Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 146 The Future Goal of the Rat Charm

Chapter 146 The Future Goal of the Rat Charm
A dark blue wormhole more than two meters high suddenly appeared. Gao Ming led Johnny, Najia, and Danny out of the space door. The wormhole behind him slowly shrank and closed before disappearing.

"This is your world? It's not much different from ours." Johnny said, looking at the bustling city scenery in front of him curiously.

Nadya asked nervously, "Where is this place?"

Danny looked down eagerly.

At this time, they were standing on the top floor of the most conspicuous building in New York, the original Stark Tower, and now the Avengers Base.

Just as Gao Ming was about to reply, he suddenly heard some voices coming from a distance. After hearing the sound, he looked over and saw the figure flying towards this side clearly, then retracted the words that came to his lips, and waited calmly.

A loud sound of metal landing shocked the three of Johnny, and Johnny's right hand instantly turned into a bone, and blue-white flames attached to the bone hand.

When he saw the person coming, the vigilance in Johnny's eyes dissipated, and the change in his right hand was removed. He recognized it. This is a superhero that Gao Ming once showed in a dream. It seems to be called...

"King Kong Man?" Johnny yelled uncertainly. It's been too long, except for Thanos who still has a deep memory, he has almost forgotten everything else.

Tony, who had just got up on the ground, heard Johnny's words, his face darkened suddenly, and the mask opened, revealing a face full of displeasure, "It's Iron Man, Iron Man! Gao Ming, you didn't talk to this newcomer. Can you introduce me?"

"Yes, but the time is far away..." Gao Ming stroked his chin, pretending to be thinking.

"When did you introduce it?"

"Eight years ago."


Tony was stunned, and then immediately reacted, and said, "Did you time travel again?"

"As expected of Tony Stark." Gao Ming nodded in admiration, Tony's thinking was still fast, and he thought of the key point at once.

Turning around, Gao Ming introduced to Tony: "Tony, this is Johnny, and this is Najia and her son Danny."

"Hello, welcome to the Avengers Base, I'm Tony Stark." Tony greeted in a casual tone, his eyes quickly swept over the three of Johnny, skipping over Nadja and Danny, and finally looked at Stay on Johnny.

Johnny had just changed in a flash, but Tony still noticed that his arm had turned into a bone and was emitting a strange blue flame. Undoubtedly, Gao Ming's harvest this time should be the man in the old leather jacket in front of him.

In the previous world, Gao Ming's main gains were the recruitment of sandman Flint and Dr. Otto, as well as the venom parasites and mutant spiders.

Needless to say, the strength of the Sandman, after a period of training, has now become the backbone of the Avengers. Except for Tony's use of high-tech weapons to affect the Sandman, ordinary physical means cannot pose a slight threat to the Sandman.

As a nuclear energy physicist, Dr. Otto has extensive experience in the field of energy technology. Although the energy produced by his nuclear fusion reaction cannot exceed the energy of Tony's Ark reactor, it does not prevent Tony from agreeing with Dr. Otto.

After the venom became Gao Ming's clothes, it never revealed its prototype, and Gao Ming forgot to mention it, so Tony didn't know the existence of venom. However, Tony also made remarkable achievements in the study of mutant spiders, although he hadn't yet It was formally put into human experiments, but according to the current data, this little spider can indeed artificially produce genetically enhanced abilities.

It can be seen from this that as long as Gao Ming does not return empty-handed, the people and things brought back are of great value. The three people brought back this time, Johnny is obviously the harvest of this time. ordinary people.

What Tony was curious about was which aspect of Johnny attracted Gao Ming's attention. Visually, Johnny also possessed some weird abilities, but he didn't know how strong they were.

"Tony, help Johnny and the others arrange their identity and residence." Gao Ming looked at Tony and said.

Hearing this, Tony rolled his eyes and complained: "Why do you always ask me to help with these trivial things recently? I'm Tony Stark, don't you think about my identity?"

