Marvel's Talisman of Invincibility

Chapter 117 Gao Ming VS Lu Shang

Chapter 117 Gao Ming VS Lu Shang
Tony looked at Gao Ming and asked, "In other words, we still have 3 years left?"

"Yes." Gao Ming nodded with a straight face, and said.

It is said that everyone has a sense of time urgency.Three years is not much, we must seize every minute and every second.

Tony returned to his laboratory to carry out a new round of research and development of steel suits. The foundation of his life is his brain with extraordinary intelligence. Tony didn't believe it. He still couldn't make a set of armor to restrain the tyrant ?
Steve and the others start with skills. They are all combat experienced people who are good at various combat skills. Now they want to continuously train the skills they have mastered to a higher level.

Vision, Pietro and Wanda mainly train their respective abilities and further develop them. Because Vision is a cyborg and a creature revived by the rat spell, its own strength can no longer be improved, but Pietro and Wanda are different. , There is still a lot of room for improvement in their superpowers.

Pietro experienced a near-death escape and after a spiritual breakthrough, his speed has improved to a certain extent, and his current goal is to catch up with Gao Ming. Now his physique has been strengthened. After continuous practice, over time, he may not be able to surpass the X-Men Quicksilver.

Wanda's Chaos Magic is currently just simple mind interference and mind manipulation. At first glance, it seems that there is not much room for improvement, but Gao Ming, who has read a little bit of Marvel comics, knows that the Scarlet Witch in the comics is very scary. True power, even biased toward reality gems, has the power to change the rules of reality.

Finally, Gao Ming brought Banner to his different space.

Banner looked at the endless space opened up by this space gem, and couldn't help praising him. The heart of a scientist is already ready to move.

Now that he doesn't have any professional equipment at hand, no matter how tempted Banner is, he has no choice but to give up. Looking at Gao Ming, he asked doubtfully, "Gao Ming, what did you bring me here for?"

Gao Ming smiled slightly and said, "I want Hulk to come out for a while."

Hearing this, Banner couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "That's right, fighting should be handed over to that saboteur, come on."

Banner closed his eyes, waiting for Gao Ming to force the Hulk out of him.

The soul gem deep in Gao Ming's soul emits a dazzling yellow light, and an inexplicable power of the soul quietly leaves the body and enters Banner's brain. In an instant, Banner feels an unknown fire rising in his heart. Anger filled his chest cavity, his body was bulging with blue veins, his melancholy and handsome face instantly became ferocious, his bones began to grow, his muscles continued to expand, and his skin gradually turned green.


In an instant, the gentle Dr. Banner disappeared, and there was only a burly and destructive green giant, roaring violently and restlessly.

Hulk Hulk!
When he saw Gao Ming, Hulk subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away. He had already been taught by Gao Ming to leave a shadow, but for some reason, the anger in his heart was still rising. To be consumed by rage.

Gao Ming stared intently at Hulk, who was getting more and more ferocious in front of him, and increased the power of the Soul Gem, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Back then, Wanda used mind interference to stir up Banner's anger and turn him into an uncontrollable Hulk. Gao Ming possessed the Mind Gem, so he could easily turn Banner into a Hulk, but Gao Ming He didn't just want Banner to become the Hulk, but wanted to increase Hulk's anger infinitely, so that he could evolve into the most powerful Green War!
As long as the Hulk continues to increase his inner anger, he will become stronger, and Lu Shang is the most concentrated state of Hulk's anger.

Although Lu Shang is not the most powerful Hulk mode, there are several more powerful Hulks in the comics, but Lu Di is the easiest to achieve. As long as the anger reaches a very high level, Hulk can evolve into a tyrannical Invincible Green War.

Compared with other Hulk modes with cumbersome transformation conditions, Lu Shang is undoubtedly the only mode that Gao Ming can promote Hulk's evolution at present, and it is also the most powerful mode in Hulk's history.

The muscles on Hulk's body squirmed horribly, his body continued to expand, and then shrunk rapidly, switching between increasing and shrinking. Finally, Hulk's body became a little stronger than before, and his skin color was greener. It stabilized.

It's just that on the surface, Hulk doesn't seem to have changed much, but Gao Ming can feel that the aura exuded by Hulk now makes him feel a sense of crisis.

"Interesting..." Gao Ming was not afraid, but was full of fighting spirit. Up to now, there was no enemy who could make him take it seriously, but now, the Lu Shang in front of him showed an aura that he couldn't ignore. It's really... …

Gao Ming didn't put on his speed suit, he was wearing a set of casual clothes, very ordinary, for Gao Ming the uniform was just a symbol of his heroic status, it didn't matter what he wore.

Without the idea of ​​using the Infinity Gems, Gao Ming wanted to test the brute force of today's Ultimate Bull Charm and compare it with the Hulk who evolved into Green War.

With an evil laugh on his face, the muscles of Gao Ming's whole body tensed and condensed instantly, and he immediately entered the state of the strongest strength of the bull charm.

The fact that the body is not growing is not because the "strong" characteristic of the cow charm has not taken effect, but because the current cow charm has reached its peak. After the "strong" characteristic is activated, the muscles no longer expand explosively, but continue to contract tightly. This results in stronger muscles and greater focus.

Gao Ming laughed loudly, then looked at Lu Shang, and shouted provocatively: "Come on, big man."

Hulk, now it's more appropriate to call Lu Shang, Lu Shang's eyes showed an extremely ferocious evil light, he grinned and let out a deafening roar:


With a vigorous charge, Lu Shang rushed in front of Gao Ming at once, and swung a huge fist that was extremely oppressive. Gao Ming, not to be outdone, also swung his fist.

Compared with Lu Shang's thick arm, Gao Ming's arm looks very "slender", and the scene of fists colliding makes one feel like hitting a pebble with a stone.

Bang! ! ! ! !
The fists of the two collided together, bringing up a huge wind, tearing the surrounding air, and making an earth-shattering loud noise.

Fortunately, they were in a different space. If the two of them were outside, the air pressure caused by the first punch would be enough to cause a devastating impact on everything within a radius of a hundred miles.

The clothes on Gao Ming's body could not bear the momentum caused by the punch, they made a tearing sound, and soon became tattered.

Suddenly, Lu Shang swung another fist in a split second, hitting Gao Ming in the chest, and sent Gao Ming, who was unable to react, flying out, flying hundreds of meters before hitting the ground heavily.


Under Lu Shang's punch, the bones in Gao Ming's body were cut and shattered, and his heart was also shattered. He couldn't help opening his mouth to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Putting his hands on the ground, he straightened up. Looking at Lu Shang in front of him, Gao Ming raised his hand to wipe off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth. The serious injuries caused by Lu Shang to his body were quickly healed, and he casually tore off the shapeless clothes on his upper body. He threw it on the ground and stood up topless.

Lu Shang's punch caught Gao Ming by surprise, which made Gao Ming so embarrassed. However, Gao Ming was very excited. For a moment, when Lu Shang's fist hit him, Gao Ming felt death. Of course, with the dog charm, Gao Ming cannot die, but it is undeniable that Lu Shang's attack is very terrifying, making him experience the fleeting breath of death.

The smile on Gao Ming's face became stronger and stronger, and the pupils of Amber, who were full of fighting spirit, involuntarily shone with a faint golden light, "It's really interesting!"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Ming rushed straight over, and Lu Shang also rushed towards him. At the time of handover, the two punched with all their strength again!
 Under the suggestion of the editor, starting tomorrow, there will be two updates every day, and I really want to vomit blood...

(End of this chapter)

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