Chapter 179 Strange ([-])

There was a huge sound, and it was accompanied by the shaking of the ground, as if the entire cave was about to collapse.

But this place is very special, the trees are [-] meters tall, covered by clouds and the sun, and it is impossible to see what the cave roof looks like.

Originally, Lu Feng planned to take them to evacuate, but found that there was no other situation at all, and the expected collapse did not come.

Instead, Stonehenge had changed.

I saw the giant stonehenge sinking into the ground slowly, as if Sun Yue'er's departure had touched some mechanism.

Stonehenge fell slowly, and gradually, only the central stone platform where Sun Yueer was lying was left.

The stone platform just lay there quietly, unaffected at all, as if it had nothing to do with it.

Lu Feng frowned. As a cultivator, he was naturally much more sensitive to certain things than the average person.

He was naturally aware of the changes on the stone platform. Although it seemed that nothing happened on the surface, there were indeed changes.

But the question is, should Lu Feng go over and check it out, after all, this might be a chance.

Thinking back in that cave of ten thousand bats, Zhang Xiaofan got a volume of heavenly scriptures, is this his own chance?
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Seeing Lu Feng staring at the stone platform, Baguio couldn't help asking.

Lu Feng said: "Stay far away."

"Huh?" Baguio seemed to have guessed something, and said, "You probably want to go and have a look, it's very dangerous."

"Sometimes, it is better to seek wealth and danger." Lu Feng said, "My luck is what I get, but my life is what I lose."

Baguio didn't know what to say, after all, it was Lu Feng's choice, what could she do, persuasion?

He may not be able to listen to himself, after all, he has only met him a few times, and he has known him back and forth for less than a week.

"Then be careful." Baguio finally said only this.


Lu Feng nodded, and then cautiously approached the stone platform over there.

As Lu Feng approached, the surrounding conditions began to change.

The ground is shaking, but this shaking is different from the shaking just now, not only the ground is shaking, but the trees are also shaking.

The trees in the distance kept dropping their leaves, as if something was climbing on the treetops.

Lu Feng continued to approach, and when he was only seven feet away from the stone platform, several shouts suddenly came from around.


The cry of a child was extremely sharp.

It was the screams of those little ghosts. ,


Both Sun Yue'er and Baguio looked at Lu Feng with worried expressions.

It seems that because of the fall of Stonehenge and the approach of Lu Feng, those things seem to have come.

Maybe it was because of the Stonehenge before that those things didn't dare to get close. Now that the Stonehenge has disappeared, doesn't it mean that they have already dispatched.

And judging by the shaking and the appearance in all directions, I am afraid that there are quite a few people coming.

At this moment, Lu Feng had already seen what was in the center of the stone platform.

a bead.

It didn't exist before he took Sun Yue'er away, but now that Stonehenge has fallen, the center of the stone platform has changed, revealing that bead.

The beads are as transparent as water and extremely round, as sacred and flawless as a pearl given by God.

For some reason, Lu Feng stretched out his hand uncontrollably towards the bead.

Zhu Zi just lay there quietly, motionless.

And Lu Feng's hand was getting closer.

"Young master, let's go!"

"Those things are here, let's go!"

Baguio and Sun Yueer were both shouting.

The sound is getting closer and closer. You can clearly hear it from this sound. There are definitely a lot of them, probably like clouds and sea.

But Lu Feng seemed to have heard nothing. He kept looking at the bead and slowly approached it, blocking out everything from the outside world.

Seeing this situation, Baguio immediately said: "Yue'er, this is for you."

Baguio handed Sun Yueer a flower.

"This is."

"You go first. If you encounter danger, you can pick off the petals of this flower and throw them out." Bi Yao said, "It can save your life."

"What about you, Miss Biguio?" Sun Yue'er was careful, as if she understood what Biguio was going to do.

"I can't just watch him fall into danger like this." Bi Yao said, "He saved me before, now it's my turn to save her."

Sun Yue'er gritted her teeth, she knew very well that both Bi Yao and Lu Feng were cultivators, and they were better than ordinary people like her.

After all, she is just an ordinary person, and she has no choice at all in the face of such a thing. How can she, a weak woman, deal with those terrifying creatures.

She chose to leave.

Baguio showed a faint smile when she saw Sun Yue'er leaving, and then ran hard towards Lu Feng.

"Tao can be Tao, it is very Tao; name can be named, it is very famous. Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth, famous, the mother of all things"

One after another voices floated in Lu Feng's ears, and Lu Feng seemed to be listening.

But his hand was constantly approaching the transparent bead.

I was so absorbed in it that I didn't even notice what was happening in the outside world.

Baguio rushed to Lu Feng's side, and directly grabbed Lu Feng: "Lu Feng! What are you doing! Go away!!"

But she found that no matter how she called and pulled Lu Feng, Lu Feng remained motionless, like a puppet being manipulated.

Lu Feng's eyes could only focus on the bead, as if the bead was the only thing in his eyes, and life and death were beyond his control.

Baguio didn't believe it, and pulled Lufeng, but he couldn't pull it.


Those things, here they come.

At that moment, countless black shadows fell from the treetops in all directions.

These black shadows all look like little ghosts, and they look exactly the same, so it is not an exaggeration to call them ghosts.

Each one is only half as tall as a human being, with a hunched back, crawling on both hands and feet, and moving as quickly as a monkey.

Those little ghosts kept falling from the tops of the trees, as if it was raining black.

The falling imp approached this way, a little closer.

But when they reached the edge of Stonehenge, they stopped, as if they were afraid of something, or waiting for something.

At that moment, Baguio seemed to understand that that bead was the lifeline!


But when Baguio turned her head, she found that Lu Feng's hand was already on the transparent jade bead, and she had already started to use force to take it out.

"Don't take it!"

Baguio yelled, but it was of no avail.

Baguio had no choice but to stretch out both hands to hold Lu Feng's hand, preventing her from taking it out.

But Lu Feng seemed to be possessed by a demon, and his strength became so huge that even Bi Yao used both hands without any pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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