Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 123 I am a passing superhero...

Chapter 123 I am a passing superhero...

Peter looked at the unknown person in white tights in surprise. The golden lightning stripes and white tights made this person very eye-catching.

What surprised Peter was that this person was floating in the air without any external objects, just floating in the air against common sense.

Peter was even more stunned when he heard the other party's words. A superhero from a parallel world... Godfather?what is this?

Gao Ming ignored the ups and downs in our little spider's heart, and calmly fell down, took off his helmet indifferently, and said with a chuckle: "Hello, Spider-Man, or Peter Parker."

"What... what? What did you say? Who is Peter Parker?" Before Gao Ming revealed his true face, Peter was startled in vain when he heard Gao Ming reveal his identity, unnaturally.

Gao Ming looked at Spider-Man with a half-smile, and said, "Didn't you hear clearly? I am from a parallel world, so I naturally know the identity of Spider-Man."

"I don't understand a word of what you're saying." Peter stubbornly refused to admit it.

"With great power comes great responsibility."

When Gao Ming said these words leisurely, Peter's eyes widened immediately. These were the last words left to him by his beloved Uncle Ben before he died.

How could anyone know that except him and the late Uncle Ben?It can't be such a coincidence, can it?
Just when Peter was puzzled, Gao Ming casually pointed to Mary who was still trapped in the sky, and said, "Peter, your girlfriend is still hanging there."

Hearing this, Peter suddenly woke up, remembered that Mary was still in danger, said "thank you" to Gao Ming, and hurried to the sky to rescue Mary.

Just when Peter was in a hurry to rescue Mary, a handsome figure came to Gao Ming on a cool flying skateboard. The metal mask was opened, revealing half of his disfigured face, and the original handsome shadow could be vaguely seen.

Little Green Goblin, Harry Osborn.

In the old version of Spider-Man, the most popular one is the bloody love triangle between Peter, Mary and Harry. The rich and handsome Harry chased Mary, the crush of his buddy Peter, and then the poor Peter chased after Mary. But Mary and Harry are inseparable again...

This bloody relationship is really speechless...

Little Green Goblin Harry is also a tragic figure, born noble, his father is the leader of the Osborne Group, but his father committed suicide by mistake because of his personal experiment to enhance the serum split personality in the confrontation with Spiderman. He was defeated by the blackened Peter and even ruined half of his face.

Even ex-girlfriend Mary was chased by Peter, I have to say, he is really a little "green" as a little green goblin...

Harry looked at Gao Ming vigilantly, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Gao Ming spread his hands helplessly, and said, "I am a time traveler from a parallel world. In my world, I am a superhero who destroys evil and maintains peace. People call me 'Godfather'."

"Godfather?" Harry read out the incompatible hero's name with a strange expression, and Gao Ming's eyes were also a little erratic.

At the beginning, I just thought of it casually, but it didn’t sound like a hero’s name no matter what, but the hero’s name can’t be changed at will, not everyone can be called “Iron Patriot” like Lieutenant Colonel Rody. Also called "War Machine" so unscrupulous...

In addition, this hero name has been used for a long time, and people are used to it, so Gao Ming has no idea of ​​changing the name.

"Yes, I am the godfather." Gao Ming replied in a natural tone.

Harry looked at Gao Ming dubiously. Harry naturally didn't have much trust in this person who claimed to be "Godfather" and said he came from a parallel world. Just as he was about to continue to question him sharply, he saw Gao Ming casually waved a white light and hit him. Harry's face.

Just as Harry was about to fight back against Gao Ming's sneak attack, he felt warmth on his face. The disfigured half of his face was like a dead tree in spring, the necrotic cells were rejuvenated, and the cloudy right eye gradually became clear.

The world he saw with his right eye was no longer dark, but colorful again. When Harry touched his face subconsciously, he didn't feel the rough and twisted disfigured face, but the smooth and flat skin.

"My face... recovered?"

Harry murmured to himself in disbelief, standing on the suspended flying skateboard in a daze as if he had just woken up from a dream.

When Peter took Mary to a safe place and returned to Gao Ming and Harry, he hadn't warmed up with Harry when he saw Harry's intact face. He was startled and shouted: " Harry, how did your face recover?!"

Peter's exclamation brought Harry back to his senses, and he regained his original handsome appearance. Harry also returned to his original high spirits, and the trace of his hatred for Peter disappeared, and he said confidently: "Yes, thanks to this kind and enthusiastic man. Thank you, hero, Godfather."

It was only then that Peter realized that Gao Ming helped Harry recover his appearance. Surprised, he also thanked him, "Thank you for treating Harry."

Facing the sincere thanks from the two, Gao Ming waved his hands indifferently and said, "Okay, don't forget that you are still fighting."

As if echoing Gao Ming's words, the sand that had been blasted all over the ground regrouped to form the gigantic body of the Sand Man. The Sand Man uttered a deafening roar and slapped the ground heavily.

Venom jumped out from nowhere, looked at the crowd coldly, grinned, revealing extremely ferocious sharp teeth, spit out a long scary tongue, and let out an ear-piercing roar.

Peter and Harry looked at the menacing Sandman and Venom as if they were enemies, not daring to take it lightly, noticing that Gao Ming was still going his own way, crossing his arms casually, Peter couldn't help saying: "Don't be careless, Godfather..."

Peter paused for a moment, maybe he felt the name was weird, and then continued: "...Flint Mark is made of sand for some reason, and he can't be killed no matter what, while Eddie is I was inhabited by an evil parasite, and my power became very powerful. I was once parasitic, and once I put it on, it was very difficult to take it off..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Ming raised his hand to grab the void, and the venom standing in front of him suddenly howled miserably, the black liquid parasite was roughly pulled by the invisible force of thought, revealing Eddie under the parasite, the parasite was unwilling Eddie was firmly attached to the body of the host, and refused to leave the body desperately, but it was still no match for Gao Ming's mental force, and he was forcibly torn off.

The venom left the body, and Eddie collapsed on the ground weakly, unwillingly looking at the venom who had fallen into madness.

"Ugh——" The venom lost its parasitic target, and it couldn't maintain its human shape. It turned into a trembling black liquid, and the venom's ferocious appearance could still be seen.

The forcibly stripped venom needs to parasitize a new host to survive. The venom with independent consciousness immediately abandoned Eddie, the host of the weak waste, and rushed towards Gao Ming aggressively.

Gao Ming's eyes were fixed, and he shouted sharply: "Get out!"

The amber eyes full of deterrence stared fiercely, and the monstrous mental power poured into the venom, and the venom suffered such a fierce mental impact, and immediately shrank into a ball with a groan, turning into a slightly trembling "black ball" .

"What are you talking about?" Gao Ming turned his head to look at the stunned Peter and Harry, and smiled calmly.

Terrible so...

(Second update!)
(End of this chapter)

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