Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 148 Venom and Deadpool

Chapter 148 Venom and Deadpool

The interior of the car was thrown into chaos because of Deadpool's uninvited guest.

Deadpool parried the strong men in the car very easily, and with a nonchalant tone, he took out the picture he had just drawn, and said, "I'm looking for Francis! Have you seen this man?"

The enemy naturally ignored him, grabbing Deadpool's head and hitting the stereo, switching to one song after another, making the atmosphere in the car even more chaotic.

During the fight, the car turned over, and the picture seemed to freeze for a moment, Deadpool looked at this side again, and said, "Xie Te, did I forget to turn off the stove when I went out?"

bang bang bang bang-

The car turned violently several times, and some enemies inevitably died in the middle, some were crushed into meatloaf by the rolling car, some were beheaded by the knife swung by Deadpool, and one was thrown from the car It came out, smashed hard on the road sign, turned into a puddle of meat and slid down.

The scene suddenly became very bloody.

No wonder the "Deadpool" movie in the previous life could only be seen on the online disk...

The rolling car stopped, blocking the entire highway, the vehicles behind braked hastily, and when they saw some men with machine guns get out, all the ordinary people abandoned their cars and fled, screaming to stay away from this A place of right and wrong, for fear of being implicated.

After getting out of the car, more than a dozen vicious people held guns in both hands and watched the parked car vigilantly. As soon as Deadpool appeared, they would open fire collectively without hesitation and beat him into a sieve.


The car window opened slowly, and suddenly, Deadpool's very friendly greeting came from inside the car:


What greeted Deadpool was a series of intensive gunshots. After the gunshots, there was no movement, Deadpool didn't get out of the car, and all the enemies approached quietly.

"and many more!"


All the machine guns were neatly pointed at Deadpool's hands stretched out from the car, Deadpool stretched out his hands, made a gesture of surrender, and then said in the same humble tone: "You may be wondering why I am wearing a red tights, That's because the bad guys can't see me bleeding, this one did a good job, he's wearing brown pants..."

Deadpool lowered his left hand and pointed at an enemy wearing a hat. The enemy really subconsciously looked down at his pants, and after reacting, he shot Deadpool angrily. Deadpool quickly retracted his hand, and then said : "Okay! I only have twelve bullets, so you can only share!"

Inside the car, Deadpool took out his two pistols, held the guns in both hands, and said cynically: "Let's count down!"

Just when Deadpool was about to stand up and show off his superb gun skills, suddenly, he heard the screams of the enemy one after another, he was curious in his heart, and immediately cautiously poked his head out to watch.

I saw Gao Ming came to the scene, did not use the infinite gems, and did not use the spell, but the black jacket on his body suddenly "lived" and turned into countless black thorns, which grew suddenly and pierced through several unresponsive enemies in an instant .

Needless to say, it was the venom that turned into Gao Ming's clothes that attacked the enemy. After finally being able to express himself, the role was not only to change the clothes, but the venom was also exciting.

The few remaining enemies quickly fired at Gao Ming, but the black shield transformed by the venom blocked all the bullets. Then, the venom transformed into two black tentacles without hesitation, sweeping all the enemies to high altitude, and then heavily fell to the ground!
All the enemies were smashed to pieces.

After finishing all the enemies, Venom withdrew its black tentacles and changed back to the ordinary jacket image on Gao Ming. Gao Ming felt the idea of ​​asking for credit from Venom, like a child waiting for his parents to praise him.

"Well done, boy."

Gao Ming praised Venom without hesitation, which made the simple-minded Venom very happy. Gao Ming could feel the excitement that Venom was full of at this time, and even the coat on his body trembled slightly.

Faced with the venom's reaction, Gao Ming chuckled, but a strange thought flashed in his mind.

In other words, the shape of his current clothes imitates Brother A, and the performance of Venom just now is quite similar to Brother A's attack skills. Could it be that Venom is going to follow Brother A's fighting style...

Habitually thinking wildly in my mind, Deadpool complained dissatisfiedly in my ears: "Hey! Why did you interrupt my performance, I was going to smash the whole audience with twelve bullets, but now you took the first step, They were all laid down by you, what else am I playing, Xie Te!"

Deadpool shook the gun in his hand unhappily, put it back into the holster protruding from his thigh, then walked up to Gao Ming, and reached out to stroke Gao Ming's chest abruptly, to be precise, stroked the venom that turned into a jacket , some obsessively said: "Hey~ Is it my cute little venom? In the comics, we have been in close contact~"

A burst of goosebumps.

The venom that turned into a jacket trembled violently, and expressed his strong discomfort to Gao Ming, asking if he could kill this strange guy in front of him.

Gao Ming was also very uncomfortable. After all, Deadpool's hand was actually touching him. He slapped Deadpool's hand away, and then said to Venom: "Don't worry, this guy has this kind of virtue, and you can't kill him. This guy's vitality is stronger than Xiaoqiang's."

"Oh~ little venom, you actually want to kill me, it makes me so sad..." Deadpool covered his face with his hands, and said in a sad tone: "Have you forgotten the unforgettable years we have spent together? ?"

Gao Ming looked at Deadpool on the showman's upper body speechlessly, and said, "Mr. Wade, that's in the comics. My venom comes from the universe of the old version of Spider-Man 3, and it has nothing to do with yours."

At the same time, Gao Ming couldn't help complaining. In the comics, venom was not good or evil at the beginning. It just parasitized Deadpool. It will gradually turn the personality of the person parasitized by the venom into evil.

"Oh, it's Toby's little spider's world. Unfortunately, I don't have a chance to dance with him. Toby's dancing still suits my appetite, huh? You said that Toby's dancing is more flamboyant than me? How is it possible? I am more interested in dancing. Are you good at..."

Hearing this, Deadpool stopped acting, and then started talking to himself happily.

Watching Deadpool talking to himself nervously, Gao Ming rubbed his forehead helplessly. Sure enough, Deadpool really deserves to be a famous chatterbox of Marvel. Gao Ming was still hesitating whether he really wanted to bring Deadpool back. After all, his universe already has Ant-Man and Spider-Man who will appear in too many years. Once Deadpool is brought back, the three Marvel chatterboxes will be assembled.

In that scene, is it possible to annoy the enemy to death with the three chatterboxes?
Seeing that Deadpool was still talking to himself without any sign of stopping, Gao Ming had no choice but to interrupt, saying: "Mr. Wade, you should stop for a while, aren't you here to hunt down the enemy today?"

After being reminded by Gao Ming, Deadpool just woke up like a dream, "Yes, I almost forgot the business, where did the bastard Francis hide..."

When Deadpool was looking for his enemy Francis, he suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle engine. Hearing the sound, he looked over and found a man wearing a motorcycle helmet starting his motorcycle and preparing to flee the scene.

"Oh, don't hurry, Francis..."

Deadpool spoke strangely, with an unstoppable murderous intent in his tone, he hurriedly chased after him, nimbly turned over and stepped over a car, then kicked his foot into the air, spinning 360 degrees at the same time , pulled out the knife behind his back, and flung it out quickly!

The long knife precisely hit the front wheel of the motorcycle, and the motorcycle swayed suddenly. Francis, who was wearing a helmet, was thrown off the bike and hit the car parked in front of him.

Picking up his knife, Deadpool walked slowly towards Francis who fell on the ground, "I said, don't rush away, Francis, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you... ..."

(first update)
(End of this chapter)

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