Super Extraction

Chapter 532 Zhou Tian Chaos Devouring Art

Chapter 532 Zhou Tian Chaos Devouring Art

Li Han has comprehended many kinds of laws. He has almost reached the perfect state of comprehension of various laws in the ordinary world and the low-level world. He has plundered the mana of many golden immortals and mysterious immortals. After dissolving the mana, he obtained some laws of the fairy world. In terms of the control of various laws, he has far surpassed the ninth-order Xuanxian!

On the way to the Taixuanzong Treasure Hall, he was reflecting on the previous battle in his heart. The battle just now made him a lot more proficient in the use of laws. He should be happy, but he couldn't be happy!

There are too many attack methods. Every time he fights with people, he will inevitably forget many tricks. For example, in the previous battle, he did not have the law of water. If he had the law of water, he could dehydrate the Taixuanzong to death!

If you use time to go backwards, those people with lower cultivation bases in Taixuanzong will definitely be rejuvenated until they are degraded into the original state. What is the original state is the kind of thing like a tadpole.

He didn't use methods such as changing the line of law, clearing the line of law, creating a Jedi or a place of forbidden law, etc. Perhaps Taixuanzong's people were too weak to push him to a desperate situation, which caused him to forget. Many methods are useless!
Looking at his own information, Li Han found that his enlightenment value had skyrocketed to more than 200 billion, and the mana in his body had reached more than 800 million. Excited, he quickly flew towards Taixuanzong's treasure house go.

"I've made a fortune, and now I've made a fortune!" Having robbed Taixuanzong of the Immortal World, thinking of the harvest of this trip, he was very excited, calmed down his excitement, and decided to return to Dayuzong.

The Taixuanzong of the Immortal Realm was uprooted, and those Taixuanzong who escaped the catastrophe changed their families one after another. The news about Taixuanzong's destruction also caused a lot of noise in the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, Li Han, the culprit, is no longer in the Immortal Realm, but Go back to the sky blue star.

Criminals with a slightly higher realm never commit crimes continuously. After each crime, there will be a period of silence, until the proceeds from the crime are squandered and life is unsustainable, and they will commit crimes again!
The essence of Dao enlightenment value is to improve the efficiency of comprehending the laws. It can directly loot the laws of heaven and earth. Is it necessary to use Dao enlightenment value to comprehend any laws?

The enlightenment value of more than 200 billion is of little use to Li Han today, but the effect of the more than 800 million mana is of great importance to him. Once all the mana is broken down, his strength will be greatly improved. Great improvement!

Mana is the fusion of law and immortal power. Each mana has a line of the law of the fairy world. There are more than 800 million lines of mana. There are more than 800 million lines of the law of the fairy world. There are so many lines of the law of the fairy world. It's within your reach, and Li Han's heart skips a beat.

He got too many things, and he needed to digest them for a while, and it was useless to stay in the fairy world, so he decided to go back to the Sky Blue Planet, spend his free time with his parents and family, and refine the mana he got in the rest of the time, he thought that would be the most comfortable way!

The avatar in his body silently decomposed mana one by one. Li Han took out a large pile of top-grade fairy crystals and refined them into a giant bed ten meters long and five meters wide. Four large beds with a width of [-] meters and a length of [-] meters were refined.

When he came outside the Milky Way, he successively refined hundreds of sets of artifacts. With the power of thunderstorms from the artifacts falling from the sky, his Xuanhuang body training formula successfully broke through to the early stage of the sixth level, and his physical strength was no longer comparable to that of low-grade Tianji artifacts. Comparable.

Back in his hometown in Qamdo, Li Han distributed the big bed made of top-quality fairy crystals to his parents, grandparents, elder brother, sister-in-law and third younger brother, and took out some divine armors and flying swords, and distributed them to his parents one by one.

"Xiao Er, you are almost 26, when will you have a baby?" Zhang Li asked him relentlessly.

