Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 32 I also have 1 million... Once upon a time

Chapter 32 I have [-] million... Once upon a time

"Huh? Pay? What pay?" Tony asked in a daze.

Hearing this, Gao Ming narrowed his eyes, revealing a hint of danger, and said: "Get rid of the terrorists who kidnapped you in Afghanistan, rescue Ethan who is about to die, and help you prevent Obadiah from destroying everywhere, these, You won't forget, will you?"

At the end, Tony saw faint arcs of lightning appear in Gao Ming's eyes, as if as long as he said "yes", he would receive a sincere lightning shot from Gao Ming the next moment.

Although the defensive performance of the Mark [-] is significantly improved compared to the Mark [-], Tony is still not sure to block the lightning shot, let alone put Gao Ming in danger and let Gao Ming attack and try to collect data. Before he was a genius scientist, he , First of all, the billionaire, he regretted his life very much.

"Ahem, how could I have forgotten it." Tony replied without hesitation, not allowing him to hesitate again and again, but he saw that the arc in Gao Ming's eyes was condensing, and he might shoot at him at any time.

Only then did Gao Ming put away his plan to fire the lightning, and the lightning in his eyes quietly dissipated, and Tony secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Tony didn't let Gao Ming, who was occupying the soft leather couch, leave either. On the one hand, he wanted to show his grandeur as the host, and on the other hand...he didn't want to provoke Gao Ming, a moody person, for such a trivial matter.

He walked to the side sofa and sat down, put his hands on both sides casually, and imitated Gao Ming to raise his thighs, but he was still wearing Mark [-], and the whole sofa was pressed down quite a bit.

Gao Ming said impatiently: "I've already taken off my helmet, what are you still wearing your iron skull for? Did you finally realize that you don't look very good?"

"Nonsense." Tony asked Jarvis to unlock the helmet, and when he took it off, he showed an extremely confident face, and his mustache made his smile look even more confident.

But Tony found that it seems, it seems, maybe...Gao Ming is more handsome than him?
Jarvis said bluntly: "Sir, you seem to have lost to Mr. Gao in terms of appearance."

"Cut!" Tony spat uncomfortably. Tony's appearance is not very handsome, but his status as a billionaire adds to his temperament. In terms of appearance alone, he really can't compare with the increasingly perfect Gao Ming after the spell is strengthened.

Gao Ming said that I don't want to discourage your self-confidence, just a smug smile~ ah~ a smug smile~
"Yo hoo hoo hoo..."

How could Tony tolerate others being more proud in front of him, and said abruptly, "But I'm rich..."

Gao Ming's laughter stopped abruptly.

It seems that Xiao Shan also got such an answer when he asked about the super powers of the master. The poor people somehow felt like "kneeling to the master".

"And I've dated a lot of women..."



For the extravagant life of these nouveau riche, we should all express our distaste for Chi Guoguo... Gao Ming thought so.

Gao Ming refused to admit defeat and said: "Play so much, don't know how to control, be careful of kidney deficiency."

On the contrary, Tony was not ashamed, but proudly said: "There is no way, the body is so good, and the talent is extraordinary."

Seeing Tony's smug look, Gao Ming gritted his admit defeat.

There is no way, when it comes to women, Tony is full of flair. He doesn't know how many women he has spent wonderful nights with. It is not something a virgin like Gao Ming can catch up with.

"Cut!" Gao Ming spat angrily.

"Hahaha..." Tony laughed smugly.

The wind and water are turning...

Every time the two met, they would engage in a verbal battle and ridicule each other, but it was harmless. On the contrary, the relationship gradually eased. Gao Ming didn't dislike Tony's egomaniac like he did when they first met. That's all.

After some sarcasm, he returned to business.Tony became serious in a rare way, and asked with a straight face: "Tell me, what do you want me to do in return?"

Although Tony is essentially a profit-oriented businessman, he still knows how to repay favors. When others help him, he doesn't like to owe favors, so he will definitely find a way to repay them.

Gao Ming held his chin in distress, "I don't know, do you have an idea?"

"..." Tony was very speechless, and without even thinking about it, he came to ask for a reward, "How about I give you a sum of money?"

"Money? How much?" Gao Ming asked a little curiously.

Tony casually raised a finger to indicate the number.


"...Is my life so worthless?"

Tony instantly felt insulted, he was saved by Gao Ming, and he only needed to give him 100 million. Could it be that Tony Stark, a billionaire, is worth 100 million?Tony was about to vomit blood.

"Oh, that one thousand..." Before he finished speaking, Tony interrupted Gao Ming angrily: "One hundred million! It's one hundred million!"

Unexpectedly, Gao Ming was not as excited as Tony thought, not even a little excited, and said "oh" calmly, which made Tony a little puzzled, "Is it [-] million? You are not at all be surprised?"

Instead, Gao Ming said with a strange expression: "Jarvis, check my bank transfer records, and then tell our Mr. Stark."

Jarvis: "According to Mr. Gao's transfer records, 970 million was transferred into the account, but [-] million was transferred out soon."

"Huh? Where did you get the money?" Tony asked in astonishment.

Jarvis: "The person who traced the transfer was Wilson Fisk from Hell's Kitchen, and the money transferred was also transferred back to Wilson Fisk."

After listening to Jarvis' explanation, Tony was even more puzzled. He didn't know Wilson Fisk. After looking at Jarvis' personal information, he realized that he was the gang leader of Hell's Kitchen. Instead of continuing to do those harmful businesses, instead frequently put money in various charity and poverty alleviation work.

Tony frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable. Although he started out with arms, he never cooperated with bad guys. It was just that Obadiah sold arms to terrorist organizations behind his back, and he didn't know about it before he was kidnapped.

Therefore, although Tony is not jealous, he also disdains dealing with bad guys, so if there is any cooperation between Gao Ming and Wilson, then Tony doesn't want to get too involved with Gao Ming.

Tony's tone suddenly became cold: "Wilson is not a good person, why would he give you money?"

Gao Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "Didn't you notice that Wilson has started to get better recently? That's my credit. Thanks to my help, he turned from evil to good, so it's not surprising that he gave me some money back with gratitude." Bar?"

Asking Jarvis to report this information is just to tell Tony, [-] million or something, he also had... for a short time.

Gao Ming's explanation was not specific and clear. Tony didn't know what method he used to turn Wilson, the leader of the gang, into a good person. He couldn't help but ask, "How did you do it?"

Hearing this, Gao Ming said with great interest: "Do you want to try? Let Tony Stark become a good man."

Sensing the maliciousness in Gao Ming's tone, Tony refused without hesitation: "No, I'm just a good person, I don't need it."

Gao Ming said regretfully, "Really don't think about it? It's very interesting."

"No way!" Tony refused even more firmly, knowing it was not a good thing as soon as he heard it.

However, judging from Gao Ming's performance, it wasn't that he and Wilson had done bad things together, and Tony's attitude gradually eased.

What a pity, I still want to see what it would be like for Tony to be separated into good and evil. The evil is not difficult to imagine. It is nothing more than becoming more of a jerk, squandering hooks, and selling arms without a bottom line, but the good can’t think of what it is Does it make the six roots clean and not close to women's sex?
Tony became a monk... Oh no, this is the West, should he become a priest, missionary or other religious believers?

Because of Blowing Sting...

 It's a bit hard to do two changes every day. I really want to go back and stop myself who said "two changes a day in the future"...

(End of this chapter)

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