Chapter 82

Hundreds of young men and women came rushing from a distance, followed by countless zombies, young men and women could not care about the other survivors around them, if unfortunately fell to the ground, good luck, get up immediately and continue to run forward, bad luck Yes, just like those whose feet were sprained, their end is to be eaten alive by the endless zombies behind them!
At this moment, husband and wife no longer share weal and woe, and brothers no longer share life and death together!
People who are chased by zombies can only howl miserably!Survivors who were not overtaken by the zombies only had the idea of ​​running forward in their minds!
Some zombies gathered from the road, and some zombies swept from the mountains and forests, forming a semi-encircled circle. Hundreds of survivors were frightened and panicked, no!They simply have no other path to choose, only the small town in front of them is the only path they can continue to escape!
Seeing the small town ahead, the eyes of hundreds of survivors brightened. Their physical strength, which was about to be exhausted, seemed to break through the limit. A new force appeared in their bodies, and their speed suddenly increased a lot. The chasing zombies flung back a distance!
The zombies behind them were howling, and the survivors didn't dare to turn their heads. They only wanted to run, desperately!Even running to death is better than being bitten to death by zombies!

In the years when the end is coming, the survivors have already seen many people being bitten to death by zombies, and those who were bitten in the neck were lucky enough to die quickly!If you are unlucky, the flesh of the arms and thighs will be bitten off by the zombies one by one, and swallowed in front of the victim who is still alive!
"Quick! Quick! Put all these triangular knives on the steel pipe column!" Zhang Tieniu was instructing the guards to put the chains welded with the triangular knives on the steel pipe column one by one.

"Quickly put these triangular knives with welded chains in the middle of the town's roads and beside the fence!" Wang Feng urged the hundreds of workers in the factory.

Within a few minutes, Zhang Tieniu and his guards had already arranged the entrance and exit of the town into a strip with a length and width of [-] meters.Then he took his guards and was about to retreat back to the building, but at this time Li Han flew over from the rooftop!

"Boss!" Zhang Tieniu respectfully said to Li Han.

"Boss!" All the guards said in unison.

"Well! Don't be busy yet, rescue those people and then go back!" Li Han looked at the young men and women running wildly in the distance with gleaming eyes, and decided to expand his strength and take those people under his command!

The ability of hundreds of people to survive under the siege of zombies is enough to prove that they have superhuman abilities, not to mention that among these hundreds of men and women, there are not a single old man or child, only a few middle-aged men. Once accepted, they will definitely play a huge role role!

"Boss, there is only one half-meter-wide aisle left on the street, and the triangular knives in the rest of the place have been arranged!" Wang Feng ran over from a distance and reported to Li Hanhui.

"Lead the rest of the people to retreat to the basement first, and we will go back later! By the way, the remaining triangular knife is placed next to the aisle, and we will put it away when we go back later!" Li Han thought for a while Then he said to Wang Feng.

"Yes!" Wang Feng nodded and left with the rest of the people.

"Load the bullet!" Li Han shouted to Zhang Tieniu and others, seeing that hundreds of survivors were about to arrive.

The survivors went through untold hardships, panting to the entrance and exit of the town, saw two hundred strong men holding long guns in the distance, and looked at the creepy sharp blade on the ground.Unable to help them continue to hesitate, the zombies behind them were already approaching quickly.

Hundreds of survivors scrambled to be the first to settle carefully through the gaps between the triangular knives, and kept walking towards Li Han and the others.

The few survivors who entered the town got up and ran towards the town without thinking.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Zhang Tieniu fired several shots into the air, and then shouted loudly: "Don't move!"

"Didn't you see it? Zombies are rushing over!" A young man asked Zhang Tieniu.

"That is, you don't want to kill yourself, but you still want us to die together?"

"Brothers, don't worry about them, they won't do anything to us!"

"Come on, brothers! The zombies will rush over immediately, if you don't leave, you will have to wait here to die!"

Hundreds of men and women were making noise, as if they didn't pay attention to the guns in the hands of Zhang Tieniu and others. After experiencing countless life and death crises, they were naturally extremely daring. How are they!
If you want to massacre them, you can shoot them outside the town as early as before they entered the town. They didn't then, and they won't now!

"Run!" A dozen or so young people ignored them and ran straight into the town. The remaining hundreds of men and women chose to stop. They wanted to see how the other party would deal with those survivors who kept shouting.

"Boss?" Zhang Tieniu looked at Li Han.

"The guns in your hands are scrap metal?" Li Han asked Zhang Tieniu unceremoniously. At this time, he had already sentenced the dozen young people who ran into the town to death if they were not shot on the spot. , where is my majesty?At that time, wouldn't anyone be able to provoke themselves?Think you're weak?
Kill the chicken and the monkey!
"Kill!" Zhang Tieniu gave an order, and he took the lead in shooting at a dozen young people who were running towards the town in the distance.

"Bang bang bang" two hundred HS-2025 rifle bullets formed a barrage, breaking through the distance of space, and knocking down a dozen young people who had already run 300 meters to the ground.


"Ah!" A young man was fatally shot three times. The bullets missed his vital parts, but the pain made him howl desperately. He couldn't help rolling on the ground. The triangular knife pierced his body.

After being hit hard again, he couldn't bear it anymore, the pain made him roll on the ground involuntarily, but in the small town, there was only one aisle fifty centimeters wide, and the rest of the ground was covered with triangular knives everywhere. In a short time, three triangular knives were inserted into his body.

Under the stabbing pain, he couldn't help pulling, but the underhook of the triangular knife tightly hooked his flesh, and when he pulled, he felt a piercing pain, and the pain hit the nerves, and he couldn't help but fell down again. Once rolled on the ground, in less than 2 minutes, more than ten triangular knives stabbed him into a hedgehog, and his blood flowed.
Hundreds of young men and women who entered the town couldn't help frowning. Only then did they realize that the town in front of them was obviously occupied by this group of people in front of them. Like a young man knocked to the ground by a gun.

Hundreds of young men and women saw a dozen or so youths running towards the town, they looked miserable, their hearts were terrified, they stood there trembling, not daring to move, not daring to make a sound!

(End of this chapter)

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