Chapter 84
Zombies were pierced by triangular knives and hooked on iron chains, and at least fifty triangular knives were welded to one iron chain. It didn't take long before there were several zombies on some chains, and some chains were hanging There are more than a dozen zombies, and some chains have more than 30 zombies!
Unconscious zombies will naturally not act in unison, and they must move in different directions. Some zombies on a chain move in several directions.The stronger zombies pull the weaker zombies to the ground, and then drag them to continue moving.

In a blink of an eye, countless zombies lacked arms and legs. Although they became disabled, they escaped from the entanglement of the triangular knife!Some zombies were still dragging chains welded with triangular knives. They continued to move, but the zombies on the chain had broken limbs, and the zombies on the chain that hadn't died slowed down their speed!

"Boss, should we shoot the zombies?" Zhang Tieniu asked Li Han after looking at the situation in the town below.

"Well, call the brothers in the guards and start shooting the zombies!" Li Han nodded.

"Brothers, bring more bullets from the warehouse up, now that there are so many zombies downstairs, it's time for you to practice marksmanship!" Zhang Tieniu shouted to the guards.

"Don't shoot the zombies at the foot of the building, first attack the zombies 200 meters away!" Li Han said after thinking about it.

"Boss, why don't you kill the zombies downstairs, but shoot the zombies 200 meters away?"

"Look!" Li Han pointed to the pile of dead zombies in the distance, and said to everyone.

"It turns out that's the case, I understand!" The members of the guard team felt a little admiration in their hearts, and secretly said in their hearts: "The boss is thinking more long-term!"

"Bang! Bang!." After a while, gunshots continued to ring out, and one by one, the moving zombies were hit in the head by bullets and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Li Han did not shoot in a kneeling or lying position like the others. He directly raised his gun and shot at the zombies below while standing.

The HS-2020 rifle has an effective range of a thousand meters, and an accurate range of 800 meters. It has full penetration power, and the 7.0*60mm caliber bullets are not small. In a blink of an eye, hundreds of zombies died in Li Han and the members of the guards. under the gun.

Their marksmanship seems to be good, but in fact there are too many zombies down there. Even if ordinary people shoot a bullet with one clip with their eyes closed, they must be able to hit several zombies.

The gunshots rang out, attracting the zombies in the distance!
When the zombies found Li Han and the others on the roof, they howled immediately, like wild wolves that had been hungry for a few days, and rushed towards the building desperately.

"Boss, there are still a lot of grenades in the warehouse, should we use some?" Zhang Tieniu asked Li Han, remembering the grenades in the warehouse.

"Forget it! The effect of grenades on zombies is not good. It is not bad to use grenades to blow up people. It is absolutely unsightly to use grenades to blow up zombies!" After a moment of silence, Li Han denied.

"What the boss said is very true. Grenades generally rely on the splash of shrapnel and the violent shock of explosives to kill the enemy. The effect against zombies is really not very good!" Zhang Tieniu thought for a while, and felt that using grenades to deal with zombies was really useless.

After a magazine was finished, Li Han picked up the magazine that Zhang Xuan had loaded for him, put it into the gun, and after the bullet was loaded, he started shooting the zombies downstairs again.

Some zombies with few legs crawled on the street and came towards the building. Before they could reach the foot of the building, the running zombies kept trampling on their bodies, killing them in a short time. Trample to death on the ground!

One by one, the zombies were pierced by the triangular knife. They pulled each other. It didn't take long for many zombies to escape from the shackles of the triangular knife. However, they also became disabled zombies. Like a tiger with its teeth and claws broken, there is not much combat power left!

Outside the town, there are still a steady stream of zombies converging towards the town. Inside the town, corpses have long been scattered all over the place. There are densely packed zombies standing in the streets, and under the feet of each zombie, there are stumps everywhere!

The zombies that were entangled and hooked by the chain triangular knives that blocked the street before have been trampled to death by a steady stream of zombies. They are piled on top of each other like hills.

Zombies climbed along the corpses of those zombies one by one
"Bang!" Li Han shot a zombie 300 meters away in the head. Seeing that the other fell to the ground, he shot another zombie next to the zombie.

"Good marksmanship!" Li Han enviously saw Zhang Tieniu killing 35 zombies with one shot.

"The boss praised it highly, and the subordinates are ashamed!"

"One shot at a zombie, this marksmanship is not good? Then tell me, what kind of marksmanship is good?" Li Han asked Zhang Tieniu.

"Boss, these zombies are crowded together and can hardly move. They are not much different from that kind of stationary targets. In addition, there is no wind today, and the zombies I shot are only targets about 400 meters away. One shot at a time. It's nothing!" Zhang Tieniu explained.

"Keep killing! If someone is tired, you can take a rest!" After Li Han finished speaking, he said to a member of the guard next to him: "By the way, you go and ask Wang Feng from the arsenal to come up!"

"Yes!" The guard put down his rifle and went straight to the basement.

Not long after, Wang Feng followed him to the rooftop.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"There should be about [-] members in your arsenal, right?" Li Han nodded and asked Wang Feng.


"You divide them into ten groups, each group has about 80 people, and bring them up in batches and let them experience shooting zombies!" Li Han ordered Wang Feng.

"Yes! I'll arrange it now!"

After Wang Feng left, Zhang Tieniu asked Li Han: "Boss, is this going to let the people in the arsenal practice marksmanship so that everyone can become soldiers?"

"Well! There are at least billions of zombies, and the zombies are still evolving, and there are countless mutant beasts in the mountains and forests. If we want to get out of the small town, we have to plan early!"

After a while, Wang Feng brought [-] workers from the arsenal to the rooftop. At this moment, Li Han put down the gun in his hand and said to them: "Look, zombies are not terrible. Although there are many of them, there is nothing we can do about them." , do you know why this is?"

"Zombies seem to be powerful, not only in speed but also in strength much higher than ordinary people, but they don't have the slightest consciousness, but we humans are different. We can make weapons to deal with zombies, and we can also build defenses!"

"Strength, we are not as good as zombies, but wisdom is countless times higher than them. As long as there is enough time, killing zombies is a matter of little effort!" Li Han explained without waiting for everyone to answer.

 Chapter 2. There should be an update tonight, so read it tomorrow, fellow book friends!

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(End of this chapter)

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