Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 140 The Lost Johnny

Chapter 140 The Lost Johnny

Recalling the plot of "Ghost Rider 2", Gao Ming suddenly realized that it seems that the ghost riders in it are the best!

In the second part, about the source of Ghost Rider's power, the Spirit of Vengeance has a clear explanation. It was originally an angel sent to the world and a spirit of justice. However, it was deceived by the devil and imprisoned in hell. Fallen, mad, and finally a mad angel, a vengeful spirit.

The spirit of justice turned into a spirit of vengeance, and he did not forget his mission. However, from the influence of angels, the idea of ​​filling the world with love has become an extreme desire to eliminate all evil to achieve the goal.

The power that the Ghost Riders present now is just the power that was polluted after being imprisoned in hell, depraved and mad. The real power has been hidden deep in the heart, but the Ghost Riders of all generations have not awakened.

The real power of Ghost Rider is not just the fire of hell, which symbolizes death, but the fire of angels, which symbolizes life, which can heal everything and bring the dead back to life.

Although Gao Ming could heal everything in the first place, and now he can bring the dead back to life, but that is also the power of the Rat Charm after it reaches its peak, but the revived dead will be controlled by Gao Ming, and Gao Ming can bring the resurrected person back with just one thought Death, this is not a bad thing for Gao Ming, but it is a bad thing for the resurrected dead, so it can be regarded as an imperfect resurrection.

And the Angel Fire brings the real resurrection without any shortcomings!
Thinking of this, Gao Ming couldn't help feeling a little hot in his heart. A ghost knight who mastered the fire of angels is obviously more valuable than a ghost knight who can only destroy with hellfire.

It seems that the plan needs to be changed... Looking at the relieved Johnny, Gao Ming silently changed the original plan.


Johnny and his first girlfriend, Roseanne, came to the big tree where they engraved "Johnny & Roseanne will love each other forever". After saying some sensational words, they hugged and kissed goodbye. Under a big tree, he stared at the back of Johnny riding his motorcycle away.

After all, Johnny can't return to a normal life. When he decided to bear this curse, he was destined to walk on an extraordinary road, no matter what was waiting for him ahead.

After exhausting the Ghost Rider's power, Sorey completely turned into an ordinary old man. He still stayed in that lifeless cemetery and spent the rest of his days, but unlike before, he was able to attack for the last time as a Ghost Rider , Killing an elemental demon is considered complete, and Sorey has no regrets or unwillingness.

"Goodbye, Sorey, I hope you are still alive next time we meet."

Gao Ming waved goodbye to Shi Lei, and Shi Lei raised his cowboy hat and waved goodbye very freely.

When Johnny bid farewell to Roseanne, he had already bid farewell to Gao Ming and Shi Lei. Regarding Gao Ming's invitation at this time, Johnny still did not immediately agree, but said that it would take some time to sort out his thoughts and think about the situation. Life.

With a new plan in mind, Gao Ming was not in a hurry to take Johnny away, so he didn't stop him and let Johnny leave.

Walking out of the cemetery, looking at the clear sky, it seems that all the shadows have disappeared, and the mood has improved a lot. Gao Ming enjoyed the blue sky and white clouds for a while, and then he ran quickly and casually, and ran into the rift of time ...


Eight years later.

In a dilapidated area, Johnny was lying on the bed, looking at the scars on his hands with a headache.

Today, Johnny lives in an abandoned building with no one else around, and the place where Johnny lives is also a mess, just a little bit better than a homeless person.

Johnny was not as chic as he was when he left on a motorcycle. His mental outlook was not very good, his face was haggard, and he huddled in a dark corner. The ventilation of the room was covered, mainly to block the glare of the sun.

He rejected the day more and more. This was because the spirit of revenge in his body was subtly affecting him. Only in the night can the spirit of revenge appear. Therefore, Johnny was also affected. Feel out of place.

Johnny sat up dejectedly, he failed, he thought he could control the power of Ghost Rider well, but for the past eight years, every night when he turned into Ghost Rider, he lost control and just wanted to destroy All evil, sucking the souls of bad men.

In the past eight years, he traveled around the world, killed thousands of people, and became a complete murderer. This made him more and more disgusted with the power in his body. He began to suppress the spirit of revenge and prevent himself from transforming. He has been struggling for a while to prevent himself from becoming that monster, but Johnny also knows that the longer he suppresses, the greater the rebound, and he can't control it for long.

Now, Johnny is eager to get rid of this curse. This curse has tortured him like a walking dead, immersed in pain every day, unable to escape.

Johnny also thought of Gao Ming, and looked for Gao Ming all these years, hoping that Gao Ming could help him, but just like Gao Ming appeared out of nowhere, now it seems that the world has evaporated. In the past eight years, there is no trace at all. This made Johnny regret why he didn't accept Gao Ming's invitation happily. Maybe Gao Ming has returned to his own world.


The rusty iron door was opened, and a strange black man walked in from the outside. Before he could say a few words, Johnny grabbed his clothes and said coldly, "Get out! No matter who you are!"

The black man didn't care about Johnny's indifference, and said with a smile, "My name is Molo..."

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are." Johnny let go of his hand, walked to the table, stuffed some clothes into the worn-out backpack, and prepared to leave this place and go to the next place, although there was no specific goal.

"You are Ghost Rider." Molo's words made Johnny pause, and then continued to pack his bags as if he was unknown.

Molo poured out the remaining wine in a wine bottle, and threw it at the tightly covered window with a smirk on his face. The wine bottle smashed the glass of the window, and the glare of the sun shone into the dark room, and the strong Ni, like a mouse bumping into a cat, jumped into a dark corner in a panic.

"Oh, you like dark places, to be precise, that guy inside you likes darkness." Molo looked at Johnny mockingly.

Johnny held back his anger, packed his bags, put on a jacket, picked up the backpack and opened the door, and when he came to the open space outside, he threw the backpack aside and tore off the rag that was covering something, revealing An old motorcycle.

It turned out that the cool motorcycle left by his father had already been blown up in a certain operation. In the past eight years, Johnny has changed many motorcycles. Anyway, no matter what kind of motorcycle, it is just a means of transportation for him.

After Moluo came out, he taunted Johnny relentlessly. Finally, Johnny couldn't bear it any longer. He threw out the scorched iron chain, tied Moluo up, pressed him to the ground, and glared at Moluo angrily. lo.

Mo Luo quickly took out a photo, which was the blood left by Mephisto in the world, the little boy Danny.Molo explained: "I need help, you need your soul, so cooperate, we can help you get rid of the curse, find this boy, he is in danger, go save him."

Hearing this, Johnny's heart was moved, he let go of his hand, and picked up the photo.

In the end, Johnny agreed, as long as he can get his soul back, let him do anything.

That night, Johnny let go of the suppression of the spirit of vengeance. Amidst the crazy laughing and shouting, Johnny became a Ghost Rider again, but the original pale skeleton is now extremely dark. Having sucked the souls of too many sinners, the power of Ghost Rider has become darker, and the burning hellfire on his body is more violent than ever.


Amidst a burst of maniacal laughter, Ghost Rider drove his motorcycle, sensing the strange attraction in the distance, and galloped away laughing wildly.

Not long after Ghost Rider left, a golden crack quietly appeared...

(Today's first update)
(End of this chapter)

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