Chapter 225
Under the guidance of the Lord God, Jiang Yang walked closer and closer to the border of Zhenhun Street along a forest path outside Zhenhun Street.

After entering the spiritual domain through the gate five days ago, the main god immediately scanned Rakshasa Street, combined with Jiang Yang's memory, and made up a rough map of Rakshasa Street.

Although limited by the level, the current ability of the main god is not strong, but not powerful does not mean that he has no ability.

Luocha Street is just one of the tens of thousands of soul-suppressing streets outside the Lingyu, and the area is not very large.

Jiang Yang's purpose now is to find the aliens who are full of evil, and then kill them, so as not to harm others.

In the area of ​​Luocha Street, all Jiang Yang knew was the forces behind the stone waterfall.

And the leader of that alien force is a guy named General Fushi.

Although the Lord God couldn't pinpoint exactly where General Fushi was, the general direction could still be determined.


ji ji ji ......

A person was walking on a forest path with no one around. The sky was dim, the surroundings were dark, and from time to time, there could be sounds of birds chirping and insects chirping.

If it is an ordinary person, in this environment at this time, it is estimated that they can't see their fingers, and they can't tell the direction at all.

However, Jiang Yang is not an ordinary person, but a cultivator. With his extraordinary physique and regular eyes, this kind of night, to Jiang Yang, is like daytime and has no effect.

Although he is a cultivator now, Jiang Yang still feels a little nervous when he walks in this kind of place alone without anyone around him.

"Lord God, have you sensed the breath of a foreigner?"

Looking around, Jiang Yang frowned slightly, and asked the main god in his mind.

"Master, there is some faint alien atmosphere nearby, but it is not strong. You are moving forward for a certain distance!"

Hearing Jiang Yang's inquiry, the main god said lightly.


Hearing this, Jiang Yang curled his lips, looked at the surrounding environment, and continued to walk forward along the road with a little displeasure in his heart.

Originally, Jiang Yang planned to wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to find General Fushi.

However, it seems that in these two days, or at night, Ziwei from the Kingdom Organization will come over. In order to prevent the organization from being exposed, they treat the power of General Fushi as an abandoned child and kill them all.

In order not to let this sum of points slip away in vain, Jiang Yang could only come here now.

After all, it has been five days since what Shi Pu and others did last time.

According to the development of the plot, it has been almost two days!

Jiang Yang walked forward for a few hundred meters, and finally the voice of the Lord God sounded:
"Master, it has been locked. There are 300 different people's auras 45 meters in front of you on the right. Among them, the highest cultivation level is the late middle-level mysterious position, and the lowest is the middle-level half-step mysterious position!"

"Finally found!"

Suddenly hearing the voice of the Lord God, Jiang Yang's eyes lit up, a look of joy flashed across his face, and with a thought, countless golden streamers appeared and wrapped around his body instantly.

The surrounding space trembled for a while, and the emperor's armor appeared on Jiang Yang's body. In an instant, Jiang Yang's strength surged to the late stage of the middle-level mysterious position.

In this world, especially in the spiritual domain, the laws are chaotic, and there is almost no suppression of the emperor's armor. In addition, the heaven and earth are rich in spiritual energy. After the fusion, the strength that can be exerted has increased by a bit.

"bring it on!"

Looking forward to the right, Jiang Yang's eyes flashed, and he murmured, and when he kicked his feet, he instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, a few hundred meters away

More than 40 aliens stood on a barren ground, surrounded by a bonfire and a high platform made of wood.

This is the camp of General Fushi and his group of strangers.

"Father, what should we do now?"

A foreigner in a black cloak with dark red skin looked at the corpse general standing on the high platform with his back to himself and the others, with a trace of respect on his face, he said slowly.

"Cao Yanbing, a human being without a guardian spirit, actually caused us heavy losses!"

When General Fushi heard his subordinate's words, his voice was filled with cold killing intent, and he slowly turned around to look at the dozens of strangers below, a green light flashed in his dark eyes.

There were originally hundreds of aliens in the organization, but now there are only half of them left. Five powerful generals under him, but now three are dead.

But the culprit of all this is a soul suppressing general, or the kind of human being without a guardian spirit.

Without a guardian spirit, it is difficult for a mere human being to move an inch in the spiritual realm.

Why, that Cao Yanbing was able to become the Soul Suppressor, and guarded Luocha Street for so long.

"Father, do you want to notify that person?"

Looking at General Fushi with a gloomy face, another stranger who was standing next to the stranger who spoke before spoke, and said to General Fushi with a hint of caution.

"Who are you going to notify!"

Just when General Fushi was about to speak, a voice suddenly rang in the ears of all the strangers, and the faces of all the strangers changed instantly.

"who is it!"

General Fushi's face darkened, a green light flashed in his eyes, he let out a low drink, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were like lightning, and he scanned his surroundings.

Clang clang!
Under the high platform, all the aliens pulled out their weapons in an instant, a series of weapon sounds sounded, the muscles of the whole body tensed, and they looked around vigilantly.

bang bang bang...

At this time, there was a dull sound of footsteps, and Jiang Yang was seen walking out of the grass on the side step by step, wearing the emperor's armor.

"who are you?"

Looking at Jiang Yang who was wearing the emperor's armor, General Fushi's eyes flashed with doubt, but his face was full of coldness, looking at Jiang Yang and said coldly.

Under the high platform, the nerves of all the aliens tensed instantly, and their hearts were full of vigilance. Facing the emperor's armor that had never been seen before, no one dared to relax in the slightest.

"Who am I, you bunch of dead people, you don't need to know, unless you can survive in my hands!"

Looking at General Fushi, the corners of Jiang Yang's mouth curled up slightly, a sneer appeared on his face, and he walked unhurriedly towards the front, speaking lightly.

"Oh, right!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yang suddenly thought of something that seemed wrong, looked at General Fushi and other strangers, chuckled and said:

"I remembered, you are all people who have died once!"

"you wanna die!"

General Fushi clenched his fist when he heard the words, his face was full of anger, and he let out an angry shout.


Hearing Jiang Yang's words, coupled with General Fu Shi's angry shout, all the strangers showed a strong killing intent on their faces. With a low shout, they rushed towards Jiang Yang brandishing their weapons.

All the aliens here were warriors who fought on the battlefield during their lifetime. There is only one way to go to the enemy, and that is just one word.

"Let me see how powerful you are!"

Looking at the 44 strangers rushing towards him, Jiang Yang murmured in a low voice, turned into an afterimage, and disappeared in place in an instant.

 Thanks to the book friends who have supported me since it was put on the shelves. Thank you for your rewards, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. Although the performance of the book is declining now, with your support, I will definitely stick to it!
(End of this chapter)

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