. Then Qing Lin came to Lu Feng with small steps. Lu Feng smiled and stretched out his arms to hug Qing Lin.

At the beginning of contact, Qinglin's whole body visibly trembled, but soon calmed down.

After all, it was not someone else, but Lu Feng who understood Qinglin very well.

"Okay, let's go."

Lu Feng hugged Qinglin, then jumped down, and began to enter the dark cave.

The passage in front of him was very dark, and it was impossible to see what was around.

But fortunately, it was something for lighting, but Lu Feng didn't really need anything for lighting, but Qinglin was holding a moonstone in his hand for lighting.

There is a landing place below, which is the bottom of the passage. After Lu Feng landed, he put Qing Lin down. In front of him, there were more than a dozen roads. If you are not clear, you will probably get lost as soon as you enter. When you come out, you will be lost. It's difficult.

"Qing Lin, look at which way to go." Lu Feng said.

"En." Qinglin nodded slightly, and blinked those extremely beautiful eyes, and then three extremely small green dots gradually appeared around the emerald green pupils, these green dots made Qinglin The eyes look very special.

The light was very dim, and Lu Feng didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he also knew about Qinglin's situation, so there was no need to investigate.

Just waiting for Qinglin to observe and sense, not knowing if Qinglin was afraid or what, she held Lu Feng's hand tightly with both hands, as if this would make her feel safe.

After a while, Qinglin exhaled softly, raised her head and said to Lu Feng, "I found it."

"Oh? Where?"

Qinglin stretched out her slender fingers as white as jade and pointed to a passage on the left: "Master, although there are some remaining breaths in the other passages, this passage is the thickest among them. Before coming half a year, that person stayed here the longest!"

Lu Feng nodded, then pulled Qing Lin to the direction she pointed.

Along the way, the energy of the fire attribute became more and more intense, and more of the energy of the earth attribute on the surface, and Lu Feng was able to distinguish various attributes, so he was sure that a faint fire attribute could emerge from the entrance of the cave. Energy, but compared to other places, although it is light, it is too rich.

Lu Feng took it up and kept going in and down.

The energy of the fire attribute is getting stronger and stronger.

And following the seemingly endless dark passage ahead, after passing a corner, the front suddenly opened up, and a scorching red light appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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