"Mom, Zhang Xuan and the others already have one!" Li Han replied.

"Really? When did it happen?" Zhang Li asked in surprise.

"It's been almost a month!" Li Han calculated the time and realized that it had been about a month.

"In a while, we'll go to Linhai to take care of Xiaoxuan and Xiaojie!" Zhang Li said with a smile on her face.

Returning to Xiaoyao Villa alone, Li Han entered Zixiao Palace, used the liquid immortal energy in the purple gold gourd to water the tree of the world, the tree of life and the ancient bodhi tree, etc., and picked tens of thousands of supernatural fruits. Lying on the grass enjoying the sun.

He ate a supernatural fruit in a few bites. He ate the supernatural fruit one by one. Correspondingly, he found that everything between the heaven and the earth in his sight became clearer. When he entered the fairy world, he saw that the laws of the fairy world were still a little blurred , he returned to Sky Blue Star again, and continued to eat Hesse's supernatural fruit.

"I got too many fairy crystals from Taixuanzong in the fairy world, why don't I use them to pave the way for Xiaoyao Villa!" With a thought in his heart, Li Han took out countless fairy crystals and refined them on the ground.

Zhang Xuan and the others were pregnant, so he had no choice but to release the passion he had accumulated on those Japanese chicks. After feeling comfortable physically and mentally, he again deduced the exercises that were suitable for his own cultivation!

In fact, there is almost no difference to him today whether he has cultivated or not, but he wants to create a technique that can cultivate the power of chaos. Thinking of the power of chaos in his body, he suddenly felt Leng.

"Why did I make such a serious mistake? To create a skill, you have to start from the basics. To practice a skill, you have to start from a mortal. Today, I am not suitable for practicing basic skills!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Han let 100 million blood god son clones explode and die, and then created 100 million blood god son clones with the characteristics of infinite rebirth of blood god son clones in the mortal realm.

"Cultivating any kind of kung fu is inseparable from acupuncture points and meridians. The sense of qi at the beginning of the practice comes from the Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the foot. The practice after having the sense of qi is nothing more than sending the sensed qi to the meridians. , acupoints and dantian are running in a cycle.!"

"Almost all exercises will practice the Eight Extraordinary Meridians and the Twelve Orthodox Meridians. The more advanced the exercises, the more meridians and acupoints will be involved. There are 360 ​​acupoints in the human body, and the meridians are divided into manifest and hidden. 12!"

"Based on this calculation, the ultimate exercise should be able to cultivate all 360 meridians and 12 acupuncture points in the whole body. The essence of cultivation is to continuously circulate energy among the meridians, acupuncture points and dantian!"

With thoughts like a tide, Li Han asked 8000 million blood god son clones to deduce together with him the exercises that can practice all the acupuncture points and meridians in the body. After deducing the circulation route of the exercises, he let 100 million blood god son clones practice separately Exercises for different circulation routes.

Time flies, and he fulfilled his wish to create a kung fu that suits his heart. Suddenly, he thought that the human body is divided into essence, energy and spirit, and the essence of the created kung fu is to cultivate qi!
In order to create the best exercise, he took out all kinds of jade slips he got from Taixuanzong in the fairy world, and thoroughly understood them one by one, and then continued to study and create a exercise that cultivates both energy and spirit.

Fortunately, he has more than 1000 billion points of enlightenment, and 8000 million clones of blood gods, so he can experiment with various conjectures at will. After a few months, he created a system involving all the acupuncture points and meridians in his body, and the three aspects of essence, energy and spirit can be cultivated at the same time. Kung Fu!

"Give this exercise a name! The human body implies the universe, and the meridians and acupoints correspond to the art of Zhoutian. This exercise can cultivate the power of chaos, and has the miraculous effect of plundering the energy and laws of heaven and earth. Why not call it Zhoutian Chaos Devouring Art?" Bar!"

(End of this chapter)

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