Chapter 9 Combat is an Art

As the smoke and dust enveloping Yunyun gradually dissipated, the scarlet Sangoyama Sharingan in Uchiha Madara's eyes slowly rotated, looking ahead carefully.

Enjoying the fun of fighting is indispensable, but enjoying the fun of fighting does not prevent him from gaining some gains at the same time.

From the soul of the snake man, he knows that the strength of people in this world is composed of three things: state, skill and fighting skills.

And in front of him who has Sharingan, the skills and fighting skills of anyone who fights with him are no secrets in his eyes.

A Douhuang powerhouse, so far, he should be the highest level powerhouse near the Jia Ma Empire where he is now.

Its skills and fighting skills.

It has a certain reference significance for spots.

At this time, Yun Yun's figure had been fully revealed, and the black robe on her body had become dilapidated because she fell to the ground just now, so Yun Yun simply tore off the black robe, which made it easier for her to fight.

Yun Yun holds a strange long sword that exudes blue light, her blue hair is tied into a noble phoenix hair ornament, her face is beautiful and moving, and the moon-white plain skirt wraps Yun Yun's delicate body, which looks very attractive .

Yun Yun leaned down slightly, looking at Madara Uchiha with a serious expression.

Although she and Uchiha Madara just had a casual confrontation, she has already realized that Uchiha Madara is not simple.

Without using any vindictive energy, this Uchiha Madara bounced back her attack vigorously with the strength of her body and that strange round fan.

This powerful force made Yun Yun feel that she was not fighting a human being, but a humanoid monster.

At the next moment, Uchiha Madara held the Uchiha Uchiha fan in his right hand and galloped towards Yun Yun at high speed. Although Uchiha Madara simply exploded the power of his feet, the speed was terrifying.

Yun Yun's complexion froze, she saw that Uchiha Madara was serious, and her plain hand immediately formed a weird handprint in front of her body, and then the strong wind swept Yun Yun away, and distanced herself from Uchiha Madara.

But what surprised Yun Yun was that the distance between her and Madara Uchiha not only did not widen, but also got closer.

You know, she is best at the wind attribute fighting skills with high speed buffs, and she belongs to the fast group of people among the fighting emperors. At this moment, she tried to distance herself from Uchiha Madara in front of her, but she failed.

And until now, she hasn't felt a trace of fighting energy on Uchiha Madara's body, she is only fighting with her own physical strength. Could it be that Uchiha Madara is really a transformed monster?
If that's the case, it makes sense.

Warcraft can only successfully transform into form if it breaks through to the seventh rank (Dou Zong), and now the power shown by Uchiha Madara may only be displayed so easily by seventh rank Warcraft.

After thinking of this, the solemnity on Yun Yun's face became more intense, the movements of her hands became more violent, the fighting energy in her body exploded, and a new fighting skill was launched.

Split wind whirl dance!

The space in front of Yun Yun fluctuated slightly, and dozens of huge dark cyan wind blades of more than ten meters appeared out of thin air. The wind blades were entangled with each other, like a column full of blades, forming a spiral storm and spinning towards Uchiha Madara at high speed. rush away.

Uchiha Madara's expression moved slightly, this attack was already more powerful than most of the wind escape ninjutsu in the ninja world.

The world really did not disappoint him.

Although he was slightly happy in his heart, Uchiha Madara did not slow down the speed on his feet, and still rushed towards Yun Yun at high speed, as if he was going straight to Yun Yun's wind attribute fighting skill attack.

Yun Yun was slightly shocked when she saw this situation. She, a Dou Huang powerhouse, should not be able to resist the frontal attack even if Uchiha Madara is a seventh-level monster incarnation.

What the hell is Uchiha Madara going to do?
I saw that the moment Uchiha Madara came into contact with the spiral storm, he raised his hands and used the Uchiha fan to protect his body from attack, and then his body relaxed and rotated 180 degrees directly along the wind of the spiral storm.

The next moment, the Uchiha Uchiha fan in Uchiha Madara's hand slammed hard, and the blue light also radiated out.

Uchiha Madara slapped a fan on the spiral storm, his whole body flipped instantly with the help of recoil, and stood on the desert again and ran at high speed.

Uchiha Madara's calm expression has not changed, nor has his running posture, but Yunyun's spiral storm has been left behind by Uchiha Madara, carrying the yellow sand all over the sky and rushing towards the open distance.

This is Uchiha Madara.

If fighting is an art, then Uchiha Madara is the artist who has mastered this art the most.

And dancing on the line of life and death, and ultimately surpassing everyone's imagination, is the highest and most intense climax of this art.

After Yun Yun saw this, she was stunned for a moment.

There is no shortage of masters who are proficient in physical close combat on the Dou Qi Continent, but those so-called close combat masters mostly rely on their own strong physique, rough skin and thick flesh to rampage.

It is the first time Yun Yun has seen such a gorgeous and highly ornamental battle like Uchiha Madara.

She couldn't imagine that someone could be so flexible.

Facing her powerful Whirling Wind Ripper, a normal person's reaction should be to either confront her head-on or run away.

And Uchiha Madara in front of her, in turn, used her Ripper Whirling Dance to shorten the distance between her and Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Madara himself did not suffer any injuries.

How can this be?

How could someone on the Douqi Continent put so much effort into responding to battles on the spot?
It's not surprising that Yun Yun was surprised. If he wanted to become Uchiha Madara, he would have to spend at least 20 years or even longer on the battlefield fighting against all kinds of strong men.

With such a long time, people in Dou Qi Continent might as well choose to practice two high-level fighting skills or improve their Dou Qi realm by a few stars.

After all, Dou Qi Continent is a high-level plane where Dou Qi multiplies to the extreme. The basic components of human strength here are realm, kung fu, and fighting skills.

As for the so-called combat experience, they don't think it can play any role in the face of absolute strength.

When Yun Yun was shocked, Uchiha Madara had already come to her waving a huge Uchiha fan, and the fan slapped Yun Yun from top to bottom without any sense of pity.

The piercing sound of the Uchiha fan waving through the air showed the huge power of Uchiha Madara's blow.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara's faint voice came, and the casual tone made Yun Yun feel that Uchiha Madara was hanging out at his home, rather than facing a fierce and dangerous battle.

"Although I don't know why you are distracted."

"But in the battle with me, if you lose your mind, you will lose your life."

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(End of this chapter)

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