Chapter 99

All of a sudden, the business world was in turmoil, and various forces took action one after another. Dai Li sent a telegram to instruct Shang Hai Station to carry out the operation code-named "retaliation". But Li Han was busy with Wang Yaqiao and others entering Shu.

"Boss, why don't I leave some members of the anti-Japanese anti-traitor group?" Wang Yaqiao said to Li Han.

"Well! Let's leave some people who do intelligence! You should set off as soon as possible, enter Shu as soon as possible, recruit troops, and train an elite army. Without an army, trying to drive the little devil out of China is tantamount to a dream! Needless to say, the land occupied by Lao Maozi will be taken back!" Li Han nodded and said to Wang Yaqiao.

"The boss is right. I will prepare to enter Bashu as soon as possible, and try to win Liu Xiang over as soon as possible!" Wang Yaqiao agreed, and he was also very shocked. He couldn't figure out how strong the boss was.He was able to rob more than a dozen banks in Shang Hai in just one day without leaving any flaws!

"Going to Bashu now, you are not familiar with the place, so you need to be more cautious!" Li Han warned.

"Yes! Boss, please don't worry. We must be careful. Boss, you should be more careful in Shanghai. Now the news is tense, and there are spies from various countries everywhere on the streets. You should also pay more attention!" Wang Yaqiao reminded.

"Well, I wish you all the best of luck!"

"Okay! Boss, let's take our leave first!" After Wang Yaqiao gave Li Han the contact information of the members of the Ax Gang who remained in Shanghai, he left with Hua Kezhi and others.

Li Han, who was standing on the second floor, after a while of thinking, decided to slow down the looting of Dongying's bank in Shanghai, and let the bank robbery incident ferment for a while. After all, he had only robbed Eagle Country, the United States, France, Germany, The banks of Tsarist Russia, Italy, and skinheads in Shanghai did not attack Dongying Bank.

At the beginning of robbing the bank, Li Han had the intention of framing the Dongying people, but he left Dongying's bank in Shanghai untouched, and at the same time exposed the policy formulated by Dongying in the criminal circle a few years later. , just to make European and American foreign devils suspicious of Japan!
But what Li Han didn't expect was that the skinheads couldn't help it. No, Jiang Guangtou was looted because of his private money, military pay and government department expenses stored in the bank by the skinheads. Angry Jiang Guangtou let Daly planned to rob the little devil's several banks in Shanghai.

For the principal's orders, Dai Li naturally did his best. After leaving Bald Jiang's office, he hurriedly telegraphed Chen Guangping, the head of the Shanghai station, asking him to plan and carry out the robbery of Dongying's several banks in Shanghai!

In this day and age, there are countless capable people under Daley, who can open locks, jump over walls, set bombs, shoot guns, play radio, and there are all kinds of talents. In three days, Shanghai Station has Find out the situation of several banks of Dongying in Shanghai.

Spies, of course, I am among you, and you are among me. Dongpu has arranged many spies among the skinheads, but would people like Daly give up visiting spies in the Dongpu camp?Obviously impossible!
There is not much difference between the Chinese and the little devils in Japan in terms of appearance. It is not difficult for a person like Dali who has a high position and a large number of soldiers to place spies in various departments of Japan!
In just three days, Daly's Shanghai station master.I got the architectural structure drawings of several banks of Dongying in Shanghai, and at the same time, I also found out the security situation of several banks!
Shrouded in darkness, in an unnamed warehouse in Shanghai.

"Everyone, you are all the elites of the party-state. Sworn to the principal!" Chen Guangping, the head of the Shanghai Station, said to the more than [-] carefully selected spies in front of him.

"Swear allegiance to the principal to the death, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!" More than 300 special agents stood at attention and saluted at the same time, and then responded loudly.

"Let's go!" Chen Guangping gave an order, and more than 300 special agents were divided into six teams and rushed towards several banks of Dongying in Shanghai.

More than 300 people left, Chen Guangping walked to another warehouse, and said to the more than 200 people in the warehouse: "This time, your goal is to find a way to delay, and the reinforcements of the little devils in Dongying will swear to block the little devils on this road." !"

"Yes! Station Master, resolutely complete the task!"

In order to rob Japan's several banks in Shanghai this time, it can be said that Dali dispatched all the elite soldiers and recruited a lot of elite spies from around Shanghai, and mobilized more than 500 elite people!Among them are blasting masters, lockpicking experts, many sharpshooters, strong men with great strength and other top talents!

There are seven groups of people, six of which are heading towards Dongying's Mitsui Bank, Mitsubishi Bank, Shanghai Bank, Taiwan Bank, Zhengjin Bank, and Hankou Bank in Shanghai, and the other is located not far from Dongying's gendarmerie headquarters in Shanghai. Lay an ambush.

"Team leader, this is the Mitsui Bank of Dongying people. Shall we start to act now?" Chen Hu, a member of the action team, asked the team leader of their group.

"There are still 10 minutes!" Team leader Hu Di looked at the time on his watch and found that it was 10 minutes before two o'clock in the evening. Groups act together.

Of course, Woody also had a lot of considerations in making such a decision. If they acted first, the Japanese soldiers who heard the news would definitely go straight here. He didn't frown even if he took his own life, but he was not the kind of person who wanted to die after all.

If six groups of people act together, even if the little devil breaks through the blocking line, it must be difficult to decide which side to reinforce?At that time, the pressure on their group will also be reduced a lot. If it goes well, they will be able to retreat completely!

"If it is not necessary later, try not to use firearms, it is best to use cold weapons to resolve the battle!" Woody looked at the fifty or so people behind him.


10 minutes, fleeting!
"The time is up, each team will act according to the plan!" Seeing that the time was exactly two o'clock in the evening, Woody gave an order, and the 50 people were divided into several teams. A rope with a hook, from near the wall of the bank, climb up the wall!

Everything was quiet, there was no security patrol in the bank, it seemed very safe, but Woody's heart trembled inexplicably!
"Stop! It doesn't seem right!" Woody, feeling strange, stretched out his hand and gestured for a while, making everyone stop.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

"Don't you think it's too quiet?"

"Captain, it's already two o'clock in the evening, it's not normal to be quiet!"

"Be careful everyone, watch out for ambushes!"


The crowd hadn't moved forward, and hadn't walked more than ten meters, when suddenly, beams of strong light shot at them.

"Da da da" the machine gun roared, and the metal storm poured towards Woody and the others. In less than half a minute, the dozen or so people walking in front were beaten into a Ma Feng's nest by the Japanese devils who had been prepared for a long time!
"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

 Let’s come to the first chapter. The tortoise had a birthday today. He drank a lot of wine at noon. Now he is a little dizzy. He will invite someone to dinner later. I don’t know if he can walk back. Brothers, don’t wait.
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(End of this chapter)

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