Supreme God System

Chapter 164 System Wizard

Chapter 164 System Wizard

As Jiang Yang's voice fell, the system fell into silence for a while, and the sound continued after a while:
"According to the host's request, the system will generate a system elf. If the host has any questions in the future, you can ask the system elf. Please wait a moment!"

System: "The system wizard is generating..."

As the system's notification sound fell, countless colorful light spots appeared out of thin air, turned into strips of light, flew in front of Jiang Yang, and gathered into a small colorful light ball.

It is said to be a small light ball, but it is not small in size, it is bigger than a basketball!
The light flickered, and strange fluctuations were brewing in the small light ball, as if a life was being born.

After a short period of about ten seconds, the light outside the small light ball gradually dissipated, revealing a colorful egg indistinctly.

After a few more seconds, the light completely dissipated, and the colorful eggs completely appeared in front of Jiang Yang.

Streamers emerged from the colorful mysterious inscriptions on the eggshells, and strands of strange and mysterious power shuttled back and forth among them.


Suddenly, a sound like something breaking came out of thin air and reached Jiang Yang's ears.


Hearing the sudden sound, Jiang Yang was slightly stunned, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes fixed, and he looked carefully at the colorful eggs in front of him.

"Wait a minute, maybe an animal will hatch out!"

Looking at the colorful eggs in front of him, Jiang Yang couldn't help thinking to himself.

After all, in Jiang Yang's impression, the things that can be hatched from eggs are animals, such as chickens, ducks, snakes and so on.

Who knows what will hatch out of the colorful eggs produced by this system?
Could it be a little cute animal, just like some of the ones I saw before, a super charming little animal that all women can't stop,

It seems that after the protagonists get the cute things, when they are with their girls, they will always gain unexpected favors, which can be called a magic tool for picking up girls.

Just when Jiang Yang's thoughts were turned, as the crackling sound continued to sound, cracks filled the entire eggshell.

Suddenly, there was a soft bang, and the colorful eggshells turned into countless crystal fragments, flying around, and the things inside the eggs also appeared in front of Jiang Yang's eyes.


When he saw what was inside the egg, Jiang Yang's eyes widened suddenly, his mouth opened slowly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his face was full of shock and disbelief.

"How could it be such a thing? Could it be that it hatched from an egg???"

Just when Jiang Yang was shocked, the thing inside the egg, which is what the system called the system elf, spoke.

The light flickered lightly, and a cold and emotionless voice came into my ears:

"Master, do you have any orders?"


Listening to the cold and emotionless voice like a machine, looking at the appearance of the system elf, the corners of his mouth tugged from time to time, Jiang Yang paused, and said with a strange look on his face:
"It's okay for now, just wait on the side!"

System Elf: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, the system elf floated aside, quietly floating in the air, without any movement, only the colorful halo slowly rotating around it.

"System, is it still there?"

Glancing at the system elf, Jiang Yang looked at the surrounding space and shouted.

"Host, what's the matter?"

As soon as Jiang Yang's voice fell, the system's voice rang from the surrounding space.

"Well, what is the use of this system wizard?"

Hearing the sound of the system, Jiang Yang couldn't help but glanced at the system elf who was not moving at all, and asked with doubts in his heart.

System: "The host, the system elf is equivalent to an incarnation of the system, basically everything the system knows, the system elf will know."

System: "Of course, the host can also regard the system spirit as a game spirit that guides novice players in the game. The host can ask it if there is anything they don't understand."

System: "Moreover, the current system elf is only in its initial state. In the future, as the host's strength improves, the system elf will continue to evolve."

System: "In the future, the evolution direction of the system spirit will be determined by the host. No matter what direction it evolves in, the potential of the system is not weaker than that of Emperor Wei Sun Wukong. Because it is transformed by the power of the system, when the realm of the host reaches the requirements, it will also You can summon the system elves to help the host fight!"

System: "Under the influence of the rules of the system, as long as the system elf completes its first evolution, the strength of the system elf will increase significantly with every subsequent evolution."

System: "Because the system elf is a functional incarnation of the system, the level of life and fate is at the level of a regular god, and it is a supreme existence. As long as the host can cultivate it to the peak, it will have the supreme existence of a regular god at that time." Exist as a subordinate!"


After hearing what the system said, Jiang Yang's face was full of shock, and he didn't speak for a while, because he didn't expect the things made by the system to be so powerful.

It's just a system elf, but the level of life and fate is actually the highest level of the god level.

Although Jiang Yang didn't know how powerful the rule gods were, the word gods meant power.

A god is not a god, and being called a god is not necessarily a real god.

Gods are natural beings that were born from the power of laws, rules, and order at the beginning of the world. They are born with supreme power and supernatural powers.

Just like the sage in the prehistoric mythology, he possesses the unmatched power of all living beings!
However, some gods, through practice, constantly evolve their life and destiny, break through the limit, surpass ordinary people, and possess powerful power to destroy heaven and earth, so they are called gods.

Although whether it is a god or a god, there are strengths and weaknesses, but since they can be honored as gods or gods, their strength is beyond doubt.

Although the system says that system elves need to be cultivated by themselves and are not the kind of gods with supreme power from birth, they are essentially the same.

There is an extra subordinate with unlimited potential out of thin air, even if it can't be used now, and it is not known whether it can be cultivated to the peak, but the system wizard cannot escape.

Although Jiang Yang felt strange looking at the appearance of the system elf, because the appearance of the system elf now looks too similar to something in Jiang Yang's memory.

"System, you are so kind to me, I am so touched!"

Looking back at the system elf, Jiang Yang looked in front of him, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile on his face.

After all, sending a subordinate with unlimited potential for nothing is a good thing that many people can't ask for.

"Host, as long as you are happy, there is one more thing to inform the host!"

 Ahem, cough, cough, this chapter was not finished until twelve o'clock. It's really scary.Here is a book recommended here: "The Martial Arts of Traveling Through Ten Thousand Realms". Anyone who is interested can read it. It's time for me to go to bed!


(End of this chapter)

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