Supreme God System

Chapter 58 In the Name of the Emperor's Armor

Chapter 58 In the Name of the Emperor's Armor

"Today, I will show you the power of the Emperor's Armor!"

Jiang Yang took a step forward, turned around and looked at Xinan and Dongshan, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yang turned around and faced the six supernatural beasts.

With a flash of light in his hand, the Aurora Sword and Aurora Shield disappeared from his hand.


When Xinan and Dongshan heard the words, their eyes flickered, and they looked at each other, suppressing their desire to fight.

The two also wanted to see what was so powerful about the ultimate armor.

Although at present, both of them have seen the powerful power of the emperor's armor.

But the two of them would not admit defeat, because they could feel that their armor also had such powerful power, but they could not display it yet.

"Give it to me!"

The ugly general who was hiding saw this scene, gritted his teeth and gave the six supernatural beasts an attack order.

roar roar...

After receiving the order, the six supernatural beasts roared and rushed towards Jiang Yang.

"bring it on!"

With a low voice, a golden light flashed in Jiang Yang's eyes, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

The place where it reappeared was in front of Lily Beast.

A palm was printed on Lily Beast's chest, knocking Lily Beast back several steps.

With one step, he disappeared instantly. Jiang Yang reappeared in front of Lily Beast, and kicked Lily Beast hard on the chest.

The huge force directly kicked the lily beast, and it fell to the ground with a muffled bang.

After kicking the lily beast away, Jiang Yang's figure disappeared in place again, and appeared in front of the Xingmu beast again.

bang bang bang...

Apart from anything else, it just hit Xingmu Beast's head with a few muffled fists, knocking Xingmu Beast to the ground directly.

With one kick, the apricot wood beast fell to the ground and flew away. Jiang Yang's figure flashed and disappeared in place again.

The kicked Apricotmon flew in the direction of Lilymon.

Lily Beast, who just struggled to get up from the ground, realized that his eyes were dark before he had time to kick his breath, and was knocked down by Xingmu Beast to the ground.

The Demonic Bull Beast let out a roar, raised the ax in his hand, and struck Jiang Yang in front of him.

Jiang Yang's face remained unchanged, he swiped his hands in front of him, grabbed the arm of the magic cow, and staggered under the feet of the magic cow with a soft force.

Grasping the shoulder of the magic cow, Jiang Yang shook his hands and pulled the magic cow towards him.

Just when he was about to collide with the monster, Jiang Yang slammed his knee on the abdomen of the monster.

Then he slipped his hands, and fell from the shoulders of the magic cow beast to his arms. Jiang Yang made an over-the-shoulder throw, and the huge force directly threw the magic cow beast towards the position of the apricot wood beast and the lily beast.

Standing tall and avoiding the venom attack of the pus beast, Jiang Yang appeared behind the pus beast.

Within a few moves, Ichormon also flew towards Lilymon, Demonoxmon, and Apricotmon.

Ten seconds later, all six supernatural beasts were thrown in one place by Jiang Yang.

And all this only lasted half a minute.

"So fast..."

When Xinnan and Dongshan saw this scene, their pupils shrank, and their faces were full of shock.

You must know that among the five elements armor, the wind eagle armor has the fastest speed.

However, in the scene that happened just now, the two were shocked to find that the speed of the Emperor's armor far surpassed that of the Windhawk armor.

Could this be the Emperor's Armor as the ultimate armor?
With great strength and super fast speed.

However, neither had any idea how strong the real Emperor's Armor would be!
After beating the six supernatural beasts together, Jiang Yang jumped up and flew into the air at a height of more than ten meters.

With a wave of his right hand, the Aurora Sword appeared in his hand.

"Today, in the name of the Emperor's Armor, I will judge you, so be prepared!"

With the help of the huge energy in his body, Jiang Yang stood in the air, looked at the six supernatural beasts on the ground, and said slowly.

As the voice fell, a huge emerald green photo post appeared under Jiang Yang, with a wooden letter on it.

"Emperor's Wood Town of Wood Stretch!"

With a low voice, Jiang Yang tapped the Aurora Sword lightly on the wood shadow post, and immediately the wood shadow post glowed with green light.

Below the six supernatural beasts, a green light formation appeared, and countless green vines appeared from the light formation, binding the six supernatural beasts in the blink of an eye.

The wood shadow posts dissipated and the blue water shadow posts appeared.

"The Emperor's Crazy Waterfall of the Hidden Waters!"

The water shadow post was full of light, and countless water droplets the size of eggs shot towards the six supernatural beasts like bullets.

The water droplets hit the six supernatural beasts, causing sparks to burst out from the supernatural beasts.

roar roar...

Painful wails sounded from the six supernatural beasts, and they struggled constantly, but they were just doing futile work, unable to break free from the shackles of the rattan.

After a few seconds, the Water Shadow Post dissipated, and the red Fire Shadow Post and the yellow Earth Shadow Post appeared, and the two Shadow Posts were stacked on top of each other.

"The Emperor's Lava of the Fierce Rock of Fire and Earth!"

The Aurora Sword struck the Fire and Earth Shadow Post, and countless rocks wrapped in raging flames fell towards the six supernatural beasts like a meteorite falling from the sky.


Following the use of the emperor's lava, the six supernatural beasts let out a terrified cry.

"So strong!"

Feeling the huge power contained in the lava, Xinan and Dongshan's pupils shrank slightly, and they couldn't help but exclaim in their hearts.

Boom boom boom!
As lava fell one after another, the six supernatural beasts couldn't bear the huge damage, and exploded with a bang, disappearing into ashes.


Looking at the six supernatural beasts that exploded below, Jiang Yang was stunned, why did he die?

"Fuck, you guys are too unprofessional, at least wait for my final trick, the Emperor's Trial of Gold Suge, to be released..."

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Yang couldn't help complaining hard in his heart.

Director, they don't come according to the role, I want to apply for deducting all their wages, let them eat instant noodles without seasoning packets!
Helpless, Jiang Yang could only suppress the surging energy in his body, then put away the Aurora Sword, and landed towards Xinan and Dongshan.

"How about it, my strength is not bad, enough to be your boss!"

When he came to the two of them, Jiang Yang said with a smile.


Hearing this, Xinnan and Dongshan rolled their eyes at Jiang Yang, turned away without saying anything or paying attention.

Although he couldn't see the expressions of the two of them, Jiang Yang could still feel it vaguely, and couldn't help but smile.

And the ugly general on the other side turned his head and ran away without saying a word, his face was full of horror and shock.

What's the matter, for this plan, Overlord took out all his magic stickers, but the whole army was still wiped out. If he doesn't run at this time, how long will he wait?

(End of this chapter)

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