Chapter 226
After learning that Batman, who looks the same as himself but has a more mature appearance, has the ability to be "rich", Matt has no interest, and even underestimates Batman a bit.

If the master knows, maybe he will try to break through the dimension wall and let Matt experience the power of "money ability"...

Gao Ming waved away the projection of Batman, and then played a part of the experience of Daredevil in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Of course, Gao Ming played the American TV series he watched in his previous life, after all, he didn't pay attention to the situation of Daredevil.

Matt looked at the experience of Daredevil in the parallel world, in fact, it was not much different from him. During the day, he worked as a blind lawyer to deliver justice, and at night, he worked as a city vigilante to fight crime. Matt gradually believed in the parallel world. It also seems to be in the scene, and I will be excited for every time Daredevil acts heroically, but...

"This uniform is too monotonous!"

Seeing Daredevil's original uniform, Matt couldn't help complaining, it's too old-fashioned, and wrapping the upper half of his face with a black hood is almost telling others that I can move with a blindfold Ziroom, no one questioned why he could see things even though he was blindfolded?
Gao Ming asked with interest: "Then what did your uniform look like at the beginning?"


Matt was silent for a while, recalling a certain uniform that didn't have a good image, and said in a somewhat unnatural tone: "That's it, it's much better than this..."

Gao Ming smiled knowingly, and didn't ask further, lest Matt be embarrassed.

At the same time, Gao Ming also seemed to have forgotten that his uniform at the beginning was just a black jacket and black trousers, and the grade was not that high...

The video played by Gao Ming is a shortened version, mainly explaining the main plot of the first season of the American TV series. As for the second season, he did not follow up, so the projection for Matt was finally fixed in Wilson sitting alone in the prison cell, and Daredevil continued. The heroic cause of the night.

After reading the experience of another self in the parallel world, Matt was quite touched. He also has a Wilson Fisk in Hell's Kitchen, who is also a cancer in Hell's Kitchen. I don't know if he can send Wilson to prison like another self. .

After sighing, Matt returned to normal, and said calmly: "So, what is your purpose? Mr. Gao Ming."

Matt also believes that Gao Ming is not a bad person for the time being, and Matt can't deal with the unfathomable Gao Ming. He is more confused about Gao Ming's reason for coming, and he has nothing to value.

Gao Ming spread his hands, and said casually: "Although I can travel through the universe, every time I do so at random, so coming to this world is purely accidental and has no purpose."

"...So, you came to me just on a whim?"

Seeing Gao Ming nodding, Matt couldn't help being speechless, how boring is this person?
Gao Ming smiled and said: "If I have to say something, I want to persuade you not to be depressed about some things. Since you have chosen this path, you shouldn't be so easily affected by temporary setbacks."

Hearing this, Matt remembered that he had just left Erica in a hurry without even a word of explanation. Now, the relationship that had just seen a little improvement fell through immediately, and he couldn't help but frustrated: "I understand..."

"Also, remember to ask your girlfriend to explain."

Gao Ming said as if nothing had happened, but Matt said with a look of astonishment: "You were peeping just now?"


Gao Ming said indifferently, and Matt was suddenly angry and embarrassed. He didn't expect someone else to be there when he kissed Erica just now.

Re-opening the channel from the mirror dimension to the real world, Gao Ming pointed to the exit, and said, "I hope you can figure it out, you didn't say that being a superhero means you have to be alone all your life, don't feel that you are not worthy of her, emotional matters, or It depends on whether you are willing to fight for it or not.”

After listening to Gao Ming's words, Matt nodded silently, got up and walked out of the mirror dimension.

Back in the real world, the world in Matt’s eyes lost its colorfulness again, and only the sound was transmitted to the brain to form a cold image, which made Matt begin to miss the feeling of regaining his vision, although the loss of vision strengthened his other four senses , But after all, it cannot replace the feeling of seeing the world with your eyes.

The rain was still falling, and Gao Ming's psychic shield had disappeared at some point. The sound of dense raindrops allowed Matt to "see" the surrounding scene. Matt stood quietly on the roof, feeling the The icy rain drenched her body, and then nimbly jumped and walked through the houses and buildings, and returned to her home.

Gao Ming came out from the mirror dimension, watched Matt disappear into the rainy night, smiled silently, and then disappeared.


The next day, when Matt returned to the office, he was still looking downcast. After thinking about it all night, he still couldn't figure it out. On the road of fighting crime by himself, he was destined to be in danger. Being with Erica is good or bad for him and Erica.

When Matt entered the office, he heard Karen, who was at the front desk of the office, excitedly say: "The postman just delivered the invitation letter for the black and white ball at the Grant Hotel. It's yours. You can bring someone with you."

Karen looked at Matt expectantly. Although Matt couldn't see Karen's expression, he could tell from Karen's tone that this girl wanted to go to the prom. After all, it was a gathering of high society people. .

It's just that Karen's wish was doomed to fail, and only heard Fergie's voice next to her ear: "Can you take someone with you? Okay."

Then Foggy took the invitation letter as a matter of course, and Karen rolled her eyes in anger. Fergie asked her to pour a cup of coffee but chose to ignore and leave.

Fergie curled her lips indifferently, and then went upstairs to the office with Matt, chatting about invitations and the ball, but Matt showed a lack of interest and bluntly said that he didn't want to go.

The Grant Hotel was owned by Erica's father, and it was because of Erica that Matt got the invitation letter. Otherwise, how could he, a poor blind lawyer, be qualified to enter such a rich party?
Erica will definitely be at the prom, and Matt doesn't know how to face Erica, so he is hesitant about going to the prom.

In the end, it was Foggy's persuasive persuasion that Matt agreed to attend the ball. Foggy secretly gave himself a thumbs up. At last, this opportunity was not wasted. We must meet more rich people at the ball and make their office Get the word out.

If we don't receive some rich clients, the firm will close down sooner or later.


Matt and Fergie changed into rented suits and came to the Grant Hotel. Matt still seemed not interested in anything, and Fergie rubbed his hands as he watched the rich people coming and going. The big fish and big meat still drink the northwest wind, it depends on whether we can get to know some rich people tonight.

A waiter in a white vest passed by, holding a plate of champagne in his hand. Fergie took down a glass with a smile. At this moment, a short, bald white man with glasses came over and said, "Matt Murdoch, hello, I'm Ben Urich, a reporter for the New York Times..."

Urik stretched out his hand to Matt, but Matt pretended not to see him. After all, he was a blind man. Urik also remembered this, and stretched out his hand, a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Fergie stepped forward to shake hands with him and resolved him. distress.

After chatting for a while, Ulrich stuffed a business card in Matt's breast pocket and left.

"Look, Wilson Fisk is coming down."

Fergie excitedly dragged the reluctant Matt to Wilson. Seeing Wilson, one of the richest men in Hell's Kitchen, Fergie's eyes were about to light up, but Matt's expression turned cold all of a sudden. , After watching another experience of his own last night, he also knew that Wilson Fisk was the one who controlled all the underworld forces in Hell's Kitchen, and Matt had been preparing to attack the biggest pest in Hell's Kitchen after a while.

So when Fergie enthusiastically introduced their firm, Matt kept a cold face the whole time, and bluntly said that he would not be Wilson's attorney. Wilson held a cigar and asked with great interest, "Why?"

Matt said blankly: "Because we only represent innocent clients."

(End of this chapter)

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