Chapter 71
Here, please let me introduce myself. ,

My name is Xiao Xi, um, that's what everyone calls me.

Ten years old this year!
My parents are busy with many things every day, and they are basically not at home. Although they often call me, I am still very disappointed that my parents cannot accompany me every day.

But I know that my parents are very busy, so I didn't bother them.

Because I know my parents love me.

By the way, I also have a brother.

My brother is also similar to his parents, and he often has things to go out and not at home.

But my brother will still go home for a few days, call me on time every day, and tell me to eat on time.

I feel very happy to have my brother by my side.

However, sometimes the elder brother really hates it the most!

Every time I want to eat a lot of delicious snacks, but my brother always said that eating too many snacks is not good for my health, so I limit the number of snacks.

Maybe, I'm what I'm called a foodie on TV and online, I feel like I'm going to die without snacks.

Hmph, sure enough, my brother hates it the most!
However, this cannot stop my determination to eat snacks.

Therefore, every time when my brother is away from home for a few days, I will go out to the supermarket to buy a large bag of delicious snacks, and then eat to my full.

Today is the third day that my brother went out. According to the past practice, my brother should be back tomorrow, so I decided to go buy some snacks.

I went to the supermarket smoothly and bought a big bag of snacks that I like to eat. I feel so happy. It seems that I can eat enough again today!
Walking happily on the way home, I suddenly felt as if someone was following me, and I immediately thought of what my parents and my brother often said to me.

Did I meet a bad guy! ! !



Stopping, Xiaoxi frowned slightly, with a lollipop in her mouth, she turned around and looked behind her.

Looking over, Xiaoxi found that there was no one there.

"Could it be that I feel wrong? Well, forget it, let's go home and eat snacks!"

Seeing no one, Xiao Xi thought for a while, a lovely smile appeared on her face again, she turned around and was about to continue walking towards home.

Suddenly a low growl sounded in his ears, and Xiao Xi was immediately dumbfounded when he turned around.


Looking at the monster that appeared in front of him, he stared at him with small eyes and big eyes. He was so frightened that he screamed subconsciously.

A large bag of snacks in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

not far away

"This damned editor-in-chief looks for Toutiao every day. Is Toutiao so easy to find? If it's so easy to find, why don't I come out and look for it? I know I'm bullying my subordinates..."

Xiao Song was walking on the side of the road, holding the camera hanging around his neck in his right hand, and muttered with a depressed face.

It has been more than a month since I saw the supernatural beast at the cargo ship dock last time, and there is no news of the supernatural beast or the armored warrior appearing at all.

There was no news of the supernatural beast and the armored warrior for more than a month, and Xiao Song even had the illusion that the supernatural beast and the armored warrior did not exist at all.

But seeing the photos I took before, I still affirmed the existence of supernatural beasts and armored warriors.

This time Xiao Song became even more depressed. According to the past, wouldn't the supernatural beast appear in a few days?

Now that the supernatural beast has disappeared without a trace, and the armored warrior doesn't show up, how can I find Toutiao?

Do you want to dig up news about those celebrities like other reporters?
Thinking of this, Xiao Song couldn't help but shook his head, and shook the thought out of his mind.


At this time, a little girl's scream suddenly reached Xiao Song's ears, causing Xiao Song's face to change slightly. His instinct as a reporter told him that something must happen.

Immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

When Xiao Song turned a corner, he immediately saw Xiao Xi who was slumped on the ground, and the supernatural beast walking towards him.

"Stop for me!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Song was very anxious, and quickly yelled at the supernatural beast.

The jellyfish, who was about to erase Xiaoxi's genetic memory, heard a loud roar, subconsciously stopped, and looked in the direction of the sound.

And Xiao Song took advantage of the time when the jellyfish stopped, looked around, then pulled out a stick from the grass, and ran towards Xiao Xi's position.

"Little sister, run quickly, brother will stop you here..."

Quickly helped Xiaoxi up, Xiao Song quickly said something to Xiaoxi, then turned around, held a wooden stick, looked at the jellyfish beast vigilantly and said:
"Damn it, you don't even let the little girl go, I'm here today, it's impossible for you to succeed..."

at the same time
Fort Happy Base

The harsh alarm keeps ringing

"No, a supernatural beast has appeared..."

Hearing the sound of the alarm, Meizhen, who was chatting with Dongshan, changed her expression slightly, and hurried to her position, pressing her hands together.

"The western suburbs of the city!"

On the other hand, Dongshan immediately walked behind Meizhen, and frowned slightly as he looked at the position displayed on the screen.

"What's the matter, has the supernatural beast appeared again?"

At this time, Jiang Yang and Kun Zhong came out of the training room together. Jiang Yang heard the siren and opened his mouth to speak.

"Well, Jiang Yang, you are ready to teleport right away!"

Meizhen nodded, looked back at Jiang Yang and said.

After all, when Jiang Yang joined, he had already agreed that once the supernatural beast appeared, it would be handed over to Jiang Yang to solve it.

"I'm not going to make a move this time..."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yang shook his head, looked at Kun Zhong and said with a smile:

"Let's hand over the supernatural beast this time to Kunzhong. After all, he just joined us not long ago, and he doesn't have any combat experience..."

"Ah, let me come? That would be great!"

Kun Zhong on the side was overjoyed when he heard the words, he didn't expect that he would have his first battle so soon.

"Okay, I'm going to start the teleportation now, Kunzhong, go to the training room and get ready!"

Meizhen nodded and said immediately, the problem now is not to discuss who will go, but to rush there immediately to avoid casualties caused by the supernatural beast.

"I'll go with you too, to take care of you!"

Suddenly Jiang Yang thought that the Shadow Realm should be controlled by the Realm King now, and thinking of the feeling when he met the Realm King before, he narrowed his eyes and said.

After all, the king of the world felt very dangerous to Jiang Yang. In order to avoid accidents, Jiang Yang felt that it would be better to stay with him, so as not to fall into another trap.

After all, the memory of being ambushed last time is still fresh in Jiang Yang's memory. Fortunately, it was him last time. If it was Xinan or Dongshan, it is unknown whether he can survive.

"it is good!"

Hearing that neither Meizhen nor Kunzhong had any objections, Meizhen nodded and said.

Immediately, Jiang Yang and Kun Zhong hurried back to the training room.

"Transmission begins!"

After some operations, Meizhen pressed the start button, and then Jiang Yang and Kunzhong in the training room flashed a white light, and disappeared in the training room in an instant.

 Thanks yesterday: Sumo, ainde, Yeyu Xiaolong, Bule Forever Sun, Broken Bridge Misty Rain·Old Renshang for their rewards!
  Please recommend, please reward, welcome everyone to join the group, if you are the one!

  Group number: 538798538!

(End of this chapter)

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