Super Extraction

Chapter 536 Killing the Innate God Residence of the God King Level

Chapter 536 Killing the Innate God Residence of the God King Level

The two peerless exercises, Xuanhuang Divine Pupil Technique and Xuanhuang Body Training Jue, were passed down to him by the Yangzhou Ding, which is the best innate spiritual treasure. Yangzhou Ding is also one of the Nine Dings. I don't know how many times more important Lingbao is!
The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring, and received the generous gift of Yangzhou Ding. Li Han felt that he should do something for Yangzhou Ding. He heard that Yangzhou Ding said it needed the Stone of Chaos, and he agreed to find the Stone of Chaos for the other party. Stone, its purpose is to thank the other party for the gift!
Words must be done, and actions must be practiced!

Promising to send the Stone of Chaos to Yangzhou Ding, he has always kept it in his heart. There is no record about the Stone of Chaos in the cultivation world and the fairy world. Now that he is in the God Realm, he wanted to search for the Stone of Chaos Stone trail.

Reality often makes people feel helpless. The incompatible situation between the congenital gods and the acquired gods makes Li Han feel very troublesome. The stone is as hard as climbing the sky!

"Let's kill the Xiantian God's Mansion first! About the Chaos Stone, wait until you meet those gods who have ascended from the fairy world, and then ask them. If the gods don't have it, you can only go to the holy world to find it!" Li Han thought to himself.

"By the way, when you find a congenital god, try to capture a congenital god alive, let a zombie bite the opponent, and see if the opponent will become a zombie. The gods slandered the zombies!"

"Complete human corpses can be refined into zombies. I don't know if the complete corpses of congenital gods can be refined into zombies. If possible, when beheading congenital gods, find a way to leave a whole corpse for the other party! "

"Undead magic can turn dead bodies into skeleton soldiers. If the corpses of innate gods can also be turned into skeleton soldiers, it would be great. As more and more innate gods are killed, I will have a steady stream of skeletons! "

With a sudden change of thought, Li Han became excited, and with a move in his heart, he looked at the zombies in the purple gold gourd with his spiritual sense. The zombies in the liquid divine energy kept getting stronger, and the zombies in the blood of the innate gods were not strong enough. He stopped climbing, and he was overjoyed immediately.

Lei Huan's avatar is in front, followed by him in stealth!

"Damn it, after flying such a long distance, why didn't I see a single innate god?" After traveling hundreds of millions of kilometers, there was no trace of a single innate god, and Li Han was puzzled.

"Could it be that I chose the wrong direction? Or is it because the God Realm is too vast and the distribution of innate gods is too scattered?"

After traveling for millions of kilometers, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it was his divine consciousness that discovered the traces of the innate gods. There are 78 huge temples, which are located more than 90 meters away from him. thousands of kilometers away.

"78 innate gods, three at life level 41 (God King), fifty at life level 39 (God), and 25 at life level [-] (Godman)!"

"Innate gods in the realm of gods and humans are about three to five feet tall. Innate gods in the realm of gods are about six to eight feet tall. Innate gods in the realm of gods and kings are about nine to twelve feet tall. Just not Knowing the innate god residences of the god emperor and god venerable level, what is their height?"

After checking the information of those Xiantian God's mansions with Xuanhuang Divine Pupil Technique, he was shocked by the huge figure of Xiantian God. Li Han suddenly realized that the cultivation level of Xiantian God may have a lot to do with his body shape.

"Three god kings, fifty gods, and twenty-five innate gods at the level of gods, my current strength is enough to easily solve them, let's take them down first!"

Quickly rushing towards the palaces of the innate gods, on the way Li Han used three thousand thunder illusion clones to swarm up, but he, who was invisible, used the hand of the avenue to loot the divine power of the innate gods.

"What kind of avatar technique is this? How come there are three thousand identical avatars?" The innate god in the realm of the god king slandered Yue Shan, seeing three thousand identical acquainted gods and men with cultivation bases of the god king level, the sound shook the nine heavens road.

"Third brother, elder brother and I will stay to fight against the enemy, you lead the clansmen to go first!" said the innate god of the god king realm slandering Yuehe.

"Second brother, those three thousand avatars are all at the level of the god king, but they are all energy avatars. They are still useful against the acquired gods and men at the level of the god king, but they are not a threat to us. You and elder brother protect the clansmen, and I alone One can handle those three thousand clones!"

The innate god of the god king realm slandered Yue Jiang, a golden light shot out of his eyes, he glanced at the three thousand clones, and then said indifferently.

"Second brother, let third brother play with those clones!" Yue Shan nodded.

"Kill!" The three thousand clones yelled in unison, and each used different methods to slander and bombard the 78 innate gods.

"Death!" Yue Jiang yelled loudly, his body moved like lightning, and smashed a clone with his fist.
"Fuck, the Sanqian Lei Huan body is too rubbish, it will be shattered by the innate gods of the god king realm!" Li Han looked at each of his clones speechlessly, and was beaten into energy by Yue Jiang's punches one by one. .

More than a dozen clones turned into energy in succession, and the remaining clones hurriedly used teleportation to dodge!

"Second brother, let's go together!" Yue Shan's voice flickered, and he punched a clone, but what surprised him was that he could use teleportation as he wanted before, but now he was a bit jerky.

Yue He was also a little puzzled, and his thoughts changed sharply. He thought that those avatars used some means similar to space restraint to make his teleportation a bit difficult!

Li Han was hesitant, he was thinking of what method to use to deal with the three innate gods at the level of the king of gods, beheading the three innate gods at the level of the king of gods, he could finish it in one breath!
It's easy to kill the three innate gods at the level of god kings, but it's as difficult as heaven to capture them alive!It's easy to kill three innate gods at the level of god kings, but it's very difficult to leave them with their whole bodies!
Lei Huan's avatar was killed by Yue Shan, Yue He, and Yue Jiang from time to time.
"Destroy their dantian? Attack them with souls? Slap them unconscious?" Li Han thought, and the power of the soul condensed into needles, which entered Yue Shan's mind like lightning.

"It's useless!" He was so depressed that he hadn't built an inch of power, and with a flash of his figure, he slapped Yue He on the back of the head.

With a loud sound of "铛!", Yue He was sent flying thousands of meters by a powerful force, and with a sound of "Poof!", he fell hard to the foot of the mountain.

"It failed again. If the strength is stronger, his head will be smashed to pieces. The gain outweighs the loss, and then think of a way!" Depressed, Li Han punched Yue Jiang's lower dantian with a heavy punch. Vigorously shake the opponent's lower dantian to pieces!
Seeing that the other party seemed to be fine, Li Han was suddenly depressed. In desperation, he relied on his body at the level of a god-level artifact, and with three lightning-like punches, he smashed the three innate gods of Yueshan, Yuehe, and Yuejiang. The head was beaten to pieces.

The remaining more than 70 innate gods, the highest cultivation level is only the god level, how can they stop the thunder fantasy clone of the god king realm?In an instant, the remaining 70 innate gods were all captured alive by Lei Huan's avatar!

Putting the corpses of Yueshan, Yuehe, and Yuejiang into the purple gold gourd, Li Han released the strongest zombie, and let that zombie bite the neck of a god-level innate god.

(End of this chapter)

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