Unlimited travel through the world

Chapter 109 Antique Coffee Shop

Chapter 109 Antique Coffee Shop

Lu Feng looked at the box next to him. This was Quinker given to him by his superiors. It was not so much given by his superiors as it was given by the system.

After activating Quink, a blood sword that grew like flesh and blood appeared in front of him.


Lu Feng snorted softly, and put it away the next moment.

Ghouls are very special. Ordinary sharp weapons are of no use to ghouls. If you want to seriously injure ghouls, you must need Quinker.

This thing is a CCG weapon, and everyone has one. Without Kuink, he might not even be called an investigator.

Because you don't have the ability to fight against ghouls, so why did you call you investigator.

Lu Feng picked up the box and walked out of his residence.

To be honest, Lu Feng is very curious about the ghoul, and has seen it on the screen, but now, he has to see with his own eyes, what kind of thing is this so-called ghoul.

Lu Feng chose those places where few people go and where they are very dark.

These places are the favorite places for ghouls to go and prey on humans.

Lu Feng was walking like this when he suddenly smelled the smell of blood.

The faint smell of blood in the air meant that there was blood around, or that there were dead people around.

Lu Feng followed the direction of the bloody smell, and walked into this alley step by step.


It sounded like a wolf gobbling, but what he was eating was not steamed buns, but human flesh.

Lu Feng came out from the dark side of the corner. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help frowning. No matter what, he is still a human being. Humans are also his compatriots. Although the ghouls also look like humans, Lu Feng doesn't think it is another Race.

But the problem is, seeing this scene, Lu Feng felt sick.


It seemed to smell the faint human scent on Lu Feng's body. The ghoul, which was crawling on the ground and nibbling at the corpse, couldn't help raising its head. It looked like a human being, but there was one thing that was completely different, that was the pair Scarlet and terrifying eyes.

Those eyes were not human at all, as if there was an extremely terrifying monster hidden under those eyes.

"What the hell is a ghoul!"

Lu Feng was puzzled, the original book did not explain how the ghouls came out.

As if it appeared out of nowhere.

And that ghoul over there also reacted, seeing that Lu Feng was dressed in black, he looked very shrewd, and most importantly, he had a suitcase in his hand.

Seeing the suitcase and Lu Feng's appearance of not being afraid of him at all, the ghoul understood and his words trembled: "You are a white pigeon!"

"Since you know I'm Baige, you don't seem to be very afraid of me." Lu Feng said.

"Afraid it will be useful." The ghoul said, "I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time. I came out to hunt for it after holding back for a long time. I just didn't expect to meet white pigeons."

Lu Feng looked at the ghoul calmly: "If you can beat me, I can let you go."

Lu Feng is not an ordinary CCG investigator. He does not hate ghouls. The reason why he joined the CCG is just because of the convenience of his identity. He does not want to become that man-eating monster. Even if there is a system that can help, he still resists.

"it is good!"

The ghoul's face was solemn, and then his whole body burst into aura, a long blood-colored tail rushed out from its tailbone, looking very ferocious.

Lu Feng opened the suitcase, and his bloody sword appeared in his hand.

Five minutes later, Lu Feng walked out of the alley with his suitcase, and no one knew what was left in the alley.

After wandering on the street for a while, Lu Feng didn't quite know where he was, but it shouldn't be too far from home.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he wanted to meet Shendai Lishi at first, but now that Shendai Lishi has been captured, if he wanted to see him, it might be a little troublesome.

The woman Shendai Lishi is very special, and Lu Feng is very interested in it. After all, as a matrix, it is not necessarily useless to carry so many things.

Antique cafe?
Before he knew it, he walked to a coffee shop. Looking at the name, Lu Feng seemed to understand something.

Lu Feng walked straight in.

Walking into the coffee shop, he saw some faces that made him aware.

All of them are extremely terrifying existences. Logically, Lu Feng should not appear here. After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most dangerous place in District [-].

But Lu Feng felt that in broad daylight, he didn't think they would attack him, the investigator.

After Lu Feng entered, he found a seat and sat down.

Soon, a girl dressed as a waiter walked up to Lu Feng: "Sir, we are going to close soon."

Lu Feng smiled, the girl in front of him should be Dong Xiang, and she is really a beauty, a heroine with personality.

"I don't think the manager of this coffee shop will chase away a person who likes to drink coffee."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Dong Xiang looked at Lu Feng with some surprise, and then said: "Then what do you want to drink, sir?"

"Give me a cappuccino." Lu Feng said.

"Okay, right away." Dong Xiang nodded.

After a while, Dong Xiang brought the coffee to Lu Feng: "Sir, your coffee."

Just when Dong Xiang was about to leave, Lu Feng called out to Dong Xiang.

"It seems that little sister, you seem to be very far away from me."

Dong Xiang's whole body trembled when she heard it, obviously she was hit by something Lu Feng said, but she still turned her head and smiled: "How could that be?"

"Then would you mind sitting down and chatting with me?" Lu Feng also knew that it was probably the things in his box that made her feel a little disgusted.

But it doesn't matter, he is human, Dong Xiang is a ghoul, what can we do.

Dong Xiang hesitated.

"Am I that unlikable?" Lu Feng was a little disappointed: "Speaking of which, I have a pretty good impression of you."

Dong Xiang finally chose to sit down.

"Let's find a topic to talk about." Lu Feng said, "How old are you, little sister?"

"Fifteen." Dong Xiang said.

Lu Feng said: "15 years old, it's the age for a beautiful face."

Dong Xiang nodded slightly: "Are you the investigator, sir?"

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng nodded and admitted: "Yes, I am the investigator."

After that, the two chatted a few words, some of which were insignificant.

Before leaving, Lu Feng said to Dong Xiang with a smile: "There will be chaos in the [-]th district recently, be careful."

"Understood, thank you sir for reminding." Dong Xiang nodded slightly.

After Lu Feng left, Dong Xiang's willow eyebrows frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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