Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 152 Healing the Appearance of Deadpool (Part 3)

Chapter 152 Healing the Appearance of Deadpool ([-]rd update on shelves)
Gao Ming just smiled slightly and said "NO" when Deadpool wanted to pretend to be stupid and let him treat him for free.

Deadpool yelled angrily: "If you don't help, you won't help. It's okay for me to go directly like this."

After all, Deadpool made a gesture of getting ready to go, as if he really didn't care, while Gao Ming sat there calmly, watching Deadpool's performance.

Seeing that Gao Ming didn't make a sound to persuade him to stay, Deadpool also realized that Gao Ming didn't like this, he didn't accept bargaining, and he wouldn't feel embarrassed even if he was thick-skinned, so he pulled a chair resentfully and sat in front of Gao Ming .

Deadpool said weakly: "You want me to go over to fight Thanos with you, right? It's not necessary, the Avengers are enough, why do you want me to go there, Deadpool's copyright is in the hands of Fox, Jumping over there is copyright infringement... huh? You want to see Deadpool join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Then you go to Fox!"

Obviously, audiences in reality still have great expectations for "Deadpool joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe".

Gao Ming chuckled and said: "Infringement? Wade, this is the real world. Although it is derived from a movie, you are also a virtual character, but for us who live in the present, all of this is real , it's no longer a shit movie, and..."

Gao Ming crossed his hands, raised his thighs, and said cynically: "... Speaking of copyright infringement, I have already brought back the old version of Spider-Man's Sandman, Doctor Octopus, and Ghost Rider. Is Sony going to sue me? "

"Wow, the audience's reaction is very strong. They are very interested in a bunch of Marvel characters gathered in the Avengers movie... By the way, did you really bring back the bad movie king 'Nicholas'?"

Deadpool asked curiously.

"It's Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer, although in reality he is played by Nicolas Cage, but here, he is a real person, Wade, don't you think you are Ryan Reynolds, not Deadpool Wade Wilson?"

Gao Ming said righteously, but Deadpool replied disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter, whether it's Ryan or Wade, it's enough to restore a handsome face. Ryan's face still makes me quite satisfied, and I can fascinate a lot of people." Little girl... isn't it? Am I wrong? You first hooked up Scarlett Johansson with your face, and now you married Blake Lively, do you think you relied on your talent?"

Deadpool began to quarrel with Ryan's voice that appeared in his mind. For himself as the actor, Deadpool has no good impressions except for his handsome face. He knows that he is a virtual character, no matter how bad Deadpool behaves. If you are too nervous, you won't like the truth, and you will hate your own actor without any scruples.

"I need your help, Wade."

Gao Ming looked at Deadpool very seriously and said.

Deadpool's chattering mouth stopped for a while, and he looked at Gao Ming with complicated eyes, and said, "Your world is much more dangerous than ours, Avengers 3? Thanos collecting all the infinite gems will wipe out half of the life in the universe. Next, how safe am I to stay in this world..."

"Please help me."

Gao Ming asked Deadpool to be silent again, and Deadpool said in a difficult voice: "Madfake, just die, I don't believe that Thanos can kill me, I am an immortal Deadpool!"

Hearing this, Gao Ming smiled in relief.

Finally, another foreign aid was found, and the preparations against Thanos were a little more adequate.

Although he agreed to Gao Ming's invitation, Deadpool still looked reluctant. After all, he was going to face Thanos. In the comics, Deadpool and Thanos became rivals in love because they fell in love with death. There are many interesting stories, but the movie is different, copyright issues, Thanos does not know Deadpool, there is no friendship at all.

Taking off his hood, Deadpool's disfigured face was full of displeasure, he pointed at his own face, and said, "You'd better be able to heal my face, otherwise I'll immediately turn my face and deny anyone, pick me up The big gun will blow you up."

Gao Ming didn't care about Deadpool's foul language, a white light of healing power appeared on his hand, and then he met Deadpool's horrible face.

The reason why Deadpool became a "disgrace" in the self-healing world, with almost immortal self-healing ability, and a rotten appearance, was mainly because the cancer cells in his body and the awakened self-healing ability mutually repelled each other. It caused him to become this inhuman and ghost-like appearance.

It was because Wade was suffering from cancer that he had no choice but to accept the tragic experiment. After a series of torture and suffering, he finally succeeded in inducing the mutant gene in his body and gained a super self-healing ability, but the price was to become this A disgusting and ugly look.

Restoring the appearance does not mean that the removal of cancer cells in the body can be achieved. On the contrary, if the cancer cells are completely removed, Wade's body will not be able to withstand the powerful self-healing factors, and the self-healing factors will continue to divide, and finally resemble cancer cells. Kill him the same.

It's so ridiculous and dramatic, the cancer cells that would have killed him, but now they are in a state of balance with the self-healing factor, allowing him to survive.

Of course, Gao Ming couldn't simply eliminate the cancer cells, that would speed up Deadpool's death. Fortunately, the current spell has been upgraded to the extreme, and the healing power of the horse charm has been greatly improved, which can solve Deadpool's problem.

Entering the speeding force mode of the Rabbit Charm, time seems to stand still, and everything is sluggish. Only when time stands still, Gao Ming has enough time to carry out the treatment.

First of all, it is to use the power of healing to expel and clean up the cancer cells in Deadpool's body. Under the effect of the power of healing to eliminate abnormalities, the stubborn cancer cells like maggots on the tarsus are eliminated without any effort.

Then, before losing the self-healing factor suppressed by cancer cells to counterattack, the healing power flows into every corner of the body, and the genetic structure of the self-healing factor is precisely adjusted, on the premise of retaining the self-healing ability without harming Deadpool himself Next, what Gao Ming has to do is to let the self-healing factor adapt to Deadpool's body to achieve a perfect fit.

To be precise, it is to suppress the splitting speed of the self-healing factor so that it reaches a stable level. Compared with actual examples, it is similar to Wolverine's perfect self-healing ability, but even stronger.

If it was Gao Ming who had not upgraded the power of the spell, it would undoubtedly be a daydream to complete this project. The horse charm would only "unreasonably" eliminate cancer cells, regardless of whether the self-healing factor would kill Deadpool.

In the state of super speed force, Gao Ming spent a lot of time to complete the treatment, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it was only a moment. At least in the eyes of Deadpool, Gao Ming just raised his hand and touched him, then put it down and said Say "Okay".

Deadpool thought that Gao Ming was playing tricks on him, and immediately yelled angrily: "What the hell? You just touch it and it's over? If you can cure it with such a light touch, I'll call you Dad, you..."

Before cursing a few words, Deadpool found that his body began to change. The rotting skin healed quickly, and it became smooth and flat again. He looked at the mirror in surprise, and there was a familiar handsome face in the mirror.

Seeing his appearance restored to original, even Deadpool couldn't help weeping with joy, turned his head, under Gao Ming's gaze, said tearfully: "Father!"

Gao Ming: "..."

Uh... at least it reflects the side of Deadpool who keeps his word.

(If there are no accidents, there are two more)
(End of this chapter)

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