Supreme God System

Chapter 320 Absorbing Energy

Chapter 320 Absorbing Energy
system space
Nine-colored chains with countless mysterious runes printed on them emerged from the void, heading towards the origin of Xuanyuan Sword's kendo floating in front of Jiang Yang, and inserted into it in an instant.

There are nine nine-color chains in total, showing the number of nine poles.

Under the urging of the Lord God, waves of surging golden power flowed from the source of Xuanyuan Sword's kendo, and entered the void of the system space along the nine-color chain.

at the same time
Deep in Jiang Yang's body, streams of refined golden energy flowed from his Dantian toward the meridians of his body like hot springs.

There are twelve main meridians and one hundred and eight secondary meridians distributed in the human body, and there are at least hundreds of millions of tiny meridians distributed in all the flesh and blood of the body.

Hundreds of millions of small meridians are connected to the twelve main meridians and one hundred and eight secondary meridians, forming a state of Dzogchen.

A normal person usually has only one or two main meridians unblocked, but someone who is different from ordinary people may be born with twelve main meridians unblocked and even one hundred and eight minor meridians unblocked.

And this kind of person is the genius and evildoer in the ordinary population, the darling of the world who is loved by the world.

The more unobstructed the meridians in the body are, the stronger his physique will be, and this is the birth of a special physique.

Because for a person with a special constitution, at least the twelve meridians are in a smooth state in his body, and there are even more than the twelve meridians and one hundred and eight meridians in his body, and even those extremely small meridians are in a smooth state.

It is precisely because of this that special physiques are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The stronger the physique, the more powerful the potential. As long as you can keep going, one day you will surpass your life and reach a new height.

And Jiang Yang's current physique is the Chaos Divine Physique, which is the supreme physique that can be ranked in the top ten, or even the top five in the heavens and myriad worlds.

In a complete chaotic divine body, the twelve main scriptures, one hundred and eight secondary scriptures, and hundreds of millions of minor scriptures are all in an unimpeded state, and it also has an exclusive chaotic protocore.

Although Jiang Yang's chaotic divine body is not complete, it has only awakened less than 5.00% of the complete body.

But even so, the current Jiang Yang's physique surpassed countless mortal bodies, and even some special physiques may not be comparable to Jiang Yang's current physique.

In Jiang Yang's body, the twelve classics and one hundred and eight secondary classics are all in an unimpeded state.



The golden energy like a clear spring flows out of Jiangyang's dantian, and sweeps towards Jiangyang's whole body along Jiangyang's unimpeded twelve orthodox meridians and one hundred and eight secondary meridians.

As the golden energy flows through, the true qi, meridians, and cells in Jiang Yang's body are like a mad wolf that has been hungry for more than ten days, devouring the golden energy frantically.

True Qi, meridians, and cells are constantly devouring the golden energy, and Jiang Yang can clearly feel that he is becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, even so, the swallowed golden energy was only three tenths of the outflow, and seven tenths of the golden energy continued to flow along the meridians.

It can be seen from this that the original energy of Xuanyuan Sword Sword Dao is such a huge energy for Jiang Yang now.

The golden yellow energy continued to flow, gradually attracted by an inexplicable gravitational force, and began to move towards somewhere deep in Jiang Yang's body.


As the golden color poured into that mysterious place, a strange feeling swept across Jiang Yang's body instantly, and an inexplicable fluctuation emanated from Jiang Yang's body.

At this time, Jiang Yang felt as if he had been thirsty in the desert for a few days and suddenly drank a bottle of iced Sprite.

Gradually, Jiang Yang fell into a deep sleep, his body floated up, and streaks of golden energy as thick as bamboo sticks were generated out of thin air, constantly rotating around Jiang Yang's body.

After a while, at Jiang Yang's original position, a two-meter-high golden light cocoon appeared in the air, and the surrounding aura of heaven and earth was continuously absorbed by the light cocoon.

"what is that?"

"Quick, tell Your Majesty!"


As time passed, it didn't take long for the vision on the top of the attic to be discovered by the masters in the palace. When his face changed, he hurriedly sent someone to inform Ying Zheng.

At the same time, several people came to the attic, knocked on the door a few times, and waited for a long time but did not see Jiang Yang's reply. After sensing for a while, they did not find Jiang Yang's existence, and their expressions couldn't help but change again and again.

It didn't take long for Ying Zheng to rush to the scene surrounded by dozens of low-ranking masters. He couldn't help but frowned when he saw the golden light cocoon above Jiang Yang's residence.

Through the induction of the imperial guard's mark, Ying Zheng found that Jiang Yang was in the golden light cocoon. Although he didn't understand, Ying Zheng also knew that Jiang Yang was fine.

However, just in case, he quickly ordered that no one should approach this place for [-] meters, and those who violated it will be killed without mercy!

Then Ying Zheng led everyone back a hundred meters away, leaving many masters to guard the surroundings, and left first.

Not long after, Shao Siming also noticed the strangeness here in Jiangyang, and was stopped by the surrounding people as soon as he approached, preventing Shao Siming from entering within a hundred meters.

The experts around knew that Shao Siming had a great relationship with Jiang Yang, so they were very friendly and explained the situation to Shao Siming.

Shao Siming was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, a strange ray of light flashed in his amethyst-like eyes, he stood silently, watching Jiang Yang's golden light cocoon.

time passes slowly

five hours later

A golden light cocoon stretched across the void, and powerful golden energy visible to the naked eye entwined and danced around, making the air tremble constantly.

The golden vigor is like golden little dragons, every time they dance, they can create waves, and the oppressive aura like divine power fills the space.

Everyone stationed below looked up at the sky with horror and doubt on their faces. Everyone felt that breathing became a little difficult, and they couldn't help but use their internal strength to relieve it.

Suddenly, all the golden energy disappeared completely, except for the golden light cocoon in the air, there was nothing left.

This change caused everyone to look surprised, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Just when everyone was in doubt, the golden light cocoon exploded, and a pale golden energy shock wave visible to the naked eye swept towards the surroundings.

The storm created by the shock wave made everyone couldn't help but retreat a dozen steps in succession, even if they used their internal strength to resist.

Countless golden brilliance floated in the air and slowly fell towards the ground. In the very center, a slender figure in white clothes surpassing snow, handsome as a fairy, and as majestic as a prison stood in the air.


At this moment, there was a sudden thunderbolt from outside the sky, and then countless dark clouds crazily gathered towards the sky above the figure, and thunder after thunder appeared in the tumbling dark clouds.

 Thank you to everyone who supported me, okay, you can persist in my update speed, it is really true love!Thank you very much!
(End of this chapter)

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