Chapter 89

Sort it out and take a day off.

Further down is the Dou Zun level, and Liu Dao Madara will also appear on the stage.

There are thousands of discussion posts on combat power in the book friend circle, and I basically read them all. The discussions are in full swing. Except for very few Yunhuoying + Yundoupo, they are all very serious comrades man of.

It is said that the strength of Liudaoban ranges from Douzong to Doudi, and everyone's arguments can be divided into two points, one is the comparison of the expressiveness of moves, and the other is the comparison of spatial ability.

The main contradiction is centered on the comparison of space capabilities.

Indeed, the ability of space, about [-]% of the time-space-related abilities in Hokage, cannot be displayed once it is blocked by space, except for a small part of the space ability of a few large Tsutsuki.

Basically, it's unsolvable.

But talking about the Ban Douzong of the Six Paths is really over.

Dou Zong's level is just a "baby" who has just been exposed to the power of space, and he can't show it off.

It takes several fighting sects to repair a space channel (Dou Po original Tianya City space channel)

Then talk about Doudi, some arguments are also reasonable, but there is a big gap between the expressiveness of Liudao and Doudi's moves.

Ten-tailed beast jade is used as the standard of the sixth level, and the tailed beast jade directly hits half of the Ninja Continent, which is almost the top expressive power of Hokage, but let’s calculate the radius of the Ninja World. There are many ways to calculate it, ranging from thousands of kilometers to Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, he can strangely make sense.

If we really want to discuss this, we are helping Kishimoto to make up the settings.

And although the ultimate goal of this book is Uchiha Madara who is the strongest in the heavens and all worlds, but if you want to be top invincible at the beginning of each world, that's not very interesting, right?

Dou Zun and Dou Sheng here are almost the upper limit of Liu Dao Madara.

Don't argue with those who think Doupa is stronger or Hokage is stronger. There is a thing called funding.

If you really want to fight, you can fight against the broken fighting horse, Naruto's Uchiha hug and fall, or directly fight against the different suppression of heaven in different worlds.

It's not over.

Where exactly is the upper limit set.

This question has to go back to space capabilities.

The spatial ability is extracted, and in terms of expressive power, it can be said that the level of the Six Ways Ban Dou Sheng is also in the past.

But if you don't pick up the space ability, you can say that you are a high-star Dou Zun or a low-star Dou Zun. After all, there is no solution to space shuttle, space blockade, and space oppression.

Taking into account the majority of readers, I still don't want to talk about it.

There is a foreshadowing ahead. I gave Madara a space stone at the Jiama auction house. In two days, thousands of shadow clones studied it. Now set (PS: Note, it is setting, not thinking) Madara’s space ability There is a Dou Zun level.

In this way, the fundamental contradiction between our two sides will be resolved.

All are happy.

So finally.

Under the premise that space will not be restricted (PS: this sentence is very important), it is believed that Madara's comprehensive strength is at the peak of Dou Zun.

Still the same sentence, we are all gathered here because of Master Ban.

They all want to see Madara's wonderful performance in various worlds, and they are all like-minded people.

PS2: Go back to school today to do experiments in the laboratory, no more changes, and resume tomorrow.

In order to make up for it, a minimum of [-] words is guaranteed to be updated every day from Tuesday to Thursday, which may be divided into chapters, or large chapters (large chapters are good for follow-up reading)

Then next week, it should be the last recommended pk week. The data recommended by pk is mainly the follow-up reading from Tuesday to Thursday. If you succeed, you can write one more week of free chapters for you.

The fate of writing more free chapters is in your hands.

If you want more free, just update to the latest chapter every day for three days from Tuesday to Thursday.


(End of this chapter)

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