Chapter 54
Walking forward for a certain distance, there are two warehouses on both sides of Li Han. The warehouse on the left is a raw material warehouse, and the one on the right is a finished product warehouse. Each warehouse has a corresponding signboard.

Without thinking about it at all, Li Han went directly to the finished product warehouse. Perhaps because the warehouse was located in a heavily guarded arsenal, the door of the finished product warehouse was only covered and never locked.

Opening the door of the warehouse, Li Han walked in. Looking at the small warehouse from the outside, there was something different inside. At first glance, it was more than 200 meters long, about ten meters wide, and five meters high. There are wooden boxes, plastic boxes, and metal boxes of different sizes. The boxes are square, and it is impossible to know what is inside from the outside.

He couldn't wait to open a wooden box, and the contents inside were not beyond his expectations. He saw that the wooden box was filled with black and shiny automatic rifles. Looking at the markings on it, it happened to be HS-2020 rifles.

Li Han, who has been in the apocalypse for such a long time, naturally knows the name of the HS-2020 rifle, and also knows that the rifle in the box has much better performance than the rifle he got from the building room in the town before.

HS-2020 rifle, produced in 2020, the apocalyptic world. The rifle has an effective range of 1000 meters and an accurate range of 800 meters. It uses 7.0*60mm bullets. The ammunition supply method is a magazine full of 35 bullets. It can be single-shot. Can also shoot.

Li Han was not very clear about the different ranges of firearms before. He thought that there was only one range for firearms. It was not until Zhang Tieniu and others explained to him that there are three types of ranges for firearms. One is the maximum range, which refers to how far the bullets fired by the firearm can fly.

Ordinary rifles shoot at a certain elevation angle, and the bullets fired can fly several kilometers. The distance of these kilometers is the maximum range of the rifle. Although the speed of flying in the air slows down rapidly, it is no problem to fly several thousand meters.

The second is the effective range of the firearm. This effective range means that within this effective distance, the bullets fired by the firearm can reach the predetermined optimal lethality. Of course, beyond this distance, there will be no small lethality!

The third is the precise range of the firearm. This range is often shorter than the effective range. It means that within the precise range, the bullets fired by the firearm have a very precise impact point and there is almost no error.

Delighted, Li Han opened many boxes one after another, and found that there were not only HS-2020 rifles in the boxes, but also bazookas, rockets, HS-2020 matching 7.0*60mm bullets and grenades, etc.

"I'm pretending, I'm pretending, I'll keep pretending!" The excited Li Han kept loading the ammunition from the finished product warehouse into the supernatural space.

"There are ten HS-2020 rifles in a box, a total of 60 boxes, and there are [-] rifles, [-] rounds of bullets in a box, a total of [-] boxes, a full [-] rounds of bullets, and three rocket launchers in a box , a total of [-] boxes, that is, [-] rocket launchers, a box of ten rockets, [-] boxes, that is, [-] rockets!"

"A box of fifty grenades, a total of five hundred boxes, so there are twenty-five thousand pieces!"

After loading the finished product warehouse, Li Han simply calculated his harvest, checked around, and found that there was still a closed door in the finished product warehouse.

Out of curiosity, Li Han went to the closed gate and saw a lock hanging on it. He immediately took out a manganese steel long knife and slashed at it fiercely. After a click, the lock was broken by him.

Open the door and take a closer look, only to find that there is a room of about [-] square meters inside. There are two iron shelves on the left and right sides of the room. Thirty centimeters or so plastic box.

On the iron shelf on the right were plastic boxes about 20 centimeters in length, width and height of nearly 300 centimeters. At a glance, Li Han felt that there were more than [-] small boxes.

Going forward, Li Han opened the small box, only to find that the box was full of bullets. Looking at the introduction above, he knew that the box contained bullets with a model size of 18*150mm.

After clearing the bullets on the iron shelf on the right, Li Han walked to the iron shelf on the left and moved a plastic box off the shelf. After placing the somewhat heavy box on the ground, he quickly opened the box.

The contents inside were both within his expectations and beyond his expectations. In his opinion, the contents inside the box were firearms. When he opened it, he found that they were indeed firearms, and they were sniper rifles, but there was only one firearm in the box. Instead of the two or three he thought before!

The sniper rifle in the box was disassembled into parts, such as scopes, barrels, butts, tripods and the like, all were dismantled, and there was a folded piece of paper inside the box.

Li Han picked up the paper, opened it, and realized that the paper in his hand was the structure and assembly diagram of the sniper rifle, as well as the performance name and other information of the sniper rifle in the box.

"The deadly 2025 sniper rifle has an effective range of 8000 meters, an accurate range of 5000 meters, a scope of 10-150 times, uses 18*150mm caliber bullets, and 10 rounds of detachable magazines for ammunition. The net weight of the whole gun is 35 kg. 1800mm"

Seeing the information in the instruction manual, Li Han's heart was full of blood, and he stared at the deadly 2025-style sniper rifle in the box with burning eyes. He couldn't wait to follow the assembly diagram in the instruction manual and started to operate it.

According to the diagram, it didn't take long for Li Han to assemble the deadly sniper rifle and stand it on the ground. He was shocked to find that the height of the deadly sniper rifle was almost as high as himself.

"This is the hot weapon that men should use!"

He has seen many scenes of snipers turning things around from TV and movies, and he also wants to be a calm and composed sniper who can win or lose with one shot. At this time, holding a deadly sniper rifle, the temperature of his blood suddenly increased a lot , he was a little excited, but also a little unspeakably excited.

After a long time, after Li Han calmed down, he took the other four boxes off the shelf again. After opening the boxes, he found that the things inside were still deadly 2025-style sniper rifles.

"Why are there only five? Is this a newly produced sample?"

Recalling that Zhang Xuan and others said that the end of the world would happen in 2025, Li Han guessed that the five deadly 2025-style sniper rifles in front of him were just recently produced samples.

After assembling the remaining four snipers, Li Han filled the magazines of the five snipers with bullets, and then put them all into the space. After carefully checking the room in front of him, he found nothing else. Turn around and leave.

Leaving the finished product warehouse, Li Han walked into the raw material warehouse and looked at the things in the raw material warehouse. There were many things he didn't know. Into the supernatural space.

Li Han thought to himself, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know these things, as long as the people in his hands know them, anyway, he will use the finished products made of these things when the time comes!

After sweeping out the material warehouse, Li Han continued to walk along the passage, walking a distance of tens of meters, and a spare parts warehouse appeared in front of him.

PS: I heard from the boss Xuanwu that he gave the tortoise a recommendation from the editor, it seems to be this Friday, book friends, please give the tortoise a little more motivation!If you can use a computer website to vote for recommendation votes, try not to vote with QQ reading! QQ reading does not count popularity.

(End of this chapter)

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