Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 59 The Key to Resurrection

Chapter 59 The Key to Resurrection

After the war, everyone needs a period of time to face the bustling and bustling New York that is now full of holes.

Collapsed buildings can be built again, but those who died cannot come back to life, and those who survived must bear the pain of facing the death of their relatives and friends.

Some people couldn't accept this disaster and sank into pain day and night.

Some people choose to put away their sadness and bravely welcome a new day.

In any case, this tragic and heavy war has finally come to an end...


Three months later, one day.

Stark's private house, underground laboratory.

Tony ended the research and development of another set of new steel armor without sleeping and eating. After testing and collecting basic data, Tony stopped working, took out a bottle of famous wine from the wine cabinet, walked to the sofa and sat down, drinking for himself.

Unlike in the movie where he sent the nuclear bomb to the other side of the wormhole, Tony did not experience this, so naturally he would not suffer from anxiety like in the movie.

However, the invasion of aliens made Tony clearly realize how weak his own strength is. In order to prevent new crises in the future that he could not cope with, Tony still immersed himself in the research of new armor without accident.

In three months, although Tony did not exaggerately design and manufacture the 42nd generation of steel suits as in the movie, he also developed to the 21st generation. Tony named it "Mark No. 21 Midas", which belongs to a set The ultra-high-altitude combat armor is in a bold and conspicuous pure gold color, and Tony's narcissistic character is instantly revealed.

While drinking, he thought about the design inspiration for the next set of armor. When the wine in the glass was exhausted, Tony stopped thinking, put down the glass, rubbed his temples, and asked a little tiredly: "Jarvis, Gao Is Ming still in London?"

Jarvis' voice sounded from the room: "Yes, sir, Mr. Gao has been in London for three months since the incident in New York, and he is still living in an apartment building in London, rarely going out every day , The place he went to more often was an abandoned building 1000 meters away from his apartment, and he would stay there for three or four hours every day before leaving.”

Hearing this, Tony couldn't help frowning, and asked the question I don't know how many times: "Jarvis, haven't you found anything special about that abandoned building?"

"No, sir, after numerous surveillance surveys, it is just an abandoned building. Due to conflicts in the negotiation during the construction process, the construction of this building stopped when 80% of the process was completed, and it has been put on hold until now. In a month, this abandoned building was bought by Mr. Gao, but no renovation work was carried out, and it remained as it was.”

Tony is also very curious about Gao Ming's series of puzzling behaviors.After the incident in New York, Tony once went to Gao Ming's house to look for him, but he only saw a room with nothing left, and Gao Ming and Sophia disappeared at some point.

It wasn't until Tony conducted a worldwide search through Jarvis that he found out that Gao Ming had gone to London.When Gao Ming was accidentally captured by a traffic camera on the street, when Tony received the video, he couldn't believe that the person shown on the screen was the Gao Ming he knew.

Gao Ming's hair is all white, and his appearance has changed a lot, as if he has grown into a teenager all of a sudden. He wears a monotonous black coat every day, exuding a decadent atmosphere.

Tony really didn't know why Gao Ming became like this, but after a period of investigation, Tony found that Sophia was not by Gao Ming's side. Similarly, Tony used various methods and channels, but failed to find out. Find Sophia's whereabouts, as if this person suddenly disappeared.

After searching to no avail, Tony also vaguely had an answer, that is, something happened to Sophia, most likely in the New York incident, which can also explain Gao Ming's crazy killing performance at that time.

Tony didn't bother Gao Ming, he could only order Jarvis to report Gao Ming's situation regularly.

"Ugh..." Tony sighed annoyed.



Gao Ming walked home lifelessly, and after returning to a dark room, he sat on the ground and stared blankly at the ceiling.

The room that Gao Ming moved into didn’t have any furniture and equipment. It was as empty as when he first moved in. There were bags of food packaging and empty drink cans on the floor, and nothing else.

After sitting there for a while, Gao Ming came to the bedroom. Similarly, the bedroom was empty, there was not even a bed, and Gao Ming usually lay down on the floor and fell asleep.

It's hard to imagine that Gao Ming will become so decadent now...

After walking into the bedroom, Gao Ming finally regained some energy, with a smile quietly appearing on his face, he raised a hand, a faint blue light appeared on his hand, and he swiped forward, a distorted spatial crack suddenly appeared, Gao Ming He walked in slowly, and when he was completely submerged in the crack, the space crack disappeared immediately.

Going through the crack in space, Gao Ming came to a strange space. This space seemed to be boundless, with no upper limit, no end, and the whole space was a deep blue.

In this vast and boundless space, there is a small house standing here abruptly.The house is also faint blue, obviously, it was built with the energy of this space.

Pushing open the door of the small house, Gao Ming walked in, and the sight he saw was his home in New York. After he created this house here, the layout of the house was completely copied from his home in New York. It can be said that , this is his real residence after moving to London.

Stepping briskly into the bedroom, Sophia lay motionless on the bed in the bedroom, like a Sleeping Beauty, sleeping quietly.

After coming to the bed and sitting down, Gao Ming regained his expression on his stiff face, smiled peacefully, took Sophia's hand, and whispered: "Hurry up, wait for me for a while, and you will be back."

Gao Ming looked at Sophia's delicate face quietly, his eyes filled with endless love...

He moved to London and checked the abandoned building every day. What Gao Ming did was nothing but the "ether particle" that appeared there later, which is the gem of reality among the infinite gems!
After Gao Ming obtained the Space Gem, as he expected, although the Infinity Gem is very powerful, he still successfully controlled the power of the Space Gem under the balance of the Tiger Talisman. hidden in his soul.

After mastering the space gem, Gao Ming also mastered a series of space abilities naturally, and his understanding of space is more profound. In addition to the superficial means of opening the space door, Gao Ming also developed various space skills, among which , opening up this space is one of them.

This space belongs to an independent different-dimensional space, similar to the storage space and the blessed place in previous life cultivation novels, it is constructed with the power of space gems, and no one else can enter this space in any way except Gao Ming, who is the user of the space gems. space.

Since the Tiger Talisman can balance and reconcile the power of the Space Gem, so that Gao Ming can use the power of the Space Gem, then by analogy, Gao Ming must also be able to master the Reality Gem, which is also an Infinity Gem!
The Reality Gem is what Gao Ming must obtain, because Gao Ming needs the power of the Reality Gem to change reality, reverse Sofia's current state, and revive her completely.

The reality gem can be said to be the most powerful of the six infinite gems, because all rules are meaningless in front of it, it can modify everything at will, even as long as the user makes a wish, even if the wish is an impossible fantasy, it will Can totally become a reality!

Therefore, in order to revive Sophia, Gao Ming must obtain the Reality Gem. If anyone dares to stand in front, kill him!

"Wait for me, soon, soon I can bring you back..."

In the silent space, Gao Ming's faint murmur echoed...

 This chapter is a transitional chapter, and it also reveals the method of resurrecting the heroine, although many people have already known it before, haha...

  Readers who have suggestions or ideas can comment in the comment area, or join the group to discuss, but in advance, people in our group are very unscrupulous, once you join, you will let yourself go, yohohoho...

(End of this chapter)

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