Super Extraction

Chapter 90 One-way Killing to the South

Chapter 90

Leaving the capital, Li Han went all the way south, occasionally taking out the deadly 2025-style sniper rifle, shooting and killing high-ranking devil officials, and sometimes breaking in over the wall at night, looting the devil shops around.By the way, send the little devils in the motherland back to the embrace of their emperor!
The Western and Eastern devils are now arrogant and domineering in the territory of the motherland, and Li Han is furious. If there is no one around, he will quickly cut off the opponent's head and slaughter those foreign devils on the spot!If there are people around and it is inconvenient to do it, he will follow him from a distance and find a chance to kill him with one shot!
After entering Shanghai, Li Han decided to establish a stronghold here. Shanghai is the most economically developed city among the coastal cities of Huaguo, where Western devils and Oriental devils, skinheads, gangsters, and people from the Harmony Party are everywhere!beneficial to his future development.

As for Zhang Fugui from the capital, he also decided to come to the business world to develop.It's just that the other party needs to arrange something before they can leave.

During this period of time, the little devil in Dongying was so confused by Li Han that he was at a loss for what to do!Originally supported Puyi to establish Manchuria, but Puyi was shot and killed on the spot. Even the commander of the Kwantung Army, Ben Zhuangfan, and several Kwantung Army generals were blown out of their heads, and then suffered!
It took more than eight months to find no trace of the murderer who assassinated Ben Zhuang Fan and Pu Yi. Now there is another gangster who ransacked Dongying shops and killed Dongying people. One by one, Dongying spies and gendarmerie captains in Huaguo I have to bear the condemnation and punishment of my superiors every day!Many Japanese devils have already apologized by cutting open their stomachs!
Along the way, Li Han killed hundreds of Eastern and Western devils, and he beheaded all of them. Then, there were many antiques, oceans, jewels, gold and the like in his power space!

Li Han is not familiar with antiques, so naturally he doesn't know the origins of the antiques in his space, but he made a rough count. Among the antiques, there are 98 pieces of metal antiques, 53 pieces of porcelain, 67 pieces of jade products, calligraphy and painting. [-] pictures!
There are 100 gold bars, each one kilogram, totaling 35 kilograms, ocean 28 million yuan, 15 yen, 13 pounds, 21 dollars, [-] marks, and [-] francs.

At this time, foreign devils from overseas countries threatened the skinheads one after another, and found the murderers who assassinated their country's consuls, businessmen, and military officers in China. The skinheads represented by Jiang Guangtou were the largest party in China, but they were looking for Not even the slightest clue!

Li Han, who has watched a lot of criminal investigation TV dramas, strikes cleanly and neatly. Some targets were killed by him thousands of meters away, and some were killed by him sneaking into the opponent's room in the middle of the night. After his meticulous cleaning, with the current detection methods, how can he find clues?
Killing needs a motive. Some kill for money, some for love, some for vendetta. One by one, irrelevant foreign devils are killed one after another, some are shot to death from a long distance, and some are robbed and killed!
Bald Jiang, who was threatened by foreign devils, was terrified, and immediately sent his favorite student Dai Li to find the murderer.

Daly didn't dare to neglect, and launched his overwhelming team of special agents to collect information on the murder case, but the final outcome made him feel very complicated.

"Boss, these people were all shot from long distances. Although they are from different countries, they are all foreigners. There are Japanese devils and Westerners. They have several things in common!" A young man pointed Some photos, said Daly.

"Tell me!" Daly frowned. During this period of time, he had to be scolded by the headmaster every day. He also knew that the headmaster questioned his ability to handle affairs. He was exhausted and panicked.

Dai Li, who is loyal to the principal, will find the murderer for the principal even if he exhausts himself, so that the principal can give an explanation to the powerful foreign devil. It is his mission to relieve the principal's worries!

"Boss, the people who were shot from long distances were almost all foreign officers. After comparing the ballistics and warheads, it can be concluded that these people were all shot by a gun. There is only one doubt that puzzles the subordinates. !"

"Say!" Daly's tone was a little cold.

"Assembling such a large warhead, the caliber of the bullet may be about 18 mm. I don't know which country? There is such a large-caliber rifle! Unless it is that kind of machine gun, but the machine gun is too heavy."

"Well! Let's leave it at that for the shooting case! How is the investigation of those burglary and homicide cases going?" Daly nodded and asked the young man in front of him again.

"The burglary and homicide case has not made much progress. All the people who were killed had their heads cut off with a knife. Judging from the incisions, the assailant was extremely powerful. The knife went down cleanly. The victim did not have the slightest resistance. force!"

"The murderer is a bit cruel, at least he is very cruel to foreigners. At the scene of the murder, all foreigners, young and old, were beheaded by the murderer. It seems that the murderer has a strong hatred for foreigners!" The young man said to Dai Li with a little fear.

"Trash! A bunch of trash! It's been so long, and you haven't found anything, even a little bit of useful things except for these superficial things?" Daly slapped the desk in front of him hard, and then reprimanded loudly.

"Boss, there is a clue, I don't know if it's right!"

"Say it!"

"Please take a look, this is the place where the first victim died, this is the residence of the second victim, and this is the residence of the third victim. This is the residence of the 389 victims!" The young man took out a card Map, draw on it.

"From north to south, all the way down, then the place he is about to or has arrived is here, Shang Hai!" The young man finally said.

"That's right, I finally found some useful information. Send a telegram to Shang Hai to ask our people to pay close attention to the suspected murderer's target!" Daly ordered to the young man in front of him.

"Boss, there is one more thing!"

"What's up!"

"Boss, before August, Changqin Puyi and the commander of the Kwantung Army of Japan, Benzhuang Fan, do you still remember the assassination of a dozen of them?" the young man reminded Dai Li.

"Yeah!" Daly nodded.

"Before August, on the day when Puyi established Manchuria with the support of Dongying, when Puyi, Kwantung Army Fan Zhuang and others were assassinated, the bullets used by the murderer were like this!" The young man pointed at the bullets on the table. Daly said.

"Okay, you go down!" After dismissing his subordinates, Dai Li turned and walked out of the room, heading straight to Baldy Jiang's mansion.


"Yunong! What's the matter? Is there a result in the murder case?"

"not yet!"

"No, what are you doing here? Mother Xipi! Why don't you find me the murderer soon? Do you know that group of Westerners are looking for my murderer every day, and I've been devastated by them, you still have thoughts Come here?" Bald Jiang shouted loudly at Daly.

Seeing the principal lose his temper, Daly lowered his head even lower, and only when Bald Jiang stopped talking, he presented the collected information to the other party one by one.

 Thank you book friend Mobile Xiaoliu for your reward, the turtle is very grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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