Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 184 The Curse of the Osborne Family

Chapter 184 The Curse of the Osborne Family
Harry walked out of the meeting room at home with a gloomy face. He had not had a very pleasant chat with the gang of ambitious shareholders just now.

Yesterday, Harry, who returned from studying abroad, saw his dying father for the last time. On his deathbed, his father told him that their family had a genetic disease, reverse cell hyperplasia, a incurable genetic terminal disease, which belonged to their Osborne family The curse of the disease, when this disease occurs, the rest of his life will be harassed by the disease, and finally he will die in pain.

And Harry has reached the age when this genetic disease manifests. Before he died, his father put all his life's research in a USB flash drive, hoping that Harry could find a way to save himself from it.

After his father's death, these shareholders couldn't wait to take him out as the newly appointed heir of Osborne. In their eyes, Harry was just a brat who couldn't control the huge Osborne Empire.

Not only has to deal with a group of shareholders who are eyeing tigers, but also find a way to save his own life. This makes Harry, who has returned from studying abroad and has no experience in the world, feel very tired.

He had just heard from his assistant that his friend Peter Parker had come to visit, so Harry took the opportunity to end the meeting, which was becoming more and more intense, and angrily left the meeting room under the disdainful eyes of the shareholders.

When he reached the stairs and saw Peter by the door below, Harry finally calmed down a bit and said, "Peter Parker, I can't believe it's you."

Peter said friendlyly, "Hi, Harry, long time no see."

"Ten years?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"Eight years," Peter replied, "but it's closer to ten years."

Harry said silently, "What's the matter?"

"I saw the news and heard that your father passed away, so I wanted to come and see you and see how you are doing."

Peter walked upstairs slowly, with a concerned expression on his face.

"I... I was in a meeting with a group of people just now." Harry said a little unnaturally, saying that it was a meeting, but rather that he was forced to hand over power by shareholders.

But Peter thought he was interrupting Harry's business, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I don't know... It's just that although it's been a long time, I understand your situation somewhat. When my parents passed away, you were by my side, So here I am."

Seeing the sincerity in Peter's eyes, Harry's inner depression gradually melted away. He understood that Peter was different from those people with ulterior motives, but a true friend. Then the haze disappeared from his face, and he smiled brightly.

Although so many years had passed, at that moment, the strangeness disappeared quietly, and Peter and Harry laughed and complained to each other, as close as they were when they were young.

Peter and Harry gave a hug, expressed their joy at being reunited as friends, and went outside for a leisurely stroll together.

Harry talked about his experience in various countries over the years with great interest, and Peter also joked from time to time when he saw photos of Harry and supermodels in some magazines, came to the beach, picked up stones, chatted, and played for nothing.

Chatting and chatting, they talked about Peter's late parents. Peter still doesn't understand why his parents left in a hurry, didn't take him with them, and had an accident on the way. This incident became a knot in his heart. Peter threw the stone in his hand unhappily, and it bounced off the sea surface for a long distance before sinking.

Harry said in surprise, "Good arm strength."

Hearing this, Peter was startled, only to realize that he had accidentally used force. After being bitten by a mutant spider, his physical fitness was beyond ordinary. To avoid Harry's suspicion, Peter quickly said, "It's just the wrist, the key is the wrist." Skills, you can also practice."

Harry asked suspiciously, "Really?"

puff- puff-

Just as Peter was chattering unnaturally, another stone was thrown out suddenly, and it was farther than what Peter threw. Peter and Harry looked around subconsciously, and found that the person who threw the stone was a man in a fine black suit. man.

Gao Ming smiled slightly, and said, "Seeing that you guys are playing so hard, your hands are a little itchy, don't you mind if I join in too? Young man."

Peter and Harry looked at Gao Ming suspiciously. The man in front of him was dressed in a fine and detailed suit, coupled with his indistinct temperament, he did not look like an ordinary person. Harry even wondered if the company sent him to monitor him So he said indifferently, "Who are you?"

