Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 155 A Calm Month

Chapter 155 A Calm Month
Although everything has been explained "very reasonable", but...Gao Ming's heart is...very unhappy...

"When will the X-Men come back from their mission?"

Gao Ming asked blankly.

Colossus said solemnly: "This is a secret mission and cannot be disclosed."

"One month?" Gao Ming casually said a time.

Colossus fell silent for a moment, then said, "...about the same."

"Then I'll wait for you for a month."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ming turned around and left this "sparsely populated" mutant school. When he left, Gao Ming felt an unknown fire in his heart.

He will only stay here for a month. Anyway, whether it is long or short, one month will pass quickly.

Of course, Gao Ming can also choose to travel to the future at a speed faster than the speed of light, which can save time. The previous two time travels in the plane world have confirmed that the time spanned by time travel will not affect the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the Ghost Rider universe, Gao Ming spanned eight years, and if it took eight years to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it would have been several years since Thanos destroyed the universe.

In the case of time travel, the time flow rates of the two universes will not be the same. However, if you stay in this universe honestly, how much time has passed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Although Gao Ming can save time by traveling through time, but after thinking about it, forget it, he can still afford to wait for a month.

For now, let's find a temporary place for ourselves.


A month later.

A magnificent five-star hotel.


The sound of the elevator reaching the floor sounds, and the "1" on the display indicates that the elevator has descended to the first floor of the hotel.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Gao Ming, who was wearing an exquisite and decent black suit, walked out of the elevator calmly. The hotel waiter standing beside the elevator door greeted him quickly with a smile on his face, and said hello: " Good afternoon, Mr. Gao."

Gao Ming showed an approachable smile and nodded, "Good afternoon, Xiao Zuo, as usual, help me drive the car to the hotel entrance."

As he said that, Gao Ming took out the car key and handed it to the waiter. The waiter took the key, trotted to the parking lot of the hotel, and drove the car to the hotel entrance according to Gao Ming's request.

Gao Ming casually pulled his cuffs, and walked out of the hotel leisurely, the invisible noble demeanor made people along the way couldn't help but focus on him.

Walking to the door of the hotel, a black Ferrari had already parked there. The hotel waiter stood straight up by the car door and handed the key back to Gao Ming respectfully with his hands in white gloves, "Mr. Gao, according to your order , drove the car as usual."

The black Ferrari in front of me is exactly the car that Gao Ming bought in this world. It has unlimited powerful kinetic energy, advanced aerodynamic characteristics, and absolutely beautiful line design, plus the mysterious and noble black spray paint. Wherever you go, you can attract a bunch of people to stop and watch.

"Thank you, Xiao Zuo." Gao Ming took back the key with a smile, then took out a dozen banknotes and handed them to the hotel waiter.

The hotel waiter happily accepted the tip from Gao Ming. This Mr. Gao booked a presidential suite for a month. He treated people very friendly and spent a lot of money. Whether it was food delivery or parking, he gave him a lot of tips. , this month, everyone in the hotel is looking forward to serving Gao Ming, so that they can receive a considerable tip.

Under the slightly envious gaze of the hotel waiter, Gao Ming got into this eye-catching black Ferrari and drove away.

In the car, Gao Ming drove the car skillfully, thinking about the past month.

After deciding to stay in this world for a month, Gao Ming naturally didn't bother to buy a house when it was impossible to stay in this world for a long time. He found a five-star hotel with a high rating and directly registered for a one-month presidential suite.

On weekdays, Gao Ming either goes to some professional museums to appreciate works, goes sightseeing in famous tourist attractions, and invites professional teachers in various fields to teach him some skills, mainly music and art knowledge. He is very talented, but he learned it easily and mastered it quickly, and the rapid progress made the invited teachers astonished.

Of course, Gao Ming learned these things for the purpose of cultivating his body and mind. After traveling to the Marvel world for so many years, Gao Ming has a lot of free time, but he has never taken the initiative to learn something. It just so happens that he has nothing to do this month, so Gao Ming went to learn, anyway. It doesn't hurt either.

As for all the money spent, although this world is not his world, and the status of hundreds of millions of dollars is not universal, it does not mean that Gao Ming will be penniless, and if he makes a wish with the Reality Gem, he will get what he wants Inexhaustible money is gone.

The Reality Gem has always been used by Gao Ming to create various things, and it is something that can be seen everywhere in life. If the Reality Gem has an independent consciousness, and sees that he has always been overqualified, he might be so angry that he would think about it. To re-select a host...

Unlike Gao Ming who enjoys life comfortably, Deadpool has been very restless this month. After resuming cohabitation with Vanessa, he did not do some trivial tasks like before, but continued to be Deadpool , ran around the world, accepted a series of assassination missions with lucrative rewards, maybe the day before yesterday at the funeral of a gangster in Italy, he suddenly jumped out of the coffin and shot randomly, and today he went to a gangster in an island country Stabbed around with a bunch of shirtless guys in the bathhouse.

After regaining his appearance, his girlfriend returned to his side, and Deadpool seemed to be full of strength, yelling and killing people to earn bounties, or it might just be that he couldn't relax.

After learning that Gao Ming would wait a month before returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Deadpool took on the mission even more recklessly and ran around, saying that he wanted to leave his own mark on his world before leaving, as a farewell gift.

After Vanessa learned that Deadpool had been tortured and even disfigured in the past, Gao Ming was cured on the condition of agreeing to go to another world to help. Naturally, she also chose to follow Deadpool to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Deadpool persuaded him This trip was very dangerous, and I didn't want Vanessa to go with me, but in the end I couldn't resist Vanessa, so I agreed to take Vanessa with me.

This pair of men and women are very good. After learning that they are about to leave for another world, they still carry out their own work in their own way. Vanessa still goes to work in strip clubs every night, and Deadpool hacks and kills everywhere. It seems that for them, This is a very normal thing.

A month later, before he knew it, Gao Ming drove through the streets in his black Ferrari as usual, but the difference was that instead of visiting any scenic spot, he went to the Xavier School for Gifted Youth. Let's see if the X-Men are back.

"Don't make any more bloody reasons..."

Gao Ming muttered to himself, whether he saw the legendary X-Men or not, it was time for him to leave, and he couldn't stay in one world for too long.

Hope, it can come true.

(First update, fixed twice a day)
(End of this chapter)

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