Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 56 The Madness of Endless Killing

Chapter 56 The Madness of Endless Killing
The man suspected to be Gao Ming walked slowly in front of him. Even though he was on the battlefield with constant explosions, the Avengers felt a sense of oppression, as if the whole world quieted down the moment this man appeared.

Every time "Gao Ming" took a step forward, the avengers felt that the murderous aura emanating from it became more intense, and the overwhelming murderous aura spread, making everyone feel terrified.

"This... is that kid?" Tony swallowed and asked in horror.

Sol watched with incomparable dignity. Even he felt a strong sense of crisis at this moment, which was unthinkable for him, but his intuition developed through years of fighting told him that the person in front of him was very dangerous, and he couldn't help it. He gripped the hammer tightly.

When Hulk saw "Gao Ming", he instantly lost his violent and ferocious posture, and shrank back in fear.

Although the image of the person in front of him is different from last time, Hulk's almost beastly instinct still senses that it is the same person. The lesson from last time made him hard to remember, feeling that the other party's current aura is so terrifying, Hulk dare not be presumptuous .

Steve resisted the influence of the invisible and heavy pressure on himself, and asked loudly: "Who are you? Is it Gao Ming?"

"Gao Ming" didn't answer, but stopped a few tens of meters away from the Avengers, raised his head slowly, looked at the densely packed Qiruita soldiers in the sky, his eyes were filled with endless murderous intent, "Dead—— —!!!!"

It was as dead silent as an abyss, the terrifying murderous aura stagnated for a moment, and then...was released as if it had lost its restraint.

As soon as the words fell, the avengers saw that figure like a demon god disappearing in front of their eyes. A black shadow passed through Qiruita soldiers one by one, with blood holes in their chests. His life was taken away, and he collapsed powerlessly.

In just a few breaths, the Avengers saw that all the Qiruita soldiers around were killed, most of them died instantly after their chests were pierced, and some of them were so bloody that they were torn apart. Pale and extremely ill.

At this moment, this [evil] Gao Ming, who was separated by the power of the Tiger Talisman, only had killing and revenge in his heart, no matter how many enemies he killed, he could not calm down his anger.

Tony looked at this "Death Grim Reaper" in fear, and yelled in horror: "Hey, tell me, am I hallucinating? Is this "Grim Reaper" really the one I know?"

Steve frowned and his face was serious. From the voice just now, they all recognized that this person was Gao Ming, but what happened to make Gao Ming so... scary.

Although Steve didn't know what caused Gao Ming's temperament to change drastically, he was still fighting, ignoring other things, restraining his emotions, and said in a deep voice: "Leave him alone for now, we will continue to fight against aliens, Tony, you Go and see if there is a way to turn off the device; Saul, you go to summon the thunder and lightning to stop the aliens from flying down; Hulk, don't back down, continue to smash those aliens; I will evacuate the crowd together."

Hearing Steve commanding everyone in an orderly manner, the others came back to their senses and followed Steve's instructions to carry out their own tasks.

[Evil] Gao Ming... No, he is still Gao Ming, whether he is evil or kind, at this moment, he only thinks about revenge, but [Evil] Gao Ming is more thorough, obeying the killing and madness in his heart .

[Evil] After Gao Ming wiped out all the Qiruita soldiers nearby, he flew into the air and watched countless Qiruita soldiers attacking him. Instead of choosing the killing method of speed piercing, he raised his right hand, Five fingers spread out, black gloves, fingertips are designed with sharp claws made of black metal, exuding ominous metal reflections.

Suddenly, the open palm squeezed hard, and all the Qiruita soldiers who besieged him stopped, and they were all pulled together by the invisible force of thought, and then, heavy squeezing force came from all directions.

Nearly a hundred Qiruita soldiers had no way to stop them, they were squeezed into a ball in an instant, the corpses could not be distinguished from each other, a huge amount of blood was squeezed and sprayed out, scattered on the ground like a torrential rain, and sprinkled a bloody storm.

"Damn you all----!!!"