Gao Ming spread his hands indifferently, walked up to Tony, said in a low voice, "Tony, Johnny is very strong."

Tony immediately took it to heart, Gao Ming rated him as "very strong", then Johnny's strength should not be underestimated.

Without elaborating on Johnny's situation, Gao Ming turned around and opened a space door to go home, "I'm going home first, you two get to know each other."

"Hey, you first..." Tony still wanted to say something, Gao Ming shook his hand, and left through the space door without looking back.


After returning from the Ghost Rider universe, Gao Ming did not continue to go to the new universe. Although he would not feel tired, he had to stop for a while after going to two universes in a row, and he was not sure which universe the next one would be. Derived from superhero movies, there is no rush to start.

It's rare for Gao Ming to be free, and Gao Ming has nothing to do. He entrusts his daily tasks of fighting crime and helping the masses to the hard-working Black Shadow Corps. This group of loyal ninjas has integrated into the daily life of New Yorkers. At times, the elusive ninja would emerge from the shadows and quickly solve the problem. Under the influence of the Shadow Corps, the atmosphere in New York became better and better.

With the Shadow Corps acting as a substitute, Gao Ming doesn't need to go out in person, and now he rarely appears in the public's sight. For ordinary minor disasters, the presence of the Shadow Corps is enough.

Gao Ming, who is free, lives a life like ordinary people every day, going for a run in the park, staying at home, reading books and surfing the Internet.

Of course, Gao Ming did not waste time either. He relaxed when it was time to relax, and was serious when he should be serious. He did not forget that the big boss Thanos was waiting for him. Besides going to the Avengers base to check the progress of other members, Gao Ming Ming is also secretly preparing for some work.

Three months later.

Gao Ming came to a warehouse. He bought it. It looks ordinary, but the whole warehouse has been carefully remodeled by Gao Ming. The whole warehouse was built by him using reality gems instead of vibrating gold...

From this, it can be seen how much Gao Ming valued the things in the warehouse, and he did not hesitate to protect them with the hardest metal in the universe.

Opening the warehouse, Gao Ming walked in and quickly closed the door.

The warehouse is very large. Unexpectedly, there are not many things stored, which can be seen at a glance. However, the "things" stored are very strange, and they are lifelike models.

A man with a red cloak on his back and a big "S" logo on his chest...

A man in black armor and a cloak, with a black bat on his chest...

Needless to say, with just one look, you can recognize these two are the well-known Superman and Batman, and beside the two models, there are Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, the rest of the Justice League veterans The model, as can be seen from their appearance, is the version from the movie "Justice League", and the Green Lantern is the version played by Ryan.

Rat charms can give souls to dead things. Gao Ming thought of using rat charms to manifest a lot of fantasy characters to fight against Thanos together, because there is still a limit to the level of realization of rat charms, and the fighting power of Zhenglian in comics is too exaggerated , Gao Ming's appearance will also weaken, so I simply chose the movie version as a template.

In addition to the Justice League, Gao Ming also made a whole bunch of models of fantasy characters.

Because considering that they are going to fight against Thanos together as a companion, evil characters will never be considered, and those whose power exceeds the perfect realization of the Rat Charm will not be realized, so Gao Ming is very cautious when choosing.

Looking at the various models in front of him, Gao Ming is full of a sense of accomplishment. These are his cards for the future. Of course, not all of them make him proud, like a certain yellow cube and a certain pink one in the corner. The five-pointed star and a muscular man in blue clothes with crazy red hair are the "failures" produced by Gao Ming's sudden brain twitch.

I don't know why some weird characters suddenly came to my mind at that time. When the models were being made with reality gems, Gao Ming made them as well.

It's useless at all...

Gao Ming smiled wryly and made a new model.

This is a monkey wearing lava battle armor, carrying a flowing red cloak, and holding a dark golden stick...

(reveal part of it)
(End of this chapter)

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