Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 66 Darkness strikes, the godfather returns!

Chapter 66 Darkness strikes, the godfather returns!
When Gao Ming and Sophia strolled on the street, they still attracted the attention of many people.

Some of them were ordinary pedestrians, mainly because they were attracted by Gao Ming.It has to be said that Gao Ming's previous decadent aura was swept away, as if he had been completely reborn, as if he was a completely different person. His back was straight, his face was radiant, and he looked extraordinarily energetic.

Especially the peculiar white hair and amber eyes made him very temperamental. With that black suit, the rate of turning heads is constantly increasing. Some women frequently cast meaningful glances at him, but Gao Ming turned a blind eye.

The other part is the secret agent sent by SHIELD to monitor Gao Ming's daily life. As a person who SHIELD focuses on, it is natural to send agents to monitor. Although Gao Ming is aware of the existence of these agents, as long as he Don't bother him, and don't bother to care about it.

Seeing that Gao Ming changed his normal state and returned to his previous self-confidence, and accompanied by the long-lost Sophia, the secret surveillance agents secretly filmed this scene immediately, and then sent it to Fury to report the situation.

When Fury received the message from his subordinates, he was stunned to see Sophia, who he presumed dead, standing beside Gao Ming alive, and then thought solemnly: "Could it be that Gao Ming has the power to bring the dead back to life?" ?"

Thinking of this shocking conjecture, Fury's heart set off a huge wave, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. When his eyes turned to Gao Ming, who had reappeared in the image, his heart suddenly calmed down again. Said: "Welcome back, Godfather."

Similarly, Jarvis also immediately reported Gao Ming's situation to Tony. Tony looked at Gao Ming who was no longer decadent on the screen, and was very happy, "Finally back, brat."

Gao Ming took Sofia to visit the city of London together. The buildings in London are actually not extraordinary. It’s just that after three years, they went shopping together again. Both of them cherished this long-lost leisure and held hands tightly. , never loosened.

In the next few days, the two regarded it as a trip to London. Gao Ming took Sophia to visit the famous tourist attractions in London, the British Museum, Big Ben, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace...

It took nearly a week for Gao Ming and Sophia to visit all the famous tourist attractions in London. Both of them are foodies. The most important and impressive thing is to go to Chinatown in England. They go to Chinatown every day. , Enjoy the unforgettable Chinese cuisine.

"Gao Ming, I want to go back." Sophia suddenly felt a little disappointed, Gao Ming knew that she missed New York and her parents, so he replied without thinking: "Okay, we have almost turned around London, and we should gone back."

Sophia nodded happily and put her arms around Gao Ming's arm.

With a swipe of his right hand, a space portal was opened. Gao Ming walked through the space portal with Sophia on his arm.

Looking at the familiar bustling scenery, Gao Ming turned his head and saw Sophia looking very happy and excited. He also smiled from the bottom of his heart, as if responding, muttering to himself: "I'm back..."


That night, Sophia went back to her home. After all, she had been away from her parents for three years, although in her parents' impression, their daughter had never left.

No need to take the initiative to contact. When he saw Sophia taking the subway to Hell's Kitchen, Fury told the female agent pretending to be Sophia to return to the team. So, quietly, Sophia and the female agent "handed over".

Of course, before Sophia went back, Gao Ming used the power of the space gem to set a space coordinate on her body. Once she encountered danger, Gao Ming would sense it and send it there immediately.

After Sophia went back, Gao Ming returned to his house, and immediately did a general cleaning to clean the house, and then moved out all the things in the hut in the dimension space, and put them back to the original place.

With the help of Speeding Force, it didn't take long for Gao Ming to restore his home to its former state.Sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the familiar environment, Gao Ming fell into peace.

Gao Ming stood up, walked to the bathroom, stood in front of the sink, and carefully looked at his current appearance through the mirror.

" seems that I'm really old." Gao Ming stroked his chin, with a look of distress appearing on his face.

Indeed, although Gao Ming's appearance has become mature and stable, he still looks a bit old after all, like a person in his 40s, and Gao Ming's actual age is 29 years old, one year away from [-].

The dog charm is back now, but it can't rejuvenate, it can only keep youth forever and keep the current appearance unchanged.

Although Sophia doesn't care, Gao Ming doesn't want to be seen by others as a woman in her 20s following an uncle in her 40s.

Gao Ming murmured, "This is impossible..."

Suddenly remembering the Reality Gem, Gao Ming suddenly had an idea, and when there was no one around, he said directly: "The Reality Gem, make me younger!"

In his mind, he imagined his appearance in his 20s, and then watched the dark red particles transformed into real gems floating around his body, penetrating and transforming his whole body. After a few seconds, Gao Ming saw himself in the mirror instantly becoming younger and transformed. Back to the appearance of nearly 30 years old.

Because considering his own age, Gao Ming is not shameless enough to return to his fresh-faced appearance. His appearance in his late thirties is just right, neither looking old nor too young, and he still maintains a mature and stable temperament.

But with that white hair, Gao Ming hesitated again and again, and finally decided to keep it for a while, it seems quite temperament...

Sophia was resurrected smoothly, Gao Ming's obsession disappeared, and his personality gradually returned to the old narcissism. Of course, after this hard-won lesson, his mentality has also matured.

After solving his appearance problem, Gao Ming returned to the living room, walked to the window and looked out. The streets were bustling with people, and it was not at all obvious that this place had been invaded and destroyed by an alien army. Three years later, New York The people in the village have gradually stepped out of the shadows and are actively enjoying life.

To some extent, Gao Ming is not strong enough for these surviving citizens to be optimistic...

Looking at this prosperous and peaceful scene, Gao Ming couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: "It's so nice..."

Gao Ming thought that this kind of leisurely and stable life could last for a while, but not long after he returned to New York, on the morning of the third day, Gao Ming suddenly looked up at the sky, his amber pupils were full of solemnity.

Now Gao Ming's sense of danger is becoming more and more sensitive, and the Infinity Gems have also strengthened him to a certain extent, so he immediately felt that some danger was approaching.

Sure enough, when Gao Ming stared at the sky, he saw a black spot appearing in the distance, and it kept getting bigger. When he got close, the "black spot" finally revealed its true colors, a magnificent black spaceship!

Looking at this sudden spaceship, normal people can tell that it is definitely not here to make friends. It is aggressive and aggressive, and it is obvious that the visitor is not good.

There was an experience of alien invasion, and all the people who saw the spacecraft immediately ran away in panic.

Gao Ming watched the spaceship stop high in the sky with cold eyes, and said murderously, "Dark elves..."

Gao Ming almost forgot that after the reality gem leaves the different space, the dark elves will definitely sense it, and the dark elves will not give up taking back the reality gem!
Although Gao Ming has resurrected Sofia with the Reality Gem, it doesn't mean he has to "return it to its original owner". Fetish.

The dark elves only know how to use the Reality Gem a little bit, so what qualifications do they have to compare with Gao Ming who has really mastered the Reality Gem.

Gao Ming's face suddenly turned cold, and a strong murderous aura gradually emanated from his body.

Want to take the Reality Gem?I'll make it impossible for you to even dream!
Gao Ming soared into the sky and flew towards the spaceship in the air at a very high speed. During the rapid flight, the clothes on his body were also turned into powder little by little under the power of the Reality Gem, and then quickly reorganized into a familiar uniform.

When Gao Ming flew to the front of the spaceship and looked at Malekith in the spaceship through the glass of the observatory, he had finished his combat attire, and the speed suit that had been reduced to ashes was put on Gao Ming again!

I am back!
 The protagonist's official comeback battle!Ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you...


(End of this chapter)

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