Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 178 The Darkness Will Dissipate

Chapter 178 The Darkness Will Dissipate
"We have a second chance!"

Stephen twirled the time magic circle in his right hand, and shouted loudly to Modu beside him. Seeing this scene of going back in time, Modu also knew that it was not too late, and hurried to the Hong Kong Temple, which was being restored to its integrity , he wants to seize this opportunity to start over again, and guard the Hong Kong Temple together with everyone in the temple.

The London Temple and the New York Temple were destroyed one after another, leaving only the Hong Kong Temple, and the three temples are a combined large-scale formation to protect the entire earth from being eroded by the evil god Dormammu. If the Hong Kong Temple also falls, Then the whole world will be swallowed by endless darkness.

Under the influence of the power of the time gem, Casillas kept retreating, but then with the help of dark energy, his whole body blurred for a while, and then he completely got rid of the influence of time reversal, and he resumed his actions and moved towards Stephen. rushed over.

Stephen and Casillas fought, and on the other side, Mordo faced the other two dark magicians with one against two.

Everything around is still returning to its original appearance as time goes back. After Mordo quickly got rid of the pincer attack of the two dark magicians, he immediately jumped from the upstairs when he saw Stephen retreating under the attack of Casillas Going down, grabbing the right moment, condensed a magic whip to wrap around Casillas, and then threw him onto a wall that was being restored.

Countless rubble flew back to their original positions from the ground, forming an intact wall, which was also buried by Casillas.

As pieces of rubble returned to the original building, Stephen also found the king buried in the rubble, and immediately used the time magic circle to target the king, so that the king could get rid of the influence of time reversal.

Wang still maintained the aggressive posture when facing Casillas, and when he was out of time, he still looked like he had just woken up from a dream, looking at the miraculous scene around him in surprise.

Stephen raised his eyebrows and said, "It's wrong to break the laws of nature, I know."

"Don't stop now."

Wang also realizes that now is the time to start again, and he doesn't care about the unforeseen consequences of using time.

Looking at the gradually restored Hong Kong Temple, Stephen said solemnly: "When the Temple is restored, they will attack again. We have to defend this time, let's go!"

With an order, the three ran towards the temple. At this time, Casillas broke through the wall and walked out. Seeing that Stephen and the three were running towards the temple, he immediately bent down and slapped his palm on the ground superior!

boom! ! !
There was an earth-shattering shock on the ground, and a strong shock wave hit the three of Stephen, who were knocked down to the ground immediately, and the time magic circle on Stephen's right hand also fragilely shattered and dissipated.

The flow of time stopped, the pedestrians who came and went stood motionless in place, the buildings being restored also solidified, and the rubble, bricks and tiles stopped in mid-air, and did not return to the original place.

At this moment, the entire world is at a standstill.

"Uh woo..."

Modu groaned in pain and got up, Wang also got up, and the two quickly took out their magic weapons, entered the combat state, and looked at Casillas and others who were slowly approaching with wary faces.

"Get up! Strange, get up and fight! We can change this situation."

Modu called out to Stephen, who was lying on the ground, and Stephen stood up with his hands on the ground.

"You cannot resist the inevitable," Casillas said, strolling over. "Look, what a beautiful picture! A world beyond time... beyond death."

"Beyond time..." Casillas' dreamlike words stunned Stephen, and then he thought of something, and flew into the purple-shrouded sky without hesitation, and rushed into the wormhole of the dark dimension.

"He's gone, and even Strange has left you behind, surrendering to Dormammu's power..."

Casillas looked sarcastically at Modu and Wang who were in despair, and mercilessly attacked them verbally.

"Is it ignorance and stupidity that Dormammu bestowed on you?"

Just when Casillas was about to continue his declaration of victory, a stern voice suddenly sounded, he frowned, and looked in the direction of the voice with an expression of displeasure.

Modu and Wang Ze couldn't help showing joy, and they also looked over.

Gao Ming, who was wearing a loose black robe, slowly descended from the sky. The robe on his body fluttered and fluttered without any wind. His deep amber pupils did not have a trace of emotion. Tiny and humble ants.

Landing on the ground expressionlessly, Gao Ming gave Venom a thumbs-up in his heart. This wave of coercion was well done, and Venom gave the black robe an effect of fluttering in the wind in a considerate way, which matched Gao Ming's temperament of looking down on the world. , so that Gao Ming's appearance has been improved by N grades, which is even more shocking than the first appearance of Stephen being lifted up by the levitation cloak.

Casillas said coldly: "Who are you?"

"You don't deserve to know."

Gao Ming said indifferently, not paying attention to Casillas and others at all, this angered Casillas, he smiled sinisterly, suddenly condensed a transparent sharp blade, and stabbed Gao Ming viciously!
"go to hell!"

Gao Ming calmly raised his hand, and a densely textured golden magic shield instantly appeared in front of him, easily blocking Casillas' thrusts. The solid luster and complex texture all proved that this magic shield With such sturdiness, the sharp blade in Casillas' hand couldn't even scratch a sporadic spark from the shield.


Casillas looked at this scene in disbelief, and took a few steps back with great vigilance, standing with the other two dark magicians.

Modu and Wang walked quickly to Gao Ming's side, and Modu said anxiously: "Strange has also fallen, now only you can stop Dormammu..."

"Relax," Gao Ming smiled faintly, "give Stephen more trust, he is going to deal with Dormammu's problem."

Hearing this, Modu and Wang both looked disbelieving, and Casillas and others even laughed wantonly, mocking: "Only him? A rookie who doesn't even master magic combat can defeat the omnipotent Mam? What a fool's dream!"


Gao Ming looked at Casillas and the others indifferently, "You are magicians, then I will let you die under the power of magic!"

After all, Gao Ming shook his hand violently, and a bright red ribbon flew out, binding Casillas and the three of them tightly in the blink of an eye, unable to break free at all.

Setorak's Scarlet Necklace, also known as Sector's Red Belt or Scarlet Chain, is a powerful control magic that makes it difficult for the bound target to break free from the chain.

Then, Gao Ming waved his hand casually, and a thick and violent bolt of lightning shot out in a hurry, bounced a few times on the ground, and finally hit the three of Casillas who were tied up straight.


The burst of lightning caused the three of Casillas to feel the severe pain of the thunderbolt, and they couldn't help shaking violently, and then returned to death, turning into three charred corpses.

Bossat's Thunder, a range attack magic, summons a burst of lightning to pierce within a certain range, and its power is very high.

The fly in the ointment is that this move needs to be transmitted to each other. When facing a group of enemies, it can kill as much as you want. When facing a single enemy, it seems to be too slow, and the more agile enemies have enough time to dodge.

With the scarlet chains removed, the three charred corpses lost their support and fell heavily on the ground, turning into countless small coke.

After dealing with the three enemies, Gao Ming didn't care about the stunned expressions of Modu and Wang, and looked up at the wormhole in the purple sky, feeling the power of the evil god Dormammu.

"'s really scary..."

Gao Ming couldn't help but sighed and sighed.

Don’t watch the movie. Stephen successfully prevented Dormammu from invading and protected the world. In fact, Dormammu was defeated. It was Stephen playing a rogue. He let time go back in an infinite loop and trapped Dormammu in a time period , Turning back time again and again, in the end he had no choice but to accept Stephen's conditions and gave up the aggression.

With Dormammu's strength, it is completely at the level of destroying the world, and Thanos who has not collected all the infinite gems cannot defeat Dormammu.

Gao Ming shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity that such a terrifying existence is the villain..."

(Mom is sick, help take care of it, the second may be a little later)
(End of this chapter)

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