[Evil] Gao Ming yelled frantically, and flashed above the head of a giant Leviathan. This huge monster was covered with hideous and sturdy scales. It was tens of meters long, and its body was so big that it seemed to block the sky from the eyes of passers-by below. Day, it makes people feel hopeless.

In addition to serving as a "transport ship" for Qi Rita's soldiers, the Leviathan troll itself is the biggest war killer with its huge body.

After flying down from the wormhole, countless Zirita soldiers descended from it to the ground to wreak havoc, while the giant Leviathan violently crashed everything along the way, various buildings collapsed under its impact, and a large number of innocent people died. Buried under the rubble, it was horrible.

The number of Leviathan trolls is very small. Compared with the densely packed Zirita soldiers, there are only a few. The first one was punched by the Hulk so that its body burst, and then it was bombed by a shell fired by Tony.

Right now, two Leviathans have passed through the wormhole, crashing around New York. [Evil] After Gao Ming came to the top of one of the giant Leviathans, he pointed a finger at the giant Leviathan and said coldly, "Bugs."

A white light symbolizing the transformation power of the monkey spell shot out from the fingertips and hit the giant Leviathan. Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the huge giant Leviathan suddenly disappeared, as if it had evaporated instantly.

On the ground, an inconspicuous earthworm twisted its body, was trampled to death by a fleeing citizen, and rotted on the ground.

[Evil] Gao Ming rushed to the top of another giant Leviathan, repeated the same trick, turned it into an earthworm, and let it fall to the ground.

Looking up, seeing a new Leviathan monster coming out of the wormhole, 【Evil】Gao Ming rushed towards the wormhole, his eyes burst out with golden electric current, he raised his hands, and fierce flames appeared in his palms, his whole body was radiant, exuding The extremely scorching hot air distorted the surrounding air, like a shining sun!
The explosion of the dragon spell will increase as the host's anger increases, and the whole body will be shrouded in spiritual light. The light is so dazzling at this time, which is enough to show the high level of anger in [Evil] Gao Ming's heart.

The light covered [Evil] Gao Ming's figure, but could not isolate his voice.


Following [Evil] Gao Ming's roar, the electric lights in his eyes and the flames in his hands shot out simultaneously, and the two bursting flames merged during the shooting process, turning into an unimaginable [-]-meter flame dragon. The dazzling electric arc entangles the huge body of the fire dragon, which is so terrifying!
The Leviathan giant was like a small ant in front of the fire dragon. The fire dragon opened its huge mouth and devoured it. At the same time, it slammed into the wormhole and burned countless Zirita soldiers to death.

boom----! ! !
The explosion of flames resounded through the sky, and the people on the ground were stunned by such a shocking scene. They stared blankly at the waves of fire rolling in the wormhole, and countless Chirita soldiers were burned to ashes, falling to the ground with sporadic sparks.

After launching the strongest attack ever, 【Evil】Gao Ming didn't stop, and fired lasers and flames like crazy. Killed, wiped out.

The Qiruita soldiers on the opposite side of the wormhole fired concentratedly, constantly attacking 【Evil】Gao Ming, 【Evil】Gao Ming didn't dodge, let the strong energy beams hit him, leaving bloody holes one by one.

Although Qi Ruita's soldiers' attack hit [Evil] Gao Ming's body, making him crippled, but what made Qi Ruita's soldiers extremely frightened was that [Evil] Gao Ming's injury was like a flash in the pan, and in a blink of an eye Healed in no time!
[Evil] Gao Ming does not have any psychological shackles, so he exerted the power of the spell to the extreme that he can achieve. The self-healing speed of the horse spell is completely faster than the attack speed of Qi Ruita's soldiers. It is almost as if the energy beam has just penetrated the body. Seconds back to normal.

The black battle suit on his body became tattered, [Evil] Gao Ming did not restore it, and exposed his face without any scruples. His cold face gradually became ferocious, and he fell into endless madness.

"Hahahaha——die! You all deserve to die!"

 I can only say that I tried my best and tried my best to write that feeling. As for whether everyone enjoys watching it, Lao Bai has no way to control it...

(End of this chapter)

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