Super Extraction

Chapter 558 This chapter is wrong, please do not subscribe, the book is finished

Chapter 558 This chapter is wrong, please do not subscribe, the book is finished

As night fell, fourteen people sat around a large round table in Zhang Zheng's country. On the round table, there were braised pork, braised white, braised pork ribs, braised fat intestines, and two large bowls of emerald green wild vegetables!

"Dad, isn't this wild vegetable and pork too expensive? How long has it been? We spent more than 1 yuan just to buy wild vegetables and pork. If this continues, we will only buy meat and sell vegetables for a month. It's all 10,000+!" Zhang Zhengguo's eldest son Zhang Xiaodong said.

"Yes, this meat is too expensive. It costs 160 yuan a catty. If you don't eat it, you will have to think about it every day. If you eat it all at once, the money will not be able to be consumed!" Zhang Zhengguo sighed.

"Dad, you and Mom, the combined monthly retirement salary is about 10,000. The elder brother's family can earn 10,000+ per month, the second brother's family can earn 10,000+ per month, and our family can earn about [-]+ per month. Eat something Pork and wild vegetables are still affordable!"

Zhang Zhengguo's third son, Zhang Xiaonan, looked at his parents, then at his eldest brother and sister-in-law, second brother and second sister-in-law, and said indifferently.

"Dad, brother, third child, this pork is so delicious. The fourteen of us can eat more than a dozen catties of pork in one meal. We eat two meals a day, and it costs about four thousand yuan. The pork alone costs 12 yuan a month." Ten thousand!"

"That's not counting wild vegetables, wild vegetables cost at least 20 catties a day, right? A catty of wild vegetables costs 300 yuan, and 12 catties of wild vegetables costs 13 yuan. Buying wild vegetables costs [-] yuan a month, plus [-] for pork. It costs [-] yuan just to eat meat and wild vegetables!"

"I'm used to this pork and wild vegetables, and other pork and vegetables. I'm afraid it's hard to swallow. I tested this wild vegetables and pork. They are green, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and pollution-free, and there are many nutrients that are beneficial to the body!"

"Speaking of which, the pork and wild vegetables are worth the money, and everyone spends 10,000+ a month to buy pork and wild vegetables. I'm afraid everyone is reluctant. Why don't we think of a way to get pork and wild vegetables to Shanghai? to sell?"

After Zhang Zhengguo's second son, Zhang Xiaoxi thought about it, he proposed to everyone.

"Second brother, do you mean buy low and sell high?" Zhang Xiaodong asked thoughtfully.

"Well, the little devil's Kobe beef usually costs a few hundred yuan a catty, the better ones cost more than 1000 yuan, and the best ones sell for thousands of yuan a catty. The Kobe beef is not as delicious as this pork! "Zhang Xiaoxi said.

"Second, what's your idea?" Zhang Zhengguo asked aloud, his heart moved.

"Dad, I plan to buy some pork and transport it to Shanghai to sell to a five-star hotel. I plan to sell the pork for [-] yuan, and I plan to sell it for [-]. After this, our family will not be short of pork!"

"The cost of wild vegetables is only 20 yuan a catty, and I sell them for 100 yuan a catty when they are transported to Shanghai. Many rich people like to eat expensive ones. If it is not too busy, I would like to open a restaurant in Shanghai." Private kitchen, specializing in selling pork and wild vegetables!" Zhang Xiaoxi said.

"Second brother, do you think this will work? Our three brothers will invest together to open a private kitchen in Shanghai. When the time comes, pork and wild vegetables will be used as the signature dishes of the private kitchen. There are hundreds of ways to make pork, which can fully support Start a restaurant!" Zhang Xiaodong asked.

"Well, I have no objection. I just don't know if the third brother has any objection?" Zhang Xiaoxi nodded.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, how much do you plan to invest in opening a restaurant?" Zhang Xiaonan asked.

"The store doesn't need to be too big, more than 100 square meters is enough. For a store in a better location, the monthly rent is about 50 yuan, and the one-year rent in advance plus decoration will cost about 600 million yuan!" Zhang Xiaoxi calculated. said later.

"Second brother, can you make money?" Zhang Xiaonan asked worriedly.

"One catty of pork is 160 yuan, a plate of twice-cooked pork, four or five taels of pork can be done, as long as we become famous, even if we sell a plate of twice-cooked pork for 500 yuan or 1000 yuan, we can sell it. It's not that you don't know this pork smell!"

"A catty of wild vegetables costs 20 yuan, and a plate of wild vegetables only costs three or four taels. It doesn't look expensive at 100 yuan a plate. When you invite someone to dinner, you can't just have a plate of twice-cooked pork and a plate of wild vegetables? Say less Get seven or eight dishes!"

"It's easy to earn two to three thousand for one table. There are so many rich people in Shanghai, and there are countless rich foreign devils, little devils, and sticks. Once our restaurant becomes famous, ten tables a day can pay back the money. That's our profit!"

"What's more, we don't have to open a restaurant in the store. We can rent a house above the second floor to renovate. In this case, the investment will be less and the profit will be more!" Zhang Xiaoxi analyzed.

"Then let's discuss how much each company will contribute and how many shares they will own!" Zhang Xiaodong said.

"If the eldest brother and the third brother have no other opinions, the family will contribute 200 million, each holding 30.00% of the shares, and the remaining [-]% of the dividends will be used to reward the employees of the hotel!" Zhang Xiaoxi suggested.

"I have no objection!" Zhang Xiaodong nodded in response.

"Okay, that's it!" Zhang Xiaonan also echoed.

The three of them were discussing about investing in a restaurant, but the rest of the men, women, children, and children were not idle. They kept eating the pork and wild vegetables on the dining table. Clean up.

"You guys can eat too much, right?" Zhang Xiaodong said speechlessly.

"Dad, who can blame this? You don't discuss things after eating first, but you insist on talking about things while eating. Didn't grandpa teach you not to talk when eating or sleeping?" said Zhang Qiang, Zhang Xiaodong's second son. .

"Hehe!" Zhang Zhengguo couldn't help laughing, everyone laughed a few times, and Zhang Xiaodong was extremely embarrassed.

"If we want to open a restaurant, we have to solve a problem, that is, the supply of pork and wild vegetables. If this problem is not solved, our restaurant will come to an end!" Zhang Xiaoxi reminded.

"I'll handle this matter. I'll ask that little brother first, and when he agrees to supply pork and wild vegetables, you can act soon!" Zhang Zhengguo said with a smile.

"Dad, you can go and ask tomorrow. I will ask my friends in Shanghai to help find a house tomorrow. When the matter is settled, we can open the restaurant as soon as possible!" Zhang Xiaoxi said.

"Xiaoya, you haven't found a partner yet, right?" Zhang Zhengguo asked, looking at his graceful eldest granddaughter.

"Grandpa, why are you asking this?" Zhang Xinya felt a little puzzled.

"Let me tell you, the little brother who sells the butcher is good-looking and very kind. How about I introduce you to him?" Zhang Zhengguo asked.

"What about it? Isn't he just a pig butcher? If my friends, classmates, and colleagues know that I'm dating a pig butcher, won't people laugh at me?" Zhang Xinya vetoed.

"Xiaoya, what's wrong with the pig butcher? People don't distinguish between high and low, it's not good for you to behave like this!" Zhang Zhengguo reprimanded dissatisfied.

"Grandpa, I didn't say what's wrong with the pig butcher. Think about it, I'm still a college student. It would be strange if I didn't get ridiculed if I fell in love with a pig butcher!" Zhang Xinya's tone softened, and she couldn't laugh or cry. .

"Sister, our teacher taught us a few days ago that we must know how to sacrifice our small self to fulfill our big self! For the sake of our family's pork and wild vegetables, you should sacrifice yourself!" Zhang Qiang said aloud with his heart moving.

Turtle's new book "Super Pig-killing God System"

 Turtle's new book "Super Pig-killing God System"

(End of this chapter)

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