Chapter 78

Chen Xiao was furious, and pointed at the strong man in the karaoke town. When he saw a dozen men holding sticks standing behind him, he thought that the other party should be from a martial arts school. There must be many brothers and sisters. , the other party was not an easy target to provoke, he retracted his hand a little timidly.

Taro Yamamoto, who was kicked down again, was not as lucky as before. The strength Li Han used when he kicked out was obviously not as powerful as the kick of the strong man. He flew upside down more than ten meters and fell to the ground for more than ten seconds. , he just got up.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing his chest, Yamamoto Taro looked at the strong man with angry and vicious eyes. He was also blaming himself for being unprepared for the strong man just now, and he put all his heart on Li Han, so he was attacked by the other party success!
In fact, Taro Yamamoto can't be entirely blamed. Although he doesn't know what everyone is talking about, he can see that the strong man belongs to the people of the karaoke hall and has nothing to do with Li Han. He is obviously a centrist!It's a pity that what he didn't think of was that when the strong man heard his "Baga! 'Give him a kick without even thinking about it, and a kick without hesitation!
"Yamamoto-kun, let's go out and talk!" Chen Xiao walked up to Taro Yamamoto, grabbed him who was about to make a move, and whispered to him in Japanese.

"Chen Xiaojun?" Taro Yamamoto asked Chen Xiao reluctantly.

"Yamamoto-kun, this place is not suitable for fighting, let's go out and talk about it!" Chen Xiao gestured to Yamamoto Taro with his eyes.

Taro Yamamoto understood the meaning of Chen Xiao's eyes, and knew that the other party didn't want to fight with the strong men in the karaoke hall, so he let the other party pull him out of the karaoke hall, and their four bodyguards followed immediately.

"Okay, let's continue!" The strong man said loudly to everyone in the karaoke hall when he saw the little devils leaving.

"Let's go too!" Li Han said while holding Yu Jie's hand without letting go.

"Yeah!" Yu Jie nodded.

Pan Tianjiang and Pan Changhe looked at each other, each took Yamada Mako and Jin Zhixian, and followed Li Han and the others out of the karaoke hall.

Li Han, who was going out, looked at Chen Xiao's six people standing in a row not far away, and he seemed to know that the other party would not let them leave easily, but he didn't care too much, at most he beat them down before leaving!
"Li Han." Seeing Chen Xiao and others standing not far away, looking at her side with unfriendly eyes, especially the few bodyguards who had no chance to make a move just now, made her a little scared.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Li Han patted Yu Jie's fragrant shoulder and let go of the other's jade hand. Although he was somewhat nostalgic and reluctant to let go, he knew that if he continued to hold Yu Jie's hand, once he used force, It will definitely limit the display of his strength!
A few simple words made Yu Jie calm down quickly.

"Li Han?" The same words came out of Pan Qianjiang's mouth. Li Han knew that the meaning in the other party's words was quite different from that of Yu Jie, and his intention was nothing more than asking himself what should he do?
"I can do it alone!" Li Han told Pan Duanjiang not to worry, he could handle it alone.

When the Pan brothers thought about it, they remembered Li Han's powerful combat power in high school. Knowing that his lowest strength was the peak of Ming Jin, the two brothers stopped panicking.

"If you don't give me an explanation today, you don't want to leave here safely!" Chen Xiao said aggressively to Li Han and the others.

"Li Han, why don't we call the police?" Yu Jie took out her mobile phone, ready to call the police.

"Go!" Seeing that the other party wanted to call the police, Chen Xiao waved his hand directly, and the four bodyguards behind him rushed towards Li Han.

"Look at this speed, the strength of these people has reached the late stage of Ming Jin, right?" Seeing the four bodyguards rushing towards him at a speed of more than 20 to [-] meters per second, Li Han thought to himself.

Without waiting for the other party to approach, Li Han shot out, kicking several people one by one, kicking them back more than ten meters, with four popping sounds, the four of them fell to the ground.

"Baga!" Yamamoto Taro shouted, stretched out his hand into a knife, and shot at Li Han.

"This little devil's strength is not weak?" Li Han was surprised, thinking that he had kicked the opponent by surprise before, and then he was kicked away by the strong man in the singing hall taking advantage of his unpreparedness. There is no chance to show it at all. Judging from his speed at this time, he roughly has the strength of the early stage of Anjin.

It's too late to say, then soon!
Taro Yamamoto hadn't lowered his hand knife yet, but Li Han's heavy leg kicked him directly on the chest at a faster speed. This time, the force was not small at all, and Taro Yamamoto was lifted more than [-] meters away.

Li Han's strength and speed are already much higher than those of late-stage Anjin warriors. This is only the strength and speed of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu. It will definitely improve a lot!
If Lingbo Weibu is included, Li Han's speed will increase a lot, but he still has the power of mind!
Li Han, who had never used all his strength, didn't know what the limits of his strength and speed were, but he knew that warriors in the dark realm were no match for him even if they concentrated their strength when they struck!Although his strength is not as cohesive as the dark force fighters, his strength and speed are enough to crush the dark force fighters!
At this time, Li Han is like a super bright martial artist, a bright martial artist who can sweep dark martial artists with strength and speed. Of course, this is only a realm divided according to the strength of Neijiaquan. If it is divided according to the strength of ancient martial arts, His realm is the innate realm!
After letting go of the bodyguard and Little Devil Yamamoto, Li Han rushed towards Chen Xiao like a gust of wind, and kicked him to the ground under the terrified eyes of the other party!
After clapping his hands, Li Han said, "We're done, let's go!"

Just when he was about to leave, a group of more than 30 people came out of several commercial vehicles and rushed over. When the leader saw Chen Xiao lying on the ground, he hurried over.

"Master!" The leader helped Chen Xiao up from the ground, and then said to him with concern.

"Why did you come just now?" Chen Xiao was furious and complained that the other party came too slowly.

"Master Yamamoto!" More than a dozen young men in suits and leather shoes got out of two commercial vehicles and went straight to Taro Yamamoto.

"Baga! Why are you here now?" Taro Yamamoto stretched out his hand and slapped the opponent several times!

"Hi! Hi!"

"Li Han? Let's go!" Yu Jie suddenly became nervous and panicked!

"Don't be afraid, what else can they do to us in broad daylight?" Although he didn't know the strength of the sudden appearance of more than 50 people, Li Han wasn't too worried. Once he got angry, he would just draw his gun and shoot. What would happen to more than 50 people without Danjin warriors?

It doesn't matter how many people are killed. After all, they have several crimes that can be charged against them. One is attacking the deputy director of the Linhai Police Station. Three, challenge the Sky Supervision Department!

Thinking of the few documents on his body, Li Han felt very calm.

Pan Tianjiang quietly took out his mobile phone and started calling the police.

Pan Changhe stood in front of Pan Quanjiang, covering his younger brother's call to the police.

 The book friends who leave messages to the tortoise, the tortoise will basically reply one by one. In case there are any book friends who have missed it, please also ask Haihan. No book friend left a message for the turtle. Maybe some authors think it’s a waste of time at this time, but the turtle doesn’t think so. After all, the novel is written for book friends. If the book friend’s suggestion is ignored, it will not be written by the author himself. Have you read it yourself?
  Finally, ask for recommendations, collections, and rewards.
(End of this chapter)

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