Supreme God System

Chapter 259 Absorbing Spirit Power

Chapter 259 Absorbing Spirit Power
"Psychic power, here I come!"

In the grove, Jiang Yang took a step forward and appeared two meters away, looking in the direction of the cave where the mysterious spar existed, and murmured softly.

Step by step, he disappeared in place after a while.

[-] meters away
next to the hole in the ground
"Is that spar in here?"

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Jiang Yang stretched out his head to look at the cave entrance emitting a faint blue light, felt the mysterious energy inside, and frowned slightly.

Lord God:

"Master, the spar in the cave has powerful spiritual power and a trace of soul power. If you absorb it, you can greatly enhance your spiritual power and obtain some special abilities."


Hearing this, Jiang Yang nodded slightly, did not speak, just quietly looked at the cave emitting blue light

Jiang Yang couldn't understand the role of the spar below, and he came here for this.

After all, the strength of the telekinetic power exerted by the male protagonist and others in the later period is not much weaker than it is now. As for how strong the power of telekinetic power can be enhanced in the end, there is no accurate concept.

However, the power of telekinesis, which is as powerful as snake oil, still plays a great role in the early stage.

When I read some time-travel novels before, the world like Super Power Out of Control is basically a must for novices.

Because, with this telekinetic ability, basically in the early stage, you can be invincible in most worlds.

In a single thought, hundreds of tons of powerful force blast towards you from all around out of thin air, or squeeze towards you.

Can you imagine what happened to that?
With a snap, the whole person was smashed to pieces.

How powerful is the power of hundreds of tons.

Although if you want to exert such a great power, you must go through a period of training so that your body can withstand the power of mind that releases such a powerful force.

In the movie, the three protagonists only use telekinesis to control some small things at the beginning. Once they control those things that exceed their tolerance, their bodies will not be able to bear it, and they will immediately bleed out nosebleeds.

Moreover, is the power that this telekinesis can exert really only a few hundred tons?
In the movie, a total of three people obtained this ability. Although the others were not as good as the protagonist Andrew at the beginning, the power that Andrew exerted in the end must have reached hundreds of tons.

This is because the three of Andrew's bodies are just ordinary people's physiques, not practitioners, and their physical fitness limits the exertion of telekinetic power.

Now, Jiang Yang knocked the three of them out, and absorbed the energy of the entire spar by himself, and he is physically strong, and he is still a practitioner.

As for the extent to which the powerful ability of telekinetic power can be exerted in the end, it all depends on luck.

Anyway, much better than Andrew and others.


"It's not too late..."

Looking around, Jiang Yang's eyes flashed, and he jumped down with a single step, and jumped directly into the cave.

True Qi circulated all over his body, forming a shield of True Qi, gliding all the way, and arrived at the bottom of the cave after a while.

"This energy..."

As soon as he reached the bottom of the cave, Jiang Yang suddenly felt that he was surrounded by rich mysterious energy, and it continued to seep into his body.

As the mysterious energy was absorbed, Jiang Yang felt that his brain suddenly became much clearer, and he felt that he was getting clearer and clearer.

The mysterious energy pervading around should be the spiritual power that the main god said.

ba ba ba

Stepping on the slightly damp soil, Jiang Yang walked slowly into the cave.

The further he walked inside, the more Jiang Yang felt that the spiritual power surrounding him became stronger.

After a while, a blue crystal that was inserted into the ground and was more than one meter high appeared in Jiang Yang's eyes.

There are meridian-like veins all over the blue crystal, and there seems to be a mysterious white liquid flowing slowly inside.


With a gentle breath, Jiang Yang walked up to the blue crystal, slowly stretched out his right hand, and gently placed his palm against the blue crystal.


As Jiang Yang put his hand on the blue crystal, the surrounding space trembled, and the spiritual power in the blue crystal suddenly seemed to find an outlet, rushing towards Jiang Yang's body frantically.

As soon as the huge spiritual power entered Jiang Yang's body, it rushed towards Jiang Yang's brain

To be more precise, it should be rushing towards Jiang Yang's soul space.

A large amount of spiritual power surged towards the soul space. Jiang Yang instantly felt his brain trembling, his eyes blurred, and his body swayed slightly.

Pure spiritual power poured into Jiang Yang's soul space, and immediately turned into little white dragons, flying towards Jiang Yang's soul sitting on the throne.

Now, Jiang Yang's soul space has been bound to the system space, so the spiritual power has entered the system space.

Not everything can enter the system space. If it hadn't been realized that the spiritual power is not harmful to Jiang Yang, the main god would have automatically defended and destroyed the spiritual power.

A place where the system exists is an absolute forbidden zone. Without the permission of the system, anyone who wants to break into it by force is a dead end, even if you are a god.

Facing the white dragons transformed by spiritual power, Jiang Yang's soul sat on the throne, watching quietly with no expression on his face.


The little white dragons rushed towards Jiang Yang's soul, and directly melted into Jiang Yang's soul.

As the little dragons of spiritual power merged in, Jiang Yang felt that his soul strength was constantly rising, and his spiritual power was also increasing rapidly.

At the same time, in the spiritual power, some mysterious substances separated from the spiritual power, began to spread across Jiang Yang's soul, and transformed.

With the transformation of the mysterious substance, Jiang Yang found that a strange feeling was slowly appearing in his soul, as if a kind of power was being bred.

As time goes by, more and more spiritual power is pouring from the blue crystal towards Jiang Yang's body, and the spiritual power in the blue crystal is also rapidly decreasing.

As a large amount of spiritual power continued to pour into the soul space and was absorbed by the soul, Jiang Yang also felt a little dizzy, and couldn't help closing his eyes slightly.

ten minutes later
A ray of faint blue energy overflowed from the blue crystal, and penetrated from Jiang Yang's brow in an instant.

This faint blue energy is the most precious soul power in the blue crystal.

The power of the soul entered Jiang Yang's soul space, and a nine-color streamer flashed in Jiang Yang's soul eyes, and he suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbing the power of the soul.

The blue soul power instantly appeared in Jiang Yang's soul's hand. Holding the soul power in his hand, a strange color appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but murmured slightly:
"Is this the power of the soul?"

(End of this chapter)

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