Chapter 88
Regarding Sun Lutang being able to accept himself as an apprentice, Li Han was no exception at all. He worshiped Sun Lutang as his teacher, but he made the decision after careful consideration.

Throughout his life, Sun Lutang taught various martial arts to many people. He visited Shaolin, Wudang, Emei and other major sects successively. He humbly asked for advice and was taught a lot. Wu, he just gave up!

Sun Lutang is proficient in Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, and Baguaquan, and has integrated Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, and Baguaquan into a hundred schools of martial arts, forming a self-contained body, creating a way to cultivate inner strength.

I have always wanted to find an apprentice with good talent and understanding, and teach him martial arts, but what makes him regret is that some people have not enough talent, and some people do not have enough understanding. This has been regretful until now, but he has always wanted a A person who can inherit his martial arts!
Li Han thinks that he has excellent aptitude and good savvy, even if his aptitude is not good and his savvy is dull, but in the modern world of luck, as long as he has luck, he is afraid that he will not be able to learn martial arts from his master?
After leaving the Sun Mansion, Li Han came to the pawnshop, discussed with Zhang Fugui, the manager of the pawnshop for a long time, and handed over all 30 yuan watches to the other party to sell them for him. After asking the other party to help him buy antiques, he withdrew five hundred Dayang, just left the pawn shop.

After finding a hotel to stay, Li Han opened the gate of the plane in the hotel room and returned to modern times.

Thinking that his master, Sun Lutang, only had about one year to live, Li Han decided to take a long vacation at school.Originally, the dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Linhai University was not very willing to let him take a long leave, but when he showed the ID of the Deputy Head of the Third Regiment of the First Division of Linhai, the dean of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine readily agreed.

After finding an excuse to talk to Yu Jie briefly, and chatting with a few people he knew well, Li Han called his grandparents, parents, and mother in his hometown, saying that he himself was spotted by the army and was going to the army Train for about a month.

The family was naturally very happy. After all, the elders in Li Han's family had the kind of thinking that the younger generation was a soldier and the elders were honorable. They supported him with all their strength without hesitation, and let him study hard in the army, so as not to embarrass the Li family!
Then Li Han went to the end of the world, chatted with Zhang Xuan for a while, and explained to Zhang Tieniu, Wang Feng, and Qian Zhiheng, asking them to expand outside the town, use a triangular knife to open the way on the ground, and dig tunnels underground
Finally, Li Han made a phone call to Han Xue, Huang Liang, Liu Tianyun, Zhang Manli, and Xie Zhiying respectively, arranged for them to do follow-up work, and transferred a large amount of money to the Qamdo Group account before returning to the villa. , Enter the plane of the Republic of China.

At five o'clock in the morning, after Li Han had practiced the Tiger Three Styles, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, Beiming Divine Kungfu and Lingbo Weibu in his room, he checked the time and found that it was already 05:30. Run towards the Sun Mansion.

"Master!" As soon as he entered the Sun Mansion, Li Han saw his master standing inside the gate waiting for him. He shouted in a low voice with some embarrassment.

"Come early tomorrow, it's almost six o'clock now!"


"By the way, everyone in Master's family liked the gift you sent yesterday!"

"Master, you are being polite!"

"Today, I will teach you the posture of Xingyiquan, that is, the three-body posture!" Sun Lutang said to Li Han, and then began to explain the function of the three-body posture.

"Three body postures, that is, heaven, earth and man! Also known as Sancai posture, it is the pile method for building the foundation of Xingyi boxing. Only by practicing the three body postures well can Xingyi boxing be practiced well!"

"Xingyi Quan has a long history with different origins. Generally speaking, Xingyi Quan is divided into Xingyi Twelve Forms and Xingyi Five Elements Boxing! The Xingyi Twelve Forms evolved from various movements of beasts. It is transformed based on the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire and earth!" Sun Lutang told Li Han about the types and origins of Xingyiquan.

"Today, master will first teach you the Xingyi boxing foundation building method, the Xingyi three-body pose!"

"Thank you Master!"

"Look at it!" Sun Lutang said, and then posed in a Xingyi Trisana pose in front of Li Han.

Li Han imitated the example and put on a good pose.

At this time, Sun Lutang said again: "What are the three tops? The head is pushed upwards. There is a hero who soars to the sky. The head is the master of the whole body. When the top is pushed up, the three passes are easy to pass. The arm Qi causes the clay ball to nourish the character. Push the palm outside, and push it. The gong of the mountain, the qi penetrates the whole body and reaches the limbs. The top of the tongue has the appearance of a roaring lion swallowing an elephant, and it can guide the rising kidney qi, and go down to the dantian to stabilize life, which is called the three tops!"

"What about the three buckles? If you buckle both shoulders, your chest will be broad and your strength will reach your elbows. If you buckle your hands and feet, you will gain strength and your legs will be strong. If you buckle your teeth, your muscles and bones will tighten. This is called three buckles!"

"Three circles, the back bone should be round, and its strength should push the body, so that the tail will be centered and the spirit will be on the top. The front chest should be round, the elbows should be full, the heart socket should be slightly retracted, and the breathing should be smooth. The hand has the power to wrap around, which is called the three circles!"

"What are the three sensibilities, the heart must be sensitive, like an angry raccoon catching a mouse, it can adapt to the situation. The eyes must be sensitive, like a hungry eagle catching a rabbit, able to foresee the opportunity. Hands must be sensitive, like a hungry tiger catching sheep, can preemptively strike. It's called Sanmin!"

"When practicing the Xingyi Sansana, you must do three tops, three buckles, three circles, three sharps, three embraces, three verticals, three bends, and three straights!" Sun Lutang stretched out his hand while talking about the essentials of Xingyi Sansana practice. Correct Li Han's wrong posture.

"That's it, don't move!" Sun Lutang was delighted to see that Li Han's posture was very correct at this time, and told him.

Li Hanyi sank his dantian, and secretly practiced the Beiming magic skill, but his posture was fixed by the power of thoughts.

Sun Lutang walked to the chair next to him and sat down, picked up a cup of tea made by the butler, sipped it leisurely, and flipped through a rustic, rustic thread-bound book.

Time passed slowly, Sun Lutang glanced at Li Han from time to time, and found that he was still in the three-body posture, motionless, and felt a little relieved. He secretly sighed that the opponent's chassis was as solid as a mountain, and thanked God for sending him such a good disciple in his rare years. .

Li Han, who has the power of thought to fix his figure, naturally doesn't have to worry about the posture of the three-body pose. The endless life in the body and the freely operating Beiming magic skill also solved his physical problems.

Unconsciously, at three o'clock in the morning, the housekeeper came over from a distance and said to Sun Lutang: "Master, it's time to eat!"

Sun Lutang was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the whole morning had passed before he knew it. Seeing Li Han standing in the three-sana pose for most of the day with his usual expression, without any sweat on his forehead, he felt extremely satisfied.

"Li Han, let's go to eat first, eat a good meal, and I will officially teach you the moves of Xingyiquan as a teacher!" Sun Lutang said to Li Han.

"Yes, Master!" Li Han was overjoyed and hurriedly followed.

 Today’s third update, please collect, click, and recommend.

  Thanks to the starting point book friend brother Xiao Qinshou, the creation book friend brother Ji Mo, the creation book friend brother Guang Wenxuan, the creation book friend brother Yikui, and the creation book friend brother Wang Zuo for their rewards, thank you!Sometimes the tortoise is busy coding, and I feel a little guilty for not thanking in time.

(End of this chapter)

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