Gao Ming picked up a stone disapprovingly, and threw it lightly, but the stone flew out like a football, bouncing on the sea surface for a long distance before sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"I'm just a stranger passing by, don't be too nervous." Gao Ming replied casually.

Neither of them believed that Gao Ming was just passing by by chance. Harry's face showed a trace of impatience, while Peter frowned. He always felt that this person's voice had some impression, but he couldn't remember where it was. heard.

"Are you someone they sent!"

Harry said coldly, naturally he was referring to the shareholders of the company.

Gao Ming raised his eyebrows, and said with some dissatisfaction: "If you mean the group of guys in the car opposite, then I tell you, no."

Hearing this, Harry was startled and subconsciously looked towards the opposite side. Sure enough, there was a black commercial vehicle parked there, with a horn-shaped device on the top.

Harry reacted quickly, and then a surge of anger welled up in his heart. Do these shareholders really think they can firmly control him?To follow and monitor him? !
As if hearing Gao Ming's words from the monitor, the black commercial vehicle quickly started to leave under Harry's gaze.

Before it was time to completely tear their skins apart, the shareholders would naturally not get out of the car and admit that they were spying on Harry.

Inside the car, the aggressive shareholder in the meeting room gloomily said to his subordinates, "Check! Check out that man's information for me!"

Seeing that the car really drove away "with a guilty conscience", Harry believed most of Gao Ming's words, but not all of them, after all, Gao Ming was still a person of unknown origin.

A bit of anger remained on Harry's face, and he asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

"My name is Gao Ming," Gao Ming threw the stone in his hand, "Hello, Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, we are also acquaintances..."

Peter said suspiciously: "I'm sure we haven't met, sir."

Gao Ming smiled and thought to himself, of course you don't know me, but Peter and Harry in another world do know me.

Gao Ming seemed to be talking to himself casually: "Some wrong choices may make me regret for the rest of my life..."

This inexplicable sentence made Harry confused, but Peter's expression changed drastically. He finally remembered where he had heard Gao Ming's voice, that strange black-clothed Spider-Man!
Peter's whole body tensed up immediately. Although Gao Ming didn't hurt him that night, he just reprimanded him in a playful way, but Peter couldn't figure out Gao Ming's character and what Gao Ming's position was.

If he was the only one around, Peter would have no scruples, but Harry was still by his side, so he couldn't involve Harry, so Peter stared at Gao Ming intently, and urged, "It's really inexplicable, Harry, let's ignore this A strange person, let's go."

Harry nodded and was about to leave when he heard Gao Ming say something that shocked him: "Harry, if you don't find a solution in the end, you can make this call, and I can help you get rid of the curse of the Osborne family. "

Harry frowned, but his heart was turbulent, who was the other party?How do you know the genetic disease in their family?
Seeing Gao Ming holding a slip of paper with a series of numbers written on it, Harry hesitated for a moment before snorting, took the slip of paper, and left with a dazed Peter.

"The curse of the Osborne family? Harry, what is he talking about?"

Peter frowned and asked worriedly.

Harry smiled without changing his face: "It's just some small troubles, and I can handle them myself."

Harry's words couldn't convince Peter, but since Harry didn't want to say anything, Peter wouldn't ask, so he thought to himself to find a way to meet Gao Ming. He had many things to ask Gao Ming.

With the greatly improved vision after the gene mutation, Peter silently read the number on the piece of paper and kept it in his heart.

Watching Peter and Harry gradually walk away until they disappeared from sight, Gao Ming smiled, threw the stone in his hand vigorously, and then turned and left.

boom! ! !
The calm sea suddenly exploded, setting off a large area of ​​spray. The sudden situation caused passers-by on the shore to stop and check, wondering whether a bomb had been thrown into the sea and detonated.

A stone sank slowly into the bottom of the sea, and several fine cracks appeared on the surface of the stone. During the sinking process, it fell apart...

(We don’t count on monthly tickets either. After all, there are tens of thousands of them at every turn. The recommended tickets are more pleasing to the eye. Please give some recommended tickets, thank you)
(End of this chapter)

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