Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 264 Examination of the Alchemist

Chapter 264 Examination of the Alchemist

You can become a pharmacist at the age of 20, and to be honest, your aptitude is also very good.

But according to Dali, the time Lu Feng spent studying as a pharmacist should only be a few years, not a long time.

And now, he already has the strength of a third-grade pharmacist.

After hearing what Lu Feng reported, Yahan was a little surprised, then smiled and said, "Mr. Lu is really young and promising."

Lu Feng smiled lightly, but didn't speak.

But after a while, Yahan frowned slightly, as if she had discovered something and was a little embarrassed.

"what happened?"

"It's like this, sir, your mentor's name doesn't seem to be recorded in the registration list of our alchemist union." Yahan just searched a bit, thinking that she had skipped it, but after searching for a long time, there was nothing Find the name Yaochen.

But in fact, it is very normal that there is no one here. After all, the alchemist unions of each empire are relatively independent and are not subject to their own jurisdiction.

And Yaochen was from Zhongzhou, and if he registered, he was also in Zhongzhou. Naturally, the Jia Ma Empire did not have Yaochen's name.

Naturally, Lu Feng knew about it, so he had already thought about how to say it.

"My master likes to live in seclusion, maybe it's because of this that there are no records." Lu Feng said: "I remember that the assessment of alchemist is based on the individual, it should not be based on whether there is a teacher's record."

Hearing this, Yahan quickly explained, after all, she was afraid that Lu Feng would misunderstand: "Sir, although your supervisor has not recorded it, as long as you pass the examination, you can still get the badge of alchemist."


Yahan packed up her things. After all, pharmacists are extremely honorable to them, so they can't be neglected in the slightest.

"Sir, please follow me." Yahan held the information in her hand and led the way with a smile on her face: "Sir, are you preparing to take the first-grade alchemist examination?"

"No, it's the third grade."

Although it was just a casual question, Lu Feng's answer made her stunned.

Three products!

Are you kidding me, Lu Feng is only 20 years old, so he only takes the third grade assessment, which is too fake on the outside.

"Your husband, are you sure you're not joking with me?" Yahan wondered if she had heard it wrong just now.

"Do you think it's necessary for me to joke with you?" Lu Feng looked at Yahan lightly. Although Yahan looks pretty good, to him, this kind of thing doesn't matter much. No, he is not a person who is interested in sex, he wants everything.

He still has a bit of good taste.

"I'm not sorry." Yahan lowered her head, seeing Lu Feng's appearance, she felt that she had gone too far just now.

"Well, Mr. Lu Feng, this is your first time here, so you probably haven't received the alchemist badge before."

Lu Feng shook his head: "No."

"In that case, if you really want to test the third-rank pharmacist, then you need to test the first-rank first, and then you can go to the second-rank after the first-rank test." Yahan explained, not knowing why , she felt more and more that the young man in front of her was calm and calm, like a monster, very extraordinary.

"Well, come one by one." Lu Feng nodded, he also knew the rules, so he didn't make too much noise.

Afterwards, following Yahan, they came to a gate. Here, there were a few burly men waiting here, probably guards.

These people are all nine-star fighters, and to ordinary people, these people are considered unrivaled powerhouses.

Ya Fei inquired, then Lu Feng registered, and then one of them gave Lu Feng a black armband with words engraved on it.

The big man smiled and said: "This is your test number, don't lose it, otherwise, you have to start all over again."

This kind of thing gave Lu Feng a feeling of high school entrance examination and college entrance examination, but it was not a big problem. In the past, he was not sure about the exams, but now it is different. Isn't Yipin as simple as eating and drinking water for him.

Entering the gate, there is another spacious hall inside, which is very lively, and there are many people, whispering something.

Lu Feng glanced at them, most of them were alchemists, and some of them were second-rank, but very few.

As for the tallest one in the entire hall, it is naturally the one who met Otto when he came in, and there is another one named Falkland, both of them are fourth-rank alchemists, and they are among the highest in the crowd. It appears very noble.

Lu Feng didn't care, he just found a place and waited for it to start.

In the center of the hall, more than a dozen stone platforms separated from each other were carefully set up. On the stone platforms, all kinds of medicine refining equipment were placed.

While Lu Feng was waiting, he suddenly found a figure approaching him.

"Hey, little guy, are you also here to examine the alchemist?"

Lu Feng raised his head and found that it was none other than Master Otto.

"Yeah." Lu Feng nodded, appearing relatively calm.

And Falkland at the side was also a little surprised. He saw Lu Feng's calmness. If other people were asked by Otto like this, they must be very excited, but Lu Feng seemed to be looking at an ordinary person. There is no expression.

"I don't know your age?"

Falkland asked.

"Twenty." Lu Feng said.


There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Falkland and Otto, obviously a little surprised that Lu Feng was able to test the alchemist at such a young age.

After all, generally speaking, if one wants to become a first-grade pharmacist, one must be several years younger than Lu Feng.

But if they knew that Lu Feng was going to test a third-grade pharmacist, they probably wouldn't be like this.

What Otto and Falkland were talking about, Lu Feng didn't care too much, he just waited quietly, not interested in chatting with people he didn't know.

Afterwards, the two women found them. The woman named Lin Fei who was there at the beginning, and then a woman named Xue Mei, the gap between the two was a bit big.

The latter's words did have a special flavor, a feeling of Lu Xueqi's lightness, but, compared to Lu Xueqi, it was naturally a bit worse. Lu Xueqi was as indifferent as an exile, even when facing Lu Feng, she was a little cold .

Those who didn't know thought that Lu Xueqi had facial paralysis, but in fact Lu Xueqi's character is like this, although she always has the same expression towards Lu Feng, but sometimes she treats Lu Feng with warmth.

Lu Feng fully understood this.

The two women, Lu Feng, glanced at each other and then looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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