Super Extraction

Chapter 71 Meeting 1

Chapter 71 Meeting with a smile
It took a long time for Li Han's heart to calm down. With his great martial arts advancement, he was naturally excited. Although he didn't regret the matter of the S5 alloy, he felt that there would be constant troubles in the future, or that the danger was not small!

"Hey! It's really too reckless. I blame the damn foreign devils. If their nasty Pacific Fleet didn't go to the territorial waters of the motherland to provoke, I wouldn't be so impulsive to hand over the S5 alloy data to Go to Zhang Wenlong of the Linhai Supervision Department!"

"It's right to be patriotic, and it's even more right to hand over the S5 alloy data to the country. The fault is that I didn't think it through, and I was too hasty. The foreign devils' fleet could only provoke and demonstrate near the territorial waters, and they didn't dare to launch it. war!"

"It would be nice if we take it easy. When the time comes to open an alloy manufacturing company and send the S5 alloy up, it won't be so eye-catching!"

"Delay the urgent matter! In the future, if you encounter urgent matters, you must think carefully before doing it!" Li Han thought to himself.

In fact, as a patriotic and angry youth, Li Han, it is normal for him to be so impulsive. Seeing that coal fry wantonly insulting the national dignity of the motherland, and he has something like S5 alloy that can greatly enhance the country's military strength, he will naturally be impatient. donate it!It's normal to do such a thing with passion!

"There are gains and losses, both good and bad!"

Looking at the several documents in his hand and his great progress in martial arts, Li Han gradually calmed down.

Entering the classroom, I found that Yu Jie had already been sitting in the classroom. Li Han, who had a stern face, was overjoyed and walked over quickly.

As soon as he sat down, Yu Jie frowned and asked him, "Li Han, are you busy these days?"

"Hmm! There are some things to do, but fortunately, they are basically done, and this should not be the case in the future!" Li Han did not elaborate, after all, there are things like the end of the world, and becoming a three-star member of the Sky Supervision Department. Now is not the time to confess to Yu Jie.

"Li Han, do you know that Teacher Chen Tao is getting angry. He said yesterday that he has taught for decades, and those people skipped as many classes as you alone. He also asked me, Do you have any objections to him, or do you think his speech is not good!" Yu Jie said to Li Han.

Li Han was a little embarrassed and guilty. He didn't know how to answer. It was his class monitor Yu who asked for leave for him. I think Teacher Chen's anger was all directed at her, right?She suffered a lot of grievances, right?
"Yu Jie, I'm sorry to make you angry!" Li Hanhan said to Jie sincerely.

"Forget it, I'll thank God if you skip less classes in the future!" Yu Jie sighed and said helplessly.

In the next few days, when he was free, he looked at the work of Han Xue and Huang Liang, and he was very satisfied. Changdu Noodle Restaurant has opened more than a dozen chain stores in Linhai, and Huang Liang also recruited three people. A working group was formed to check whether anyone was pocketed at a dozen noodle restaurants all day long.

Seeing that the funds in Han Xue's hands were tight, Li Han transferred more than 300 million Chinese coins to her account. Looking at the remaining less than [-] Chinese coins in the card in his hand, he felt that his finances were a little tight.

Other people might not dare to transfer such a large amount of money to a newly recruited subordinate, but Li Han has no scruples at all. At this time, he is also a three-star member of the Sky Supervision Department, and his rights are equivalent to those of an ordinary mayor. , and the deputy director of the police station in Linhai City, are you afraid that the other party will not be able to abscond with the money?
"One hundred thousand Chinese coins, as long as you save a little, it should be enough for a while!" After Li Han thought for a while, he felt that if he had no money, he could just go to Changdu Noodle Shop to get some. Anyway, it is next to Linhai University The famous Changdu noodle restaurant has a daily profit of about [-] to [-] yuan.

This weekend, Li Han took Yu Jie to walk on the pedestrian street of Linhai University. Suddenly, he found two old acquaintances, and those two seemed to have seen him too. The innocent girl also followed them.

"Li Han, long time no see? My sister-in-law is so beautiful!" Pan Qianjiang came to Li Han and greeted him with a smile.

"Pan Tianjiang, Pan Changhe, why did you two brothers come to Linhai? Who are these two?" Li Han saw that the other party seemed to have forgotten the conflicts between them in high school, and he was so polite to him. The feeling of joy.

Take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter, as long as one party backs down, the conflict will be reduced a lot!

Meet each other with a smile to obliterate grievances!

Contradictions among classmates will dissipate in a short time!Even if they were once hostile, when we met again, there was an unspeakable sense of intimacy. The two brothers Li Han and Pan were classmates in the same class. Now they are in Linhai, and they are fellow villagers. This meeting, naturally, has a somewhat cordial feeling .

"Oh, you say they! This is Makoto Yamada, she is from Dongying, no, I am too young to get married, so I will take a concubine first! This is Jin Zhixian, from Korea, and my brother Pan Changhe's! "Pan Quanjiang, dressed as a successful person in a suit and leather shoes, preached to Li Han with some pride.

"Li Han, you are studying in Linhai, and our two brothers also opened a company in Linhai. It seems that we are indeed destined!" Pan Changhe was in a complicated mood, and the previous resentment disappeared. Now when he sees Li Han, he feels unspeakable. joy.

"This is Yu Jie, my class monitor!" After introducing Jie to them, Li Han said to Jie: "Yu Jie is my classmate Pan Changhe, and this is Pan Qianjiang!"

"Hi sister-in-law! Makoto, why don't you greet them soon?"

"Hi, sister-in-law! Zhixian, what are you doing just standing there?"

"Hello! It's an honor to meet you!" Yamada Mako bowed down to salute, and said to Li and Han with a smile.

"It's the first time we meet, please take care of me!" Jin Zhixian also politely said to Li Han.

"Hello!" Yu Jie responded with a smile without refuting that the Pan brothers called her sister-in-law.

Li Han was very excited when he heard Yu Jie's acquiescence, but he also knew that if the environment were changed, Yu Jie would never acquiesce like this. There was no rebuttal.

Li Han felt a little grateful for Yu Jie being so considerate.

After greeting each other with Makoto Yamada and Jin Zhixian, Li Han felt a little emotional. After all, the Pan brothers were only 19 years old and started taking concubines. Gao Li made a contribution, but he didn't dare to show that envy.

This world is like this, domestic women can only marry one, and foreign women can marry as many as you like. If you have the ability, even if you marry thousands of them, the country will not care about you. After all, this is doing for the country. In order to contribute, as long as all the foreign women are married into the country, those countries will be self-defeating, and they will be destroyed without bloodshed!
Domestic women are wives, while foreign women can only be concubines!
Seeing Li Han's calm expression, Yu Jie felt a little happy in her heart.

Pan Tianjiang and Pan Changhe originally wanted to show off and looked proud, but seeing that Li Han was extremely indifferent, they felt very depressed!But seeing Yu Jie beside him, the two of them seemed to realize something!
PS: Please collect, recommend, and motivate~!

(End of this chapter)

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