Chapter 548

After killing the divine beast barbecue, Li Han went for a stroll in Tianxuan City. After thinking for a while, he returned to Zixiao Palace, called [-] million blood god son clones from the blood pool, and used his spiritual consciousness to kill himself. The understanding of the law is passed on to each clone!

Since ancient times, it has been said that there are many people, and two fists are hard to beat with four hands. After a few months, he will have a decisive battle with the innate gods. With the hand of the great way, he can easily crush any god, but if the opponent wants to escape, he will inevitably die. Take care of one thing and lose another!
You don't need to think about it, you can know that one after another, the innate gods and gods died for no reason, and the remaining innate gods and gods, the gods, saw that the situation was wrong, and they would definitely choose to run away!

With his current domain of gods, it is no problem to trap a few gods. Once there are too many gods, his domain of gods will definitely not be able to trap all of them!

How many god-level powerhouses are there in the innate gods?At least tens of thousands!In the God Realm, the only thing that can threaten the innate gods is the holy catastrophe that must be faced before becoming a saint. After countless years of accumulation, there are at least tens of thousands of gods in the innate gods!
There are tens of thousands of gods, and with his current ability in the domain of gods, he can't trap them all. In order to wipe out all the gods and emperors who were slandered by the innate gods, he thought of the blood god son avatar!

The comprehension of the laws of the main body and the avatar can be shared, and the strength of the practitioner is related to the amount of comprehension of the laws. In addition, the strength of the body and the amount of energy in the body also determine the strength of the practitioner!

Li Han wanted to use the blood god son avatar to trap the powerful gods slandered by the innate gods in his domain. The purpose was to kill all the gods slandered by the innate gods, but the current strength of the blood god son avatar was too low. In desperation, he decided to improve the strength of the Blood God Son avatar!
He passed on his understanding of various laws to each of the Blood God Son clones, and he let another [-] million Blood God Son clones practice crazily in the liquid divine power. In order to quickly improve the strength of the Blood God Son clones, he used time acceleration After that, he continued to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Pill and Nine-Turn Divine Pill.

One by one, the clones of the Blood God Sons who ate the Nine-Turn Golden Pill and the Nine-Turn Divine Pill broke through to the early stage of the God-man. Seeing that all the [-] million Blood God clones had become gods, Li Han transferred the [-] million Blood God clones to the In some pools of gods in several god realms.

One by one, the avatars of the blood gods are running the Zhoutian Chaos Devouring Skill, absorbing and refining the liquid divine energy in the pool of gods. After the avatars are comprehended by the laws shared by him, the realm is also equivalent to the realm of the gods, absorbing and refining the liquid divine essence The force is extremely fast!

"With [-] million blood god son clones attacking at the same time, they should be able to trap all the gods slandered by the innate gods, and then take the opportunity to loot the power of those gods. If they can take away their power, I have no respect for the laws of the gods. Comprehension, you can roughly reach the realm of consummation!"

"On the day of the decisive battle, the cultivation base of the [-] million clones can become a god emperor even if they can't reach the level of gods. The physical strength of the clones may not be able to be raised to the level of high-grade artifacts, and they will be slandered by the innate gods if they are not careful. Destroy until there is no residue left!"

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and after careful consideration, Li Han looked around the area of ​​the final battle, smiling knowingly from time to time, seeing that there was still some time before the final battle, he walked into the deserted Tianxuan City kill time.

"Why hasn't the guy named Li Han come yet? Isn't he going to fight us to the death?"

"Hmph, I think he is afraid to fight!"

"There is still an hour before the decisive battle. If he doesn't come, we will slaughter the cities of a few Houtian gods!"

"These Houtian gods are too treacherous. In the entire Tianxuan City, there is not a single person left for us!"

Innate gods at the level of god kings, god emperors, and gods continued to appear outside Tianxuan City, and some innate gods in the realm of gods also rushed over from all over the gods.

On the side of Houtian gods and men, there are only a few gods with strong self-sustaining strength, standing far away from the battlefield, quietly paying attention with their spiritual sense, and more and more innate gods are slandering the decisive battle.

Li Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the Hand of the Avenue, looked at the crowds of innate gods below and saw several, dozens, or hundreds of innate gods coming from time to time. He decided to wait and did not take action immediately.

The Innate Gods attach great importance to this decisive battle. The other side can slaughter dozens of their cities. How can they not pay attention to it?Most of the gods and lords in the Innate Gods came one after another, and many of the God Emperors, God Kings, and Gods of the Innate Gods also came to join in the fun!

"Holy shit, there are a lot of gods slandered by innate gods, there are more than 9 at present, not counting those who didn't come, so it seems that there are at least one hundred thousand gods slandered by innate gods in the God Realm! "

Seeing that the agreed time was close at hand, Li Han sat on the big hand and placed clones around the battlefield. He released clones one after another. Some innate gods who were waiting impatiently looked around with their spiritual sense, just in time Seeing his blood god son avatars one by one.

"God's Realm!" Seeing that the innate god found his avatar, Li Han did not hesitate to use the god's domain, each avatar also released the corresponding domain, completely covering the entire battlefield, the avatar was discovered by the innate god, He speeded up the speed of releasing the avatar.

"Kill!" Countless innate gods roared loudly, and each used their own tricks to kill each clone.

The avatar has surrounded the entire battlefield, Li Han sits in the hand of the great way, using the thumb and forefinger of the hand of the great way, looting the divine power of the innate gods and slandering the gods, and then crushing them to death.

In a short while, hundreds of gods died and dao disappeared, and many Xiantian gods screamed loudly in panic. Most of the Xiantian gods' attention was still on the clones of blood gods. , They still resorted to various means to attack the Blood God Son clone!

The shadowless and invisible hand of the Great Dao ignored everything, robbed each of the innate gods of their divine power, and then crushed each other into a fleshy pulp.

"Patriarch, there seems to be something wrong!"

"Yeah, hundreds of clansmen at the god level have died!"

"Patriarch, what should we do?" The innate gods at the level of gods couldn't help but look at their patriarch, and they all used their spiritual sense to ask for countermeasures.

"Hey, that guy seems to be the head of these innate gods. How can I be polite when such a big fish comes to my door?" Li Han guessed that the person who was protected by more than a dozen gods might be the first The leader of the gods.

The thumb and index finger of Dao Dao's hand quietly reached out, and after looting the divine power of the innate god, he crushed it into a meat paste on the spot.


"The patriarch is dead!"

"The patriarch has been killed!" The innate gods slandered each other, yelling in horror when they saw the patriarch turned into flesh.

Hearing the shouts of the Xiantian God, and knowing that the person he crushed to death was the patriarch of the Xiantian God, Li Han was overjoyed. Seeing his avatars being killed continuously, he didn't dare to hesitate, and desperately used the hand of Dao to One by one, the innate gods slandered each other!

"Why is my divine power gone?"

"My divine power is gone!"

The innate gods who had lost their divine power one by one were puzzled.

The innate gods at the level of Tianzun continued to die strangely. It didn't take long before some panicked innate gods began to flee. The laws of the battlefield were complicated. Seeing that teleportation was useless, each innate god had no choice but to run away!

What frightened each of the innate gods was that just as they were about to fly away from the battlefield, a wave of space fluctuations would envelope them, and then they would inexplicably return to the middle of the battlefield!
 Thank you Brother Wang Zuo for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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