Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 208 The Woman Asking Wolverine for Help

Chapter 208 The Woman Asking Wolverine for Help
A few days later, a certain night.

drop by drop...

Logan had just sent a group of carnival women to their destination when the taxi app on his cell phone rang. Logan took out a pair of presbyopic glasses and put them on to see the information of the next order.

'Two Passengers, Liberty Motel'

When Logan drove outside the Liberty Motel, he saw a [-]- or [-]-year-old girl standing in front of a wall, throwing a bouncy ball back and forth.

When she saw the car stopped, the girl stopped the game in her hand, looked at Logan in the car vigilantly, and stepped back cautiously, never leaving Logan for a moment, as if she was guarding against Logan, a stranger.

For some reason, seeing this girl, Logan was inexplicably touched, as if he had some kind of connection with this little girl.

When Logan got out of the car and looked at the quiet surroundings, a haggard-looking woman came out of the hotel. After seeing Logan, she immediately shouted in surprise: "Mr. Logan!"

"Oh my god..." Seeing this woman, Logan subconsciously turned around and prepared to leave. This woman is a trouble. A few days ago, Logan met this woman when he was picking up a guest who was going to pay respects to the cemetery. Root helps her, and also knows he is Wolverine.

Now, Logan just wants to save enough money to buy a ship, and then live in the sea with the demented Professor Charles and the albino mutant Caliban. Logan doesn't want to get into any trouble matter.

The setbacks in life have hit Logan's self-confidence and worn out his blood. Logan is now even humbled in front of those elegant and luxurious passengers who pick him up and drop off, and he can't see the shadow of Wolverine at all. How sad...

"Please, we need a ride," the woman begged anxiously.

Logan turned around impatiently and prepared to leave, saying, "I'm not free, call a taxi!"

The woman ran over in a panic and said, "My name is Gabriela Lopez..."

"I don't want to know, ma'am." Logan walked to the side of the car and opened the door without looking back.

Gabriela said in a panic: "Someone is chasing us, we must leave here, go north, go to Canada..."

But no matter how much Gabriela begged, Logan did not soften his heart at all. He didn't want to be troubled to come to his door. In the end, the other party offered 2 yuan and promised to give another 5 yuan after arriving at the destination, and Logan agreed.

Logan and Gabriela agreed to pick her up early tomorrow morning, but the next morning, when Logan was on his way to the motel, a group of mercenaries rushed to the motel first, and saw menacing men through the curtains. The mercenary, Gabriela, hurriedly said to the little girl Laura, "Run away! Hide! Don't come out, wait for Logan to get in his car and leave!"

Laura hid under Gabriela's urging, and Gabriela took out her mobile phone and hurriedly sent a text message to Logan: 'They are here, please'...

Before the text message was sent out, the mercenary was already outside the door. Gabriela hurriedly hid the phone in the cabinet, and the mercenary also broke in. The leader of the mercenary, Donald, looked at the panicked Gabriel with a sinister sneer. Friela asked, "Where is Laura?"

Gabriela shook her head in fear and said, "I don't know, she has already been sent away by me..."

"Give you one last chance," Donald pointed his pistol at Gabriela, "Where is Laura?"

Gabriela bit her lip tightly and did not answer.

Donald pretended to be regretful and said, "Oh...why don't you cherish it?"

The gunshot rang out, and the bullets shot at Gabriela quickly. Gabriela's eyes widened, and her face was full of fear.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. Gao Ming strolled in leisurely, watching everyone as if the pause button was pressed, and said to himself: "I can't let you kill people!" ..."

Ignoring those ferocious mercenaries, Gao Ming came to Gabriela, pulled her up from the chair, then walked to a hidden corner, and pulled out Laura who was hiding there. Get out of here quickly.

After Gao Ming left, the bullet finally hit...the chair?
Donald and the other mercenaries looked around in shock and anger, "Where's that woman?!"

A living person disappeared right under their noses, what a hell, but Donald seemed to have thought of something, and said through gritted teeth, "Damn mutant..."

Apparently, Donald mistakenly thought it was a mutant who rescued Gabriela. If he didn't know that the X-Men had already been wiped out, he might have thought it was Kuaiyin who rescued people.

Donald was very angry at not being able to find out Laura's whereabouts from Gabriela, and even had Gabriela rescued. Then he thought of something and left with a group of men.

Donald suddenly thought that Gabriela might entrust Laura to Logan. After all, Laura is...

Not long after the mercenaries left, Logan also drove there, but when he saw the roughly destroyed door lock, he realized that something was wrong, walked into the room, and there was no one there, Logan opened the drawer of the cabinet, took He took out Gabriela's cell phone and saw the text message.


Logan's face suddenly darkened, and the siren sounded from a distance. It should be that the owner of the hotel called the police. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Logan drove away immediately, preparing to take Professor Charles and Caliban to escape.


"who are you?"

Gabriela looked at Gao Ming in panic, and hid Laura behind her. Laura looked at Gao Ming with a fierce look on her face.

Like a beast that sees its enemy.

When Gabriela regained her senses, she found that she was not dead, and she was not in her own room. She had already come to a strange room, and Laura was beside her, and it was not Donald who was chasing and killing them. people, but an Asian man slouching in a chair.

Gao Ming waved his hand calmly, and the two chairs automatically moved behind Gabriela and Laura, "Don't be so nervous, ma'am, sit down and talk, at least I saved you."

Seeing Gao Ming's ability to control objects with his mind, Gabriela was overjoyed and said, "Are you a mutant?"

It seems that seeing Gao Ming, the "similar", Laura's face softened a little, but she remained vigilant.

Gabriela and Laura sat down.

Gao Ming shook his head and said, "I'm not a mutant. My abilities are not brought about by mutant genes. Strictly speaking, it's a kind of magic."

"Magic?" Gabriela asked in surprise, "You're not kidding?"

"You can also take it as a super power, anyway, I'm not a mutant." Gao Ming shrugged and said.

It's hard to explain its origin. Could it be said that it came from the power of an anime?Strictly speaking, spells are a kind of magic, but they seem to be more inclined to superpowers.

Gabriela didn't know how to trust the man of unknown origin in front of her. The man claimed to be not a mutant, but possessed the magical abilities of mutants. As for "magic" and "superpowers", in this world where mutants exist, On the contrary, it is not very credible, and Gabriela is just an excuse for Gao Ming to conceal his mutant identity.

Looking at Laura behind her, Gabriela calmed down as much as possible, and said cautiously, "This gentleman..."

"Just call me Gao Ming." Gao Ming replied with a smile.

Gabriela nodded and said, "Hello, Mr. Gao Ming, my name is Gabriela Lopez, thank you very much for saving us, but we need to leave now..."

At this time, Gabriela still wanted to leave quickly and then contact Logan. In contrast, Gabriela still trusted Logan more, and did not dare to trust a stranger like Gao Ming, even if the other party was a "mutant".

Gao Ming smiled and said, "You want to ask Wolverine for help?"

(End of this chapter